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challenge to Muslims


Active Member
It has always stuck me as being a rather convenient double-standard.

Similarly, the "no compulsion in religion" thingy, and yet, Muhammad was most certainly compelled by Gabriel to "read/recite". Just sayin...

Actually the belief is he choked him. Read the entire Bible (several times) never heard of an angel doing that


Active Member
I see your point, but you do realize that Allah made new laws with the introduction of Islam through Prophet Mohamed, right? we can't say that Moses law and Mohamed law are the same. If that's the case then we can't compare between Islamic laws and the laws of the previous scriptures.

We are not talking about Muhammad as the direct object but the indirect. The point is simple. According to the Quran God is not like creation (Surah Al Inklas). Everything in creation changes, in one way or another, due to the circumstances at the time. If you are saying that God stopped holding prophets to the same law they were to give to the masses then he changed because of circumstance and is like creation. As Smartguy pointed out with the father analogy


Veteran Member
Premium Member
We are not talking about Muhammad as the direct object but the indirect. The point is simple. According to the Quran God is not like creation (Surah Al Inklas). Everything in creation changes, in one way or another, due to the circumstances at the time. If you are saying that God stopped holding prophets to the same law they were to give to the masses then he changed because of circumstance and is like creation. As Smartguy pointed out with the father analogy

We can't say God stopped holding prophets to the same law they were to give, but rather, i'm saying that what God revealed to Moses is different than what he revealed to Mohamed. Do you agree?


We can't say God stopped holding prophets to the same law they were to give, but rather, i'm saying that what God revealed to Moses is different than what he revealed to Mohamed. Do you agree?

Moses has no historicity as ever existing.

The exodus did not happen as written.

Israelites evolved from displaced Canaanites


Active Member
We can't say God stopped holding prophets to the same law they were to give, but rather, i'm saying that what God revealed to Moses is different than what he revealed to Mohamed. Do you agree?

I have no issue with this. But God did not give Moses the 10 commandments & then say but you CAN kill, but not the Israelites.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I have no issue with this. But God did not give Moses the 10 commandments & then say but you CAN kill, but not the Israelites.

Were the 10 commandments the only revelations Moses received or there were other instructions aside from them? Are you capable of knowing every single detail of what he received from God?


Premium Member
Please be advised that I'm unsubscribing from this thread because I realized the true nature and intentions of the OP'er (Vskipper) he hold against Islam.
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Active Member
I have commented in reply to your other reply and I have no intention. Only my own thoughts based on reason as I see it. I search for truth in all venues and for God. I keep my mind open but my opinions are as they are until I see reason to believe otherwise. However, if you feel that my opinion is firm and there is nothing to say to deter it then I understand you not wanting to reply further.


Active Member
What a ridiculous thread. The same could be made for every religion and all of them would be as absurd as this one.


Active Member
Please be advised that I'm unsubscribing from this thread because I realized the true nature and intentions of the OP'er (Vskipper) he hold against Islam.

^ note that I posted a personal opinion based on observations & modern psychology. Rather than try and comment on why it wasnt epilepsy or OCD he leaves. Kind of gettinb used to this. Just like the responses to my observation about the contradiction created by 33:50


Well-Known Member
Friend vskipper,

According to what I read throughout the comments the problem seems to be because of the number of wives of the prophet.

If that is right I hope you would read this

The reason for that is that at that time, there were no limits for the number of wives one can have.

As we know Quraan was revealed in stages. The prophet had this number of wives before the verse concerning the number of wives was revealed.

So all the muslims who had more than 4 wives kept only 4. Except for the prophet. This is because the wives of the prophets were the mothers of the believers.

33:52 Hereafter women are not lawful to you, neither for you to take other spouses in exchange for them, even if their fairness (may) make you admire them except what your right hand possesses; and Allah has (always) been Ever-Watchful over everything.

This is for the prophet to tell him that he can't have anymore wives. But why would he still have 11 ?

33:53 O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness. But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behavior] was troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy of the truth. And when you ask [his wives] for something, ask them from behind a partition. That is purer for your hearts and their hearts. And it is not [conceivable or lawful] for you to harm the Messenger of Allah or to marry his wives after him, ever. Indeed, that would be in the sight of Allah an enormity.

So if he divorced and keeps only 4, the wives will remain widowed, because they were the wives of the prophets. And they were the mothers of the believers.


Active Member
I sent you a private msg.

I am going to simplify this even further. Is there an example (in the Bible or the Qur'an) where a law was passed for the general populace and then Gd came and told his prophet and or king that one of these laws does not apply to him or any variance of such a situation? (not counting 33:50 of the Qur'an) Also if there is such an instance what is the chapter and verse?
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