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Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?


Active Member
Can the inner core of All Religions and the Insights of Ultra Modern Science Meet?
After all there is ONLY ONE IS.
This “IS”

  • Everyday Practical World & the Starry Sky you gaze at (sometimes!)
  • This Universe + other Parallel Universes as hypothesized by ultra modern science.
  • This Universe + other Worlds as per some religions.
Different tools have been used to analyse and understand this “THIS.”
Science uses the tools of observation, abstraction, hypothesizing and verification – by peers.
Spirituality & Religion also has its own tools like introspection, watching the content of your thoughts, emotions and perceptions, enquiry into the ‘substance’ of things etc.
Today we have the two mind-sets, utterly convinced about the reality of ‘its’ content and ridiculing, and bashing the other.
I am working on this ‘common’ point.
Any similar minds?
Other minds are also welcome to state their position.


Well-Known Member
Of course!

And indeed, a central teaching of the Baha'i Faith is the essential harmony of science and religion, as well as the fact that BOTH are necessary for progress and understanding!

I quote the Baha'i scriptures:

"[E]ven in Europe it is admitted that religion is the opponent of science, and that science is the destroyer of the foundations of religion. While the religion of God is the promoter of truth, the founder of science and knowledge, it is full of goodwill for learned men; it is the civilizer of mankind, the discoverer of the secrets of nature, and the enlightener of the horizons of the world. Consequently, how can it be said to oppose knowledge? God forbid! Nay, for God, knowledge is the most glorious gift of man and the most noble of human perfections. To oppose knowledge is ignorant, and he who detests knowledge and science is not a man, but rather an animal without intelligence. For knowledge is light, life, felicity, perfection, beauty and the means of approaching the Threshold of Unity. It is the honor and glory of the world of humanity, and the greatest bounty of God. Knowledge is identical with guidance, and ignorance is real error.
"Happy are those who spend their days in gaining knowledge, in discovering the secrets of nature, and in penetrating the subtleties of pure truth! Woe to those who are contented with ignorance, whose hearts are gladdened by thoughtless imitation, who have fallen into the lowest depths of ignorance and foolishness, and who have wasted their lives!"

­Some Answered Questions, p. 137
Peace, :)



Active Member
Of course!

And indeed, a central teaching of the Baha'i Faith is the essential harmony of science and religion, as well as the fact that BOTH are necessary for progress and understanding!

I quote the Baha'i scriptures:

"[E]ven in Europe it is admitted that religion is the opponent of science, and that science is the destroyer of the foundations of religion. While the religion of God is the promoter of truth, the founder of science and knowledge, it is full of goodwill for learned men; it is the civilizer of mankind, the discoverer of the secrets of nature, and the enlightener of the horizons of the world. Consequently, how can it be said to oppose knowledge? God forbid! Nay, for God, knowledge is the most glorious gift of man and the most noble of human perfections. To oppose knowledge is ignorant, and he who detests knowledge and science is not a man, but rather an animal without intelligence. For knowledge is light, life, felicity, perfection, beauty and the means of approaching the Threshold of Unity. It is the honor and glory of the world of humanity, and the greatest bounty of God. Knowledge is identical with guidance, and ignorance is real error.
"Happy are those who spend their days in gaining knowledge, in discovering the secrets of nature, and in penetrating the subtleties of pure truth! Woe to those who are contented with ignorance, whose hearts are gladdened by thoughtless imitation, who have fallen into the lowest depths of ignorance and foolishness, and who have wasted their lives!"

*Some Answered Questions, p. 137
Peace, :)


Hats OFF to Bahaullah on His Expression!

Has it got anything to do with the 'Bahai' Religion?....
..as I read in some posts here that the current thrust is on monuments and not on universal 'charities'...

I can't see it working out well because most religions are dogmatic in nature while science is decidedly. The consequence being that every time a religion finally adapts to incorporating a particular advance in scientific knowledge that knowledge could have been fundamentally change or even dropped in light of new evidence suggesting that an altered theory or new theory is more appropriate.

Part of the appeal of religion comes from the static nature of their beliefs which give people a degree security in their understanding of the world. Science is constantly changing so cannot give the same reassurance.

There is also the problem that religion is being increasingly marginalised by scientific advancement into the areas of ethics and morality. Even there the advancement of secularism, humanism and even personal belief are eating into this remaining realm of organised religious influence.


Active Member
I can't see it working out well because most religions are dogmatic in nature while science is decidedly. The consequence being that every time a religion finally adapts to incorporating a particular advance in scientific knowledge that knowledge could have been fundamentally change or even dropped in light of new evidence suggesting that an altered theory or new theory is more appropriate.

Part of the appeal of religion comes from the static nature of their beliefs which give people a degree security in their understanding of the world. Science is constantly changing so cannot give the same reassurance.

There is also the problem that religion is being increasingly marginalised by scientific advancement into the areas of ethics and morality. Even there the advancement of secularism, humanism and even personal belief are eating into this remaining realm of organised religious influence.

This is a Pandora’s Box we are opening…
There is much truth in what you say…
your statement
“Part of the appeal of religion comes from the static nature of their beliefs which give people a degree security in their understanding of the world.”
Contradicts what Buddha said on “Knowing Impermanence”
The Buddhist Concept of Impermanence
Impermanence - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He even said to ‘THROW AWAY’ the Entire Dhammapada he Taught, ONCE it is UNDERSTOOD
…otherwise it will be a HINDRANCE..
H2H: FROM LORD BUDDHA TO LOVING SAI: Throw Away the Teaching! | Sathyapedia
It is EQUIVALENT to JESUS asking the Vatican….to throw AWAY Vatican & the BIBLE….once what Jesus MEANT is UNDERSTOOD!
(Jesus was basically ANTI-Architectural or Structural Entities)
PS: I will follow up on your other statements later.


Premium Member
The OP is working on the assumption that the core is the same. I just don't think it is. Universalism seems to conveniently think that things such as believing in an all pervading consciousness or energy (called sat-chit-ananda in some dharmic religions) would automatically make almost all Abrahamics apostate to their faith.


Active Member
The OP is working on the assumption that the core is the same. I just don't think it is. Universalism seems to conveniently think that things such as believing in an all pervading consciousness or energy (called sat-chit-ananda in some dharmic religions) would automatically make almost all Abrahamics apostate to their faith.

Sorry, some communication cable noises here....

As far as I know, 'core'...denotes the 'center' of something...
like the 'Core of the Earth'..

I haven't heard of 2 Cores of the Earth...unlike 2 Poles of the Earth...!
May be what you are talking about is the 'Core of Pacific Ocean'...as opposed to the 'Core of the Atlantic Ocean'....
..2 different GPS locations...yet still..H2O



Premium Member
What is the core of Islam?
What is the core of Buddhism?
What is the core of Christianity?
What is the core of Wicca?

Are you saying each of these (and all other) religions has the same essence at its core. I'm confused.


Active Member
What is the core of Islam?
What is the core of Buddhism?
What is the core of Christianity?
What is the core of Wicca?

Are you saying each of these (and all other) religions has the same essence at its core. I'm confused.

Please don't be confused.


Premium Member
Please don't be confused.

Okay. I get it. I don't believe that. Neither do most non-universalist religions. But I do understand where universalism comes from. I just happen to believe a better approach is just mutual tolerance of all the obvious differences. Most universalist faiths (And yes, they do vary - substantially) are closer to the dharmic paths than they are to the Abrahamic ones. And they can be just as self-righteous as any others about it.

i believe from other posts you are a Sai follower, no?


Active Member
Okay. I get it. I don't believe that. Neither do most non-universalist religions. But I do understand where universalism comes from. I just happen to believe a better approach is just mutual tolerance of all the obvious differences. Most universalist faiths (And yes, they do vary - substantially) are closer to the dharmic paths than they are to the Abrahamic ones. And they can be just as self-righteous as any others about it.

i believe from other posts you are a Sai follower, no?

No, I just analyse and introspect and read...

Who is Sai?
Satya Sai Baba or Baba of Shridi?

I am NOT a follower of either
(in fact, Satya Sai Baba's HAIR frightens me a little
..but I LIKE Einstein's White HAIR)
8 his Swiss Watches...not imported from Swiss land....puts me Off!
Otherwise, in terms of what he did in terms of free education, medical care and providing drinking water....
well U.N should learn a thing or two.

PS: Where did I mention Sai in any of my posts...or is there anything I said which sort of 'echoes' what the hairy guy said? (I am almost balding...you know)


Premium Member
Sorry, I must have gotten the wrong impression re Sai. But that's okay. Where did you get the idea that all religions are the same then? (At least have the same essence) Which reading lead you to that, or was it your own reflections?

Personally, I've read point-counterpoints, spoken with quite a few people, read stuff on places like this, and have drawn opposite conclusions to you. So that's interesting at least.


Active Member
Sorry, I must have gotten the wrong impression re Sai. But that's okay. Where did you get the idea that all religions are the same then? (At least have the same essence) Which reading lead you to that, or was it your own reflections?

Personally, I've read point-counterpoints, spoken with quite a few people, read stuff on places like this, and have drawn opposite conclusions to you. So that's interesting at least.

From "inside" First
By "reflections" later.

The Sum of Awe

Brought to you by the moment that spacetime began.
Sorry, some communication cable noises here....

As far as I know, 'core'...denotes the 'center' of something...
like the 'Core of the Earth'..

I haven't heard of 2 Cores of the Earth...unlike 2 Poles of the Earth...!

Maybe you are searching for the Core of Earth to be similar with the Core of another planet.


Active Member
Maybe you are searching for the Core of Earth to be similar with the Core of another planet.

The Core of Earth is NOT IRON.
It is a Euclidean Center Point of a Hypothetical Spherical Structure.
It is NOT the Iron Molecule.
It is NOT the Proton.
It is NOT the Electron.
It is NOT the Neutron.
It is NOT the Boson.
It is NOT...even the Elusive Neutrino or the Higg's Particle

Neutrino - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Higgs boson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This APPLIES to the 2,43,482 Million Planets you mentioned...

Then WHAT is the Core?

It is the Geometric Center of an Euclidean Mind,


Any similar minds?

no your pitting education VS imagination and then creating a imaginary battle between the two.

just because imagination doesnt like education doesnt mean there is a battle there


Active Member
no your pitting education VS imagination and then creating a imaginary battle between the two.

just because imagination doesnt like education doesnt mean there is a battle there

I respect your views. But you are essentially saying Spirituality and Religion don't exist or have no base whatsoever.



Well-Known Member
Hats OFF to Bahaullah on His Expression!
Has it got anything to do with the 'Bahai' Religion?

..as I read in some posts here that the current thrust is on monuments and not on universal 'charities'...

That's just a few nay-sayers who'd rather stress such trivialities rather than admit we have over 1,400 charitable development projects in progress around the world, also ignoring the fact that Baha'is never solicit or accept contributions from anyone for formally a member such that ALL Baha'i activities are funded SOLELY by the Baha'is themselves (through completely voluntary contributions only).

Further, the Baha'i temples we've built around the world (one more is about to be constructed) don't even have strictly Baha'i activities in them--for example, Baha'is may not marry in one of htem! Rather, they're our gifts to the rest of the world.

So IMHO you're safe dismissing such critics as more interested in negativity than the facts.

What you read in the quote is thus VERY MUCH part of the Baha'i Faith (little as some care to admit this)!

Peace, :)
