You do not seem to be familiar with biblical textual scholarship. Even the bible's detractors (like Ehrman) admit the bible is the most textually accurate work in ancient history of any kind. Using his numbers (not theologians) the entire biblical textual tradition contains about 5% error and by his own admission does not contain any error in essential doctrine.Yet man ONLY wrote the bible and edited it over and over again to mirror the ever changing cultures that used these text.
That isnt even up for debate here. It is established fact he Bible is extremely textually preserved. The numbers given by good scholarship are 5% error as stated by credible critics and .05% as given by sympathetic theologians. To make your claim even close to true you would need far more significant error rates than this. The only people that produce bogus error rates that justify your claims are modern redactionists and revisionists and are notoriously biased and unreliable, and for some reason German much of the time.
The reason we can establish error rates with such precision is that no other work in ancient history and many of more modern history have even a fraction of a fraction of *** rich a textual tradition as the Bible. For example Ceaser's Gallic wars are taught as reliable fact in colleges around the world yet have two extant copies from 1000 years later. If the originals are missing you need sevarl things to have accurate ideas what the accuracy rates are for extant copies.
1. Very early copies. There exists pre-Pauline traditions that go back to within months or years of Christ's death. There exist copies of everything in abundance before the third century.
2. The copies must come from times to early for myth to develop. Complex myths have a significant development stage. All extant copies of the Bible are too early for mythologizing of the stories.
3. You must have independent lines of transmission. The bible was never strictly controlled as the Quran was. It was copied in profusion by cultures all over the ANE and beyond.
4. You must have parallel lines of transmission. See the above.
5. You must have prolific copying. The Bible has to the extent of several orders of magnitude more early copies than any other work of ancient history.
6. There are secondary desirable conditions that further the certainty that the bible excels at.
7. A bonus is to have had lost very early copies that were only found much later. The dead sea scrolls for example were lost early on and only recently found. They show a 99.5% accuracy and these even came from a fringe group and should by any expectation have been far more different from the texts we have today that what their almost word for word comparisons showed. The dead sea scrolls end all debates about significant bible corruption.
However lets say for the heck of it there are corruptions. It is the very prolific nature of the biblical tradition that makes any errors that have occurred well known. That is why even the minor changes that have occurred (less than 5%) all known and indicated in every major bible version for hundreds of years.
In summary the bible hands down beats every other work of antiquity many times over, exceeds every expectation of a work of that period, and is so well established the errors it has are well known and therefor not any problem what so ever. Your conclusion bear no comparison with reality.
Even given it's extreme and unprecedented accuracy, that says nothing about whether the words are from God or man. To debate that I would submit perhaps the greatest expert on testimony and evidence in human history and perhaps the second greatest. Simon Greenleaf, and Lord Lyndhurst make a far stronger argument for the divinity of inspiration concerning the Bible than I could. Look up the testimony of the evangelists by Greenleaf.
First of all what you claimed bares no relationship to reality to begin with. Second Christians have spent thousands of years attempting to accurately evaluate the accuracy of scripture and are remarkably candid about it. It was mostly Christians who found the errors that do exist. However if you do not trust them then use credible scholars from the opposite side like Ehrman and you will arrive at the same conclusion. The bible has errors but is astronomically more accurate than any other similar work and since virtually all errors are known they pose no problem what ever.I view it as reality that the religious wont admit due to their own biased opinions.