Faith-confidence in what we hope for (Hebrews 11)
Well, since I go by the Bible although many do not, There are those, of course, that are involved in trying to improve things, although the system is basically set against improvement due to greed.Meh. People have been destroying their surroundings since forever. It's not a modern phenomenon. God never stopped that or stepped in to stop it from happening in the past, so why would he start now?
I do believe that the world has been in crisis since Adam's sin and expulsion from the Garden of Eden. He was basically left to do his own will, he knew he would die and had to contend for himself to a large degree. But of course this is what I believe, and this is basically what the Bible teaches. In the last book does it distinctly say that God will destroy those destroying the earth. It makes sense to me and of course I believe it, that God is interested in preserving His creation. He has let mankind on their own for quite a while now. And we see the results.