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Can you cite a material creation of Jesus?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Mankind was created, mortal and corrupt, becoming immortal and incorruptible through baptism and glorified and transfigured through penance and sacrifice confirmed and re-sanctified in the confirmed Will of the Creator God in the image of the Father.

Peace always,
That is one long run-on sentence!

a) where does it say that mankind becomes immortal and incorruptible through baptism?

b) where does it say that mankind is glorified and transfigured through penance and sacrifice?

c) where does it say that mankind is confirmed and resanctified in the confirmed will of the Creator God in the image of the Father?

I ask "where does it say" because these statements are not found in the Bible. I'm guessing that the Catholic church teaches this extra-Biblical stuff. Correct?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

We become into the Church of The Body of Christ who was born immortal and incorruptible, and we become brothers and sisters of The Christ from the Cross, when He said, "Disciple, Ecce Mater tua, Behold Your Mother." Baptism is a Sacrament from death to life from the Holy Spirit through the flesh for the Soul of The New Eve, we become sanctified in spirit and flesh and are immediatly, just like Jesus at His Baptism, Pleasing to God and ready for our glorious transformation, just like our Brother, Jesus. James and Peter and John witnessed the Transfiguration, when Moses and Elijah disappeared in the clouds and Peter was told to make one tent. They were told not to talk about it until after His Resurrection and they all describe the Transfiguration in their Gospels.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew.
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Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Peace to all,

We become into teh Church of The Body of Christ who was born immortal and incorruptible, and we become brothers and sisters of Th Christ from the Cross, when He said, "Disciple, Ecce Mater tua, Behold Your Mother." Baptism is a Sacrament from death to life from the Holy Spirit through the flesh for the Soul of The New Eve, we become sanctified in spirit and flesh and are immediatly, just like Jesus at His Baptism, Pleasing to God and ready for our glorious transformation, just like our Brother, Jesus. James and Peter and John witnessed the Transfiguration, when Moses and Elijah disapeared in the clouds and Peter was told to make one tent. They were otld not to talk about it until after His Resurrection and they all discribe the Transfiguration in their Gospels

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew.
This seems to be Catholic-babble (with typos). Correct?

Andrew Stephen

Stephen Andrew
Premium Member
Peace to all,

Thanks, I was in a hurry and fixed the typos in real time editing. Abrahamic faiths believe in a spirit and some religions see the spirit as a power and others see the spirit a some force, but Catholics see the spirit, the Holy Spirit as a person in being that unites all mankind as one in being together with the Person of The Father and The Person of The Son becoming the Image of the Creator and One God for The Person of The Father.

God was moved by His Goodness to create the world.

To me it is the logic that explains how creation can get into humanity to pattern of infallibility in the created being becoming immortal and becoming again transfigured.

58. Our first parents, before the Fall, were endowed with sanctifying grace. 59. They were also endowed with donum immortalitatis, i.e., the gift of bodily immortality.

In the state of original sin man is deprived of sanctifying grace and all that this implies, as well as of the preternatural gifts of integrity.

To me in logic, Baptism is the Sacrament of Death to Life becoming sanctified and transformed immortalized and incorruptible from the Holy Spirit through the flesh for the soul of the being.
To me in logic, the second coming of the Body of Christ in all mankind is Mankind is glorified and transfigured through Communion with Him and hearing the Words of Absolution and forgiven in Penance, the Sacrament of Death to life in the Spirit, and Sacrifice through the Host, the New Living Sacrifice that saves the souls from the Bosom of Abraham and resurrects The Body becoming again glorified and transfigured life eternal for all mankind.

There are two internal divine processions in the Trinity: the Son's procession from the Father, and the Holy Spirit's procession from the Father and the Son. The first procession is becoming transformed immortal and incorruptible. The Second Procession is becoming again, glorified and transfigured.

To me in logic, the second coming of the Body of Christ in all mankind is confirmed and re-sanctified in the confirmed will of the Creator God in the image of the Father.

Louisa Piccarreta in the early 19th century speaks of the Kingdom of The Divine Will. She helped in finding the logic that helps explain infallible certainty, to me.

Peace always,
Stephen Andrew
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