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CHALLENGE: Provide a Single Piece of Evidence that God Exists

John D

I am an Athiest.

I have never believed in a personal God as worshipped by any of the Abrahamic Religions.

Throughout my life, I have not encountered a single piece of evidence that supports the claim that such a God exists.

Need, desire, desperation, or fear are NOT factors when I am deciding if God exists, nor is the threat that I’ll “burn in hell if I don’t”. Also, I cannot accept “because I said so” as a valid argument for anything.

Bottom line, I am unable to exclude my belief in God from the same level of critical-thinking that I use to believe anything else in my life, and therefore, I have come to the conclusion that God does not exist.

So I say again, I have never encountered a single piece of evidence that supports the claim that an Abrahamic God exists, and I invite anyone to help me “see the light” by providing any such evidence.

Regarding Non-Abrahamic Gods, I’d like to keep those a separate consideration for the time being.
------------Because you started this thread!
You need constant confirmation about your non - belief
There is doubt gnawing on your bones.
..........................You are a fish at the end of a line.
God's got you!!!!!!
Don't worry, he won't eat you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Intentionally Blank
I agree.
However, post #3 sure seems to

post # 3. said:
I am not evidence for the existence of God. I am however evidence for evolution. Next.

I'm not getting that. I'm getting an assertion that the fact the poster exists is evidence that ToE is true. I'm not getting anything that ToE is evidence that there is no God.


Intentionally Blank
------------Because you started this thread!
You need constant confirmation about your non - belief
There is doubt gnawing on your bones.
..........................You are a fish at the end of a line.
God's got you!!!!!!
Don't worry, he won't eat you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cut the proslytizing before I report you. If you have a piece of evidence, present it.

You're trying to say that opening a debate about the existence of God means the proponent doubts his disbelief? That's a cheap, tacky tactic.

So every time a Christian preaches to me it means he's doubting his faith?


It is what it is
------------Because you started this thread!
You need constant confirmation about your non - belief
There is doubt gnawing on your bones.
..........................You are a fish at the end of a line.
God's got you!!!!!!
Don't worry, he won't eat you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have no strong need or desire to believe anything. No gnawing on my bones. If a reasonable piece of evidence were available (supporting the existence of a personal Abrahamic God), I would be willing to look at it and even change my mind. Problem is, the only side on which there is evidence piling up is for the case there is no God. Something being unexplained (as the rising of the sun used to be) is not evidence for anything.


It is what it is
What the hell are you talking about?

The fact that you have a consciousness, nay, that consciousness even exists is all it takes for some people to believe in god.

YOU brought up not understanding it.

I wonder why you would create such a strawman...?

Well, at least attributing consciousness to God is not a claim that clearly falsifies science as many other evidence claims do. You were right to jump on me for discounting it so quickly (e.g. my "Next" comment).... it's just that I'm not ready to take it as evidence of the existance of a personal, Abrahamic God, especially when the same evidence can be used to support a belief in the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
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Intentionally Blank
Maybe it would be could to start by asking what you would consider evidence for the existence of God. If "God exists" is the hypothesis, what predictions does it generate?


Well-Known Member
I suppose that mean that whenever we cannot (yet) fully explain something (like concsciousness), we must accept that it will be used as "evidence" for supporting someones belief in God?

Perhaps, but not fully understanding the workings of something (like conciousness) is not evidence of anything.

Not understaning something can also assign this something to be magical.


Well-Known Member
I am an Athiest.

I have never believed in a personal God as worshipped by any of the Abrahamic Religions.

Throughout my life, I have not encountered a single piece of evidence that supports the claim that such a God exists.

Need, desire, desperation, or fear are NOT factors when I am deciding if God exists, nor is the threat that I’ll “burn in hell if I don’t”. Also, I cannot accept “because I said so” as a valid argument for anything.

Bottom line, I am unable to exclude my belief in God from the same level of critical-thinking that I use to believe anything else in my life, and therefore, I have come to the conclusion that God does not exist.

So I say again, I have never encountered a single piece of evidence that supports the claim that an Abrahamic God exists, and I invite anyone to help me “see the light” by providing any such evidence.

Regarding Non-Abrahamic Gods, I’d like to keep those a separate consideration for the time being.

Response: The proof that there is a God can be understood with common logic. Ask yourself the question, " name another way something can come into existance besides it being a creation from a creator"? This question alone proves that there is a God. For the simple answer is "there is none"!

From the computer you use to acces this site, the post you'll make in response to this one, even the dinner you'll make later, could not exists without it being created, and the one who created it is the creator.

Now when we look at the universe itself and ask the question, "how did it come to existance?", the only logical answer is that it was created. And the common name for the supreme being who created the universe is God. If one were to suggest that the universe always existed, and from the universe, came the rest of life, then the universe is God. God is just the name used for the supreme being. So whether everything started from a heavenly spirit, or a singularity or point as taught in many theories of evolution, that spirit or point is a supreme being, i.e. God.

Thus the question isn't, "is there a God", but rather, what are the attributes of God, i.e. the supreme being.
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Well-Known Member
Response: The proof that there is a God can be understood with common logic. Ask yourself the question, " name another way something can come into existance besides it being a creation from a creator"? This question alone proves that there is a God. For the simple answer is "there is none"!
And how did this creator come into existence?


Well-Known Member
So if it's possible for something to be uncreated, why should that something not be the universe?

Response: I never stated that that something could not be the universe. In fact, I said that if that is the case, then the universe IS God. Thus the question isn't whether or not there is a God, but rather, what are the attributes of God. In other words, is God the Universe, or a singularity, or Jesus, or Allah, etc.


It is what it is
Response: I never stated that that something could not be the universe. In fact, I said that if that is the case, then the universe IS God. Thus the question isn't whether or not there is a God, but rather, what are the attributes of God. In other words, is God the Universe, or a singularity, or Jesus, or Allah, etc.

So if this is the case, are you saying the Universe IS the personal, biblical, Abrahamic God as worshipped by Christians, Jews and Muslims?


Intentionally Blank
Response: The proof that there is a God can be understood with common logic. Ask yourself the question, " name another way something can come into existance besides it being a creation from a creator"?
By being born. Duh.
This question alone proves that there is a God. For the simple answer is "there is none"!
There is at least one. Proof destroyed.

From the computer you use to acces this site, the post you'll make in response to this one, even the dinner you'll make later, could not exists without it being created, and the one who created it is the creator.
Uh yeah, those things are all created. It does not follow that everything is created. (Try to turn your proof into a syllogism to reveal the hole in your logic.)
Now when we look at the universe itself and ask the question, "how did it come to existance?", the only logical answer is that it was created.
Again, you have at least three unwarranted assumptions in a single short argument. First you assume that the universe has not always existed. You have no way of knowing whether this is the case. Second, you assume that if it came into existence, it was created. We have already seen this assumption is not justified. Third, you assume that if it was created, it was God that created it.
And the common name for the supreme being who created the universe is God.
You made a giant leap from "unknown cause" to "supreme being." Maybe it's a supreme accident, or a supreme rock that God tripped over.
If one were to suggest that the universe always existed, and from the universe, came the rest of life, then the universe is God.
O.K, if by "God" you mean "universe," then God exists. Because the universe exists. However the universe does not issue commandments or request our prayers.
God is just the name used for the supreme being.
Whose existence you just failed to prove.
So whether everything started from a heavenly spirit, or a singularity or point as taught in many theories of evolution, that spirit or point is a supreme being, i.e. God.
Please stop displaying your scientific ignorance; it does nothing for your cause.

So Allah is a singularity? I'll let your imam know your position.

Thus the question isn't, "is there a God", but rather, what are the attributes of God, i.e. the supreme being.
Apparently, the attributes of God are those of the universe. Since science is the best way to discover those, then you agree that the best way to learn about "God" is through science?


Intentionally Blank
Response: I never stated that that something could not be the universe. In fact, I said that if that is the case, then the universe IS God. Thus the question isn't whether or not there is a God, but rather, what are the attributes of God. In other words, is God the Universe, or a singularity, or Jesus, or Allah, etc.
So you're saying that the universe created the universe? See any problem with that?