Or maybe, they manufactured
excuses for failure.
55 Old Testament Prophecies about Jesus | Jesus Film Project
(About 5 of which are word for word straight out of Psalm 22)
How do we know that the prophecies it didn't fulfill were not false prophecies? Even prophets being sent by God, are still humans. The occasionally misunderstand what they see (wrong prophecy), or have their own axe to grind (adding prophecies).
The minor stuff? It's minor stuff.
Read the Gospels. Carefully. It becomes all too clear why they got rid of Jesus, and declared him a fake.
Because he called them on their hypocrisy.
What if I went to a church and made them look bad in front of their followers? The priest would surely try to ruin me. They might talk to people in the town to undermine my business, or they might resort to dirty tricks.
Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 27:45-28:15 - English Standard Version
They put him on a cross, he dies, the temple curtain is torn, the dead are raised, they put him in a cave with heavy guards, but he overturns a heavy stone and an armed guard, and we get this exchange.