People who objected to the direction society is going have always been faced with it.
The people whining about cross-dressers reading stories to children haven't been within 100 miles of a drag show. And they never will be. They were never being faced with it until the drag queens decided to stand up for themselves.
Did the civil rights activists, or Vietnam war tear this country apart? This is nothing compared to those issues. The reality is; if you want to fight for change, there will always be push back. If you don’t want push back, don’t fight for change.
Those calls for change had popular support. This new call for increased intolerance (by law) does not have popular support, and is being forced on the majority by a minority. That is a recipe for disaster. Similar to prohibition.
Imagine the Clarence Thomases taking over the direction of the state, outlawing abortion, gay marriage, and countless other issues you support. Would you support the State taking away children of people like you in order to prevent you from poisoning your children's minds with your bizarre anti-social ideas? Or do you only support the state doing such things so long as the state is on YOUR side concerning these issues?
You don't seem to grasp that the state represents the majority. Or it's supposed to. However a society decides it's children shoul be raised is how they should be raised. And in our society that gives parenst a lot of leeway. But it can't be totally ungoverned because there will be parents that will destroy their own children by their insane thinking and behavior. At some point the society (via it's government) will have to intercede. And the question becomes when? How do we determine this? And then what to de we do about it?
But the answer is not "never, because the parents have the right to do and teach whatever they wish to their children". That seems to be the only response you have, so far.