You got me on a boring day. I
think I got it:
Here’s an analogy:
We are each like a bottle of water
Our bodies are the bottles, the water within are our souls
Bodies-bottles of water
Soul is made up of its unique collection of molecules separating the essence of one soul from another. When the body dies, what happens to the soul?
The soul either transfers to another body or all the souls from the bodies are made up of one unit.
Are you asking when the body dies, does the soul goes into other bodies individually or does the soul combine with other souls to
then go to each body individually?
I don't know about reincarnation, but it makes sense to me to think if the soul goes from the body it would be a "universal consciousness" because there is only one life/reality now and after our bodies are discarded. It's one continuous line. We each have our perspectives of reality via our cultures, religions, and ways of thinking. However, outside of jargon, we are all in one life.
Some people say we are part of one of many realms. So, when the body dies, our souls goes to different realms or states of consciousness through One life until it reaches non-attachment defined one way or another.
When one goes into one consciousness after death, it doesn't mean like a heaven or anything like that where all people are joined into bliss. It just means we are in one state of being without dependence of one thing separate than another. A state of being rather than individual souls going from one "bottle" to another.
Kinda hard to explain since I'm not used to using souls and consciousness to describe spiritual concepts. Poetically, yes (like my signature). I'd have to think of a poetic way to explain it probably.