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Can you support our troop but not support the war?

Can you support our troops and not support the war in Iraq?

  • Yes, the two are seperate issues.

    Votes: 29 80.6%
  • No, both issues are linked together.

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • Don't know, don't care, don't support either.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, I support the troops. Allthough there not defending our freedom, they are just doing thier job. Like drekmed said, getting a dishonorable discharge will make it impossible to get a good job. McDonald's would even hesitate to hire someone with that.
Bush should not be abusing his commanding powers to tell people "this is how your going to run your nation, and this ruler is unaccaptable by my standards."


Seyorni said:
Oppose the war but support the troops? That's like saying "Oppose the rape but support the rapist."

The troops are the war. They are its agents; they perform the war and commit the carnage and destruction that defines war.
These are men and women that voluntarily joined an organization whose whole purpose is to project power through wanton killing and destruction, an organization they may reasonably expect will require them to perform morally objectionable acts.
The military is a fundamentally immoral and decidedly anti-Christian organization. Those that join it ally themselves with Satan. They and their infamous works should not be supported.
In a democracy, the people are the war. We voted to do this. The American people, every one of us, is at war in Iraq. The soldiers are our representatives: they are our senators, and diplomats speaking for us what we told them to say. They are standing in our shoes. To not support them is to not support ourselves and the action that we as a people determined together.

Fortunately, as a democracy, we can change our course and bring them home and welcome them as our representatives or send them elsewhere.


angellous_evangellous said:
In a democracy, the people are the war. We voted to do this. The American people, every one of us, is at war in Iraq. The soldiers are our representatives: they are our senators, and diplomats speaking for us what we told them to say. They are standing in our shoes. To not support them is to not support ourselves and the action that we as a people determined together.

Fortunately, as a democracy, we can change our course and bring them home and welcome them as our representatives or send them elsewhere.
That's not true. To not support them is to not support the majority of ourselves. It says nothing about me, personally.


Veteran Member
I believe you can, because they are protecting us, our freedom, etc. They are just doing their job, whether they like it or not, I don't support the war, but I fully support the troops.


New Member
I definitely support our troops in Iraq and everywhere else. I, however, do not support this unncessary war. I myself in the UNITED STATES MILITARY. I did not join the military to fight a war. But I still love my country. It is not the troops decision to go off and fight a war. They are merely carrying out orders.

I joined the military to protect my family and friends. I joined to make sure that the country they live in is safe. And when I have my kids I want them to know that they are safe.

Many decisions about his war have been wrong and even corrupt. But do not blame our troops for those decisions.

EVERYONE should support our troops, no matter your stance on this war. It is them that have given us a wonderful country to live in. Some may not think that way. But it is truly a wonderful country. Thank your troops for that. Do not put the blame the troops. They have done nothing to deserve your hatred and unthankfulness.


New Member
If you signed up thinking that you'd never go to war and are now whining about it....you deserve no support....you just wanted an easy ride financially. If you find defending your fellow citizens an honor and a privilege regardless of whose political agenda is in control, you deserve support and respect.


Uber all member
"War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things; the decayed and
degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks nothing
worth a war, is worse. A man who has nothing which he cares more about
than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature who has
no chance at being free, unless made and kept so by the exertions of
better men than himself."
John Stuart Mill


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Seyorni said:
Those seeking to defend their countrymen might consider joining some environmental group. There's more threat to our civilization from environmental degradation than from "enemies abroad."

Keep in mind that the military has rarely been used in actual national defense of late, and the current brouhaha in Iraq is no exception.
Our adventure in Iraq provides a training ground for guerrillas and terrorists. It unifies the Arab world in opposition to us while simultaneously alienating us from the rest of the world. It generates future terrorist jihadis like a dung-heap generates flies.

The military is currently harming our country. Our troops threaten our security.


Uber all member
Seyorni said:
Seyorni said:
Those seeking to defend their countrymen might consider joining some environmental group. There's more threat to our civilization from environmental degradation than from "enemies abroad."

Keep in mind that the military has rarely been used in actual national defense of late, and the current brouhaha in Iraq is no exception.
Our adventure in Iraq provides a training ground for guerrillas and terrorists. It unifies the Arab world in opposition to us while simultaneously alienating us from the rest of the world. It generates future terrorist jihadis like a dung-heap generates flies.

The military is currently harming our country. Our troops threaten our security.
But it is not the troops who decide


Active Member
Pah said:
A man who has nothing which he cares more about
than he does about his personal safety is a miserable creature
Indeed, but I believe that few of these exist. If there were a just war in legitamate defense of this country there would be millions of volunteers.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
I think the notion that you cannot support the troops without supporting their mission is just a conservative ploy to shut down debate and dissent. Anyone who lived through the Viet Nam era knows what it's like when the nation neither supports the mission nor supports the troops themselves. Thankfully, things aren't that ugly today.


Pneumatic Spiritualist
wizenheimer69 said:
If you signed up thinking that you'd never go to war and are now whining about it....you deserve no support....you just wanted an easy ride financially. If you find defending your fellow citizens an honor and a privilege regardless of whose political agenda is in control, you deserve support and respect.
This is obviosly the response of someone who has not been in the service. Anyone who has been in knows that, even in peace time, being in the military is far from an "easy ride financally". This is perhabs the most uneducated response I've read on this site. While deployed, a sailor on an aircraft carrier (like I was) works 84 hours a week for 6 months straight, usually for less then $2000 a month. If that is an easy financial ride I sure would hate to see a hard one.
There is a fantastic film out in theatres right now called Jarheads that has a line in it that sums up the reason for the majority of enlistments. The main character tells his Drill Instructer when asked why he was in the Marines, "Sir, I got lost on the way to college, sir!" The majority of young men and women that join the military do so for one of two reasons, to gain citizenship to this country, or they are too poor to afford college.


Aqualung said:
That's not true. To not support them is to not support the majority of ourselves. It says nothing about me, personally.
Everything that you do says something about you personally.


Well-Known Member
So those that believe one cannot support the war without supporting the troops... And for those that believe people should not join the military because it is something that is bent on supporting death and destruction... Would you like to have Hitler still in power? Seeing as the only reason we were able to take him down was because we had a standing military... Those that say to look to history, yes look to history indeed. Those that join the military do our country a great service and are ready to defend us or anyone else who needs defending.

Those that run this country, however, use the military for their own personal greed and for other bad bad reasons. Do not blame the military or those in the military, blame those that are using the military for the wrong reasons.


Cindy Sheehan is a fine example of the first choice. I too support the troops and not the war or Bush. When he says "America" or "this country wants..." he doesn't speak for me, or most of the country for that matter.

The Black Whirlwind

Well-Known Member
spacemonkey said:
There is a fantastic film out in theatres right now called Jarheads that has a line in it that sums up the reason for the majority of enlistments. The main character tells his Drill Instructer when asked why he was in the Marines, "Sir, I got lost on the way to college, sir!" The majority of young men and women that join the military do so for one of two reasons, to gain citizenship to this country, or they are too poor to afford college.
that is an AWESOME movie man. Newscaster: "so, why did you join the military?" after a couple of rehearsed lines; Swofford: "I was 20 years old and stupid enough to sign a contract," Great movie.


User of Aspercreme
NetDoc said:
OK, OK, you still can't find it, we understand your double speak. You just keep spinning it to try and make everyone else look bad when you have nothing to stand on. Remember, you called it a "fact" and here we see it as merely a weak ploy to support a failed presidency in their war of aggression. Keep grasping at those straws homie! Unfortunately, we went to war on far less!
You know, in all of this no one ever asked you if you have any reason to believe that showing anger and hatred toward the mission does not effect morale. There is just as much research into that subject you hypocrite. I have a lot more evidence to point to my conclusions than you have for any of yours. At least I have some sort of personal experience and personal relationships with others to draw from. The only thing you have is catch phrases and the deep desire not feel any type of responsability for the feelings of others. Keep it up, your really doing a great job of showing the fallacy of your liberal jibberish.


World Leader Pretend
EEWRED said:
Keep it up, your really doing a great job of showing the fallacy of your liberal jibberish.

Gives one a deep sense of pride, not falling into that camp huh? I feel ya. :clap