The reason people don't accept this definition is because it renders the word "evidence" meaningless. You're essentially watering down the word evidence to mean nothing more than belief. Anything anyone believes in evidence.
Except that I gove a valid definition of the word, thus the reason for conditional modifiers like "empirical" and "objective".
You do not get to change the definition any more than those you whine are trying to change the definition.
Nor do you get to ignore definitions of the word your dislike.
Let me take it from another angle. Are you comfortable with this sentence:
"Black skin is evidence of laziness."
You'd agree with that sentence? ? After all, anything anywhere that convinces anyone of anything is "evidence" right? And you know there are a lot of bigots out there who will tell you black people are lazy. You're comfortable with calling black skin "evidence" of laziness, just because some a*sholes may associate the two things?
Looks like you still need to work on your reading comprehension skills.
I have already stated there are numerous standards for evidence.
Some people have set their standards extremely low.
Some people have set their standards extremely high.
And some people refuse to accept the fact their are differing standards and think everyone must comply with the standards they have set.
You come off as the last group...
As to your questions...
Personally, I do not believe that black skin is evidence of laziness.
But I do know there are people who do.
Yes, that which convinces someone of something is evidence.
It matters not if you or I or anyone else agrees with it.
I do not accept black skin as evidence of laziness.
But I do not ignore the fact that some people do, nor do I embarrass myself telling them their evidence is not evidence.