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Can we understand and accept corruption in today's youth? Online Project!


New Member

I'm a very new user here, and I decided to join because I have a question for all you: Has today's youth truely gone to "hell"?

Now we have our own opinions on this subject, but rarely in the eyes of an adult Christians view has the child in question themselves spoke up about it!

I recently enountered this website that promotes such immoral behavior.

And that is where I had this idea: What happened if we but ourselves in the teenagers shoes, and see how the world has corrupted them?

Are today's youth corrupted themselves, and if so, how?

All my live I have been a Catholic man, trying to live through the challenges of this world. My son is what they'd call a "rotten kid". He likes this punk rock music, nd he sometimes smokes pot. I went online to see if the internet was helping corrupt him, and the answer YOU may find what surprises you.

So just for a few minutes, browse around, and ask some members a question or two about their faith, or whatever you would like to ask. I hope that we can all learn to accept today's youth as it is, and make this world a more loving place.

Edited by Jensa to remove the URL: Since you're urging people to join the site, it can be considered advertising. You can use this thread to talk about if the internet is corrupting the youth, though.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hello, and welcome. Please feel free to introduce yourself over in our thread for that purpose. I'm sure we'd like to get to know you better.

Please feel free to hang around here, too, and ask our members as many questions as you'd like about our various faiths (and non- faiths).


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
How do you define "corruption", and what evidence do you have that today's youth is any more corrupt than yesterday's youth? The only firm evidence I see that today's youth are more corrupt than yesterday's youth is that both Spinks and Ceridwen vote Republican. So, I'd be very interested in your answer to my questions.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Sunstone said:
The only firm evidence I see that today's youth are more corrupt than yesterday's youth is that both Spinks and Ceridwen vote Republican.
I've should probably interject and note that some people might consider me a 'youth', and I'm definately a rabble- rouser. (As has been pointed out by no less a credible source than yourself, I might add.) Our dear Spinks and Ceridwen may grow out of their misguided paths, but I fear I am set in my ways.

:149: Accept my corruption! :149:


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
*GASP* Do you mean to imply, Feathers, that you too could sink into the darkness that is voting Republican??!!! (O my poor heart: How wretchedly do today's youth treat thee!)


Active Member
As punk legend Jello Biafra said in a recent lyric:

"A prank a day, Keeps the dogleash away"

Your son is probably fine, though you should talk to him about sex and drugs in an understanding way. Bashing him for it will distance himself from you further.

np: Judas Priest- Beyond the Realms of Death


LOL:biglaugh: , this is all very funny since I am a youth. I am 16, and pretty sure I have a better view from down here in the age calender then you guys do. As for the "corrupt" kids, I beleive that kids are the way they are in response to the world they see around them. I'm pretty sure that you guys have gone through what I am about to explain, but I beleive that it might be more then it was when you were growing up. It is very hard to grow up in a world that is essentially "corrupt" and not be "corrupt" as well, its hard to realize that the fantasies that you beleived as a little kid about the world when compared to the real world crumble. When you are a child you beleive the world is wonderful, you beleive in God, in Santa, in the toothfairy, the world is a magical place. But to then finally realize when you become a teenager and you start to actualyl look at the world that it is not the most harmonious place you once beleived it was. You see pictures on the news about war, crimes, people being shot everywhere, the constant corruption in our government, people not aggreeing on things in social, religious, and political matters. All the discord of this world just hits you, no one warns you its coming it just comes out of the blue.

And also the speed of the world, nowadays everything is happening so fast, your bombarded with information 24/7 it never stops, your constantly doing something. All this coupled with a world that really doesn't seem to be inclined to help the "corrupt" youth it's very hard to stay nice, and peace loving, and abide by the rules when plainly the world does not abide by its own, so why should you?

Its very hard for a youth to stand up against this kind of stuff. You take out all the support underneath us and then at the last instant take out the core support, when we here... Does God really exist?

Especially nowadays you should examine your idea of what is corrupt? Is punk music corrupt? Is doing drugs corrupt? It's all in your own view, was the things you did when you were young acceptable to your parents? I don't know, what you have done to try and help your kid, but maybe you should start by asking him what his day was like? And even if you don't get an answer keep asking, ask whats on there minds, ask what they think about a subject. Stop forcing these rules on us and start helping us grow, grow into the person we want to be then the person you want you to be.

That is all. Actually I was thinking about all of this earliar today so it's good to get it off my mind in a plave where people can read it. I hope i didn't offend, I only mean to enlighten you to our plight. We need help.

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Sunstone said:
*GASP* Do you mean to imply, Feathers, that you too could sink into the darkness that is voting Republican??!!! (O my poor heart: How wretchedly do today's youth treat thee!)
*haughty look* I merely meant to imply that I not above the occasional rousing of rabbles! You're jumping to conclusions on a runaway train of thought when your reality check hasn't even cleared, good sir!

See? My corruption extends even to mixing metaphors! If I had any shame, I'd be ashamed of myself!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I smoke pot once in awhile. I love heavy metal and hard rock music. But I don't consider it curruption. I call it living life.
As for the Internet corrupting, it can only show sites that the person wishes to view. It can't possible "corrupt" because the person already wants to view the sites content.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
FeathersinHair said:
*haughty look* I merely meant to imply that I not above the occasional rousing of rabbles! You're jumping to conclusions on a runaway train of thought when your reality check hasn't even cleared, good sir!

See? My corruption extends even to mixing metaphors! If I had any shame, I'd be ashamed of myself!
It's a relief you have not yet sunk into the despair of voting Republican, Feathers, although your shameless mixing of metaphors makes me think you possibly capable of any depravity.

Somewhat more seriously, I think the notion that today's youth are somehow more corrupt than the generations that came before them is, overall, a bunch of nonsense. The only evidence I've ever seen in support of such a notion is a study done sometime ago that suggested today's youth are more likely to cheat on exams than former generations. But that's it. I would like to know if there is any more evidence than that.


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Rick123123 said:
LOL:biglaugh: , this is all very funny since I am a youth. I am 16, and pretty sure I have a better view from down here in the age calender then you guys do. As for the "corrupt" kids, I beleive that kids are the way they are in response to the world they see around them. I'm pretty sure that you guys have gone through what I am about to explain, but I beleive that it might be more then it was when you were growing up. It is very hard to grow up in a world that is essentially "corrupt" and not be "corrupt" as well, its hard to realize that the fantasies that you beleived as a little kid about the world when compared to the real world crumble. When you are a child you beleive the world is wonderful, you beleive in God, in Santa, in the toothfairy, the world is a magical place. But to then finally realize when you become a teenager and you start to actualyl look at the world that it is not the most harmonious place you once beleived it was. You see pictures on the news about war, crimes, people being shot everywhere, the constant corruption in our government, people not aggreeing on things in social, religious, and political matters. All the discord of this world just hits you, no one warns you its coming it just comes out of the blue.

And also the speed of the world, nowadays everything is happening so fast, your bombarded with information 24/7 it never stops, your constantly doing something. All this coupled with a world that really doesn't seem to be inclined to help the "corrupt" youth it's very hard to stay nice, and peace loving, and abide by the rules when plainly the world does not abide by its own, so why should you?

Its very hard for a youth to stand up against this kind of stuff. You take out all the support underneath us and then at the last instant take out the core support, when we here... Does God really exist?

Especially nowadays you should examine your idea of what is corrupt? Is punk music corrupt? Is doing drugs corrupt? It's all in your own view, was the things you did when you were young acceptable to your parents? I don't know, what you have done to try and help your kid, but maybe you should start by asking him what his day was like? And even if you don't get an answer keep asking, ask whats on there minds, ask what they think about a subject. Stop forcing these rules on us and start helping us grow, grow into the person we want to be then the person you want you to be.

That is all. Actually I was thinking about all of this earliar today so it's good to get it off my mind in a plave where people can read it. I hope i didn't offend, I only mean to enlighten you to our plight. We need help.
I am sure you offended no one, Rick;

Much of what you say has validity, and I am jolly aware that I am maybe not as unprejudiced as I ought to be sometimes. Yesterday, I was going to back into a space, when I saw a young guy had been waiting in front. I reversed, and my wife waved at him to go in the space; I think his first reaction was that she was telling him off, and that we were damn well having that space, but he got the message, and went in. When he got out of his car, he came over to us and said that he would only be two minutes, and if we cared to wait, we could have his space.....a charming chap.

Every Generation has grumbled about 'the youth of today' - that is our perogative because we really want to grumble because we don't feel able to get up to the same high jinks that you are getting up to, and missing out on!:D

On another notte, we have two sons - one 26 and one 21 - we have never pulled the rug from under their feet (in the way of support); infact they insist on their adult freedom (which they have every right to), but when they run out of money, they are still relieved to have a Mum and Dad!:biglaugh:


Well-Known Member
Yes I do understand the corruption in today's youth. No I can't accept it. Everytime I see teens out of control, I usually only have to look as far as their parents to see why. Not always...but generally. Parents who do not teach their children respect and courtesy (or show it to their teens themselves); who do not give them boundaries and let them run wild; who are more interested in being their friend and not their parent; who think their children will learn values through osmosis and forget that their children are inhaling the values of others for half the time. The list is endless. It's sad but you have to have a license for a dog but any idiot can have a child.

That said, I think the media has made today's youth look as if it's more corrupt than any previous generation. I just don't think that's true. I know way too many young people (quite a few here on RF) who are courteous and respectful, intelligent, motivated and responsible. Oh, they aren't perfect and yes some even smoke pot (horrors). When we were young, we drank alcohol and "sowed our wild oats" in other ways.

Personally, I'm kind of amazed at how well the younger generation is turning out *in spite of* the incredible filth on the internet and in tv's and movies.

Follower, you call your son a "rotten kid" because he listens to punk music and smokes pot? If that's all he does, perhaps you need to revise your view of "rotten".


Well-Known Member
Rick123123 said:
It is very hard to grow up in a world that is essentially "corrupt" and not be "corrupt" as well, its hard to realize that the fantasies that you beleived as a little kid about the world when compared to the real world crumble. <snip>

Its very hard for a youth to stand up against this kind of stuff. You take out all the support underneath us and then at the last instant take out the core support, when we here... Does God really exist?

Especially nowadays you should examine your idea of what is corrupt? Is punk music corrupt? Is doing drugs corrupt? It's all in your own view, was the things you did when you were young acceptable to your parents? <snip>

Stop forcing these rules on us and start helping us grow, grow into the person we want to be then the person you want you to be.
Frubals, Rick! Very well said! I think every "old geezer" here can relate. The times have changed but the insanity has stayed the same. I still remember "duck and cover" drills in 2nd grade just so we'd know what to do if the "communists" dropped an atomic bomb. :biglaugh:

I also remember the disillusion at finding the world was not as rosy as I'd always thought and finding out that I didn't have what it took to actually make a major difference in it. And oh yea....my parents thought the rock and roll was the epitome of corruption....and we also had the pot issue. Our motto was "make love, not war" and you can imagine how that went over with the older generation. And yes the world was moving at a faster speed than my parent's generation. Technology was advancing at an incredible rate and changing the world almost overnight. Hmmm...doesn't sound like much has changed in 40 plus years.

The one thing I think that has changed drastically is that when I was growing up, most children still had a two parent family, mom was there to meet you when you got home from school and there in the summer to watch over and guide us and most people believed that God was in His heaven and raised their children with that belief. Sunday services were not optional.

Some would argue that doesn't make any difference, but I think it does. Call me old-fashioned.


Melody said:
Yes I do understand the corruption in today's youth. No I can't accept it. Everytime I see teens out of control, I usually only have to look as far as their parents to see why. Not always...but generally. Parents who do not teach their children respect and courtesy (or show it to their teens themselves); who do not give them boundaries and let them run wild; who are more interested in being their friend and not their parent; who think their children will learn values through osmosis and forget that their children are inhaling the values of others for half the time. The list is endless. It's sad but you have to have a license for a dog but any idiot can have a child. [QUOTE]

Melody: Yes I do understand the corruption in today's youth. No I can't accept it. Everytime I see teens out of control, I usually only have to look as far as their parents to see why. Not always...but generally. Parents who do not teach their children respect and courtesy (or show it to their teens themselves); who do not give them boundaries and let them run wild; who are more interested in being their friend and not their parent; who think their children will learn values through osmosis and forget that their children are inhaling the values of others for half the time. The list is endless. It's sad but you have to have a license for a dog but any idiot can have a child.
Iagree with you in everyway here Melody, I personally know parents who have hosted house parties, let kids drink while in there own house, while there in it. I know parents who drive their could to there pot buyer, and then bring them back and smoke up with them. Parents who constantly make fun of their kids, and act like their friend instead of the parent. There are many great parents out there, that are still supporting there kids and setting a good example for them, but there are still some that are either; divorced, have know idea how to really parent, or the parents are down right rotten.

The majority of kids don't do drugs, or are in gangs, or are "rotten" kids. There just good kids.


Woooe, lol. That post didn't go over that well, first time trying to do that quote things. Well you know what I meant! :p


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Rick123123 said:
Woooe, lol. That post didn't go over that well, first time trying to do that quote things. Well you know what I meant! :p
You did just fine.

Well, this 'old geezer' recognizes it, starts being judgemental, and then gives himself a swift reality kick to stop being a silly 'old geezer' . Honestly, the youth have much less experience than we. We are two groups that stare at each other across a ring, one sizing the other up. I have found that to walk over to their corner, and shake their hands is the best approach - without boxing gloves on.:)

Feathers in Hair

World's Tallest Hobbit
Hehee, I've been a geezer in spirit since the day I was born. I think, if I behave badly, my actions should be blamed on the elderly, of which I'm psychologically (if not chronologically) a member. :149:


Oldest Heretic
At 70 I have seen a lot of youths grow into adult hood.
All the time the papers were complaining about, the youth of today.
I would say it is no better and no worse than it orta be.
Some will end their days in jail and some may be Saints.
Always it is the same mix That reflects mankind Today

Amen! Truly I say to you: Gather in my name. I am with you.