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Cherokee Prophecy


Well-Known Member
You have a one dimensional & narrowminded view of ghostdance.Unless you are,say,Cochise type.

Maybe "ghost dance religion* is single minded & one dimensional,not you.

Sun dance would probably kill me in this form,maybe not.Helps you get in touch with your DNA & there are several methods to acheive this.

I have been to a sweat lodge in Astral,where I was sent by my own higher power.I was invited in after a fight with the spirit animal of a guy named Lightwarrior,from a long line of Indian Shaman.

The original tribe still inhabit's Scotland,just the great Caledonian Forest is a distant memory.Still much the same people but for a few white settlers.

Copper wire was invented by 2 glasgow guys fighting over a 1 pence piece....:)

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
I listen to the words of the Ghost Dancers.
Kicking Bear one of the leaders of the Dancers.
My brothers, I bring to you the promise of a day in which there will be no white man to lay his hand on the bridle of the Indian's horse. When the red men of the prairie will rule the world and not be turned from the hunting grounds by any man.
I will cover the earth with new soil to a depth of five times the height of a man, and under this new soil will be buried all the whites, and all the holes and the rotten places will be filled up.

The Ghost Dance, rather than bringing peace and/or the removal of all the whites lead instead to the massacre at Wounded Knee.
It was that slaughter that made people realize that the Ghost Dance was never going to work and it was soon abandoned.

The Sun Dance isn't about "getting in touch with your DNA" its about sacrificing blood and flesh so that the people will prosper. You suffer so they don't have to.

I'm not even going to touch astral sweat lodges and "lightwarrior".



Well-Known Member
Sitting Bull did his famous Ghost dance prior to the Little Big Horn.....he cut a deal with the great spirit,which was not honoured by his warriors.

Which led to the massacre at wounded knee.Charlie two legs,a Sioux, was released from custody to come to Glasgow & he brought along Sitting Bull's ghostdance shirt.He traded it for something we may never know.

A beautiful powder blue,which flecks gold in the sunlight last time I saw it (the seventies).

We preserved it & gave it back when a couple of Sioux came to Glasgow & collapsed in front of it when they saw it,having no idea it existed.

Ghostdance is bringing peace by interraction with the Great Spirit,who grants audience to those seeking peace or ending persecution/ilusion.


Who was Kicking Bear?

painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
Who was Kicking Bear?
You claim to understand the Ghost Dance and you don't know Kicking Bear?

Maybe you should actually try to learn about what the Ghost Dance was, why it started and why it ended before you make claims as to what it represents.

Sitting Bull was murdered before Wounded Knee.



Well-Known Member
He sounds a bit of an optimist,bordering upon complete ***hole.

Because the Sioux warriors looted the dead soldiers after Little Big Horn,the Sioux nation was to be dispersed....

How do you know it is finished?

How do you know when it started.

Sioux tell you nothing.


painted wolf

Grey Muzzle
The Lakota are not quiet about their history. ;)

Long Hair got exactly what was coming to him... and it started way before Little Big Horn.

Before Gold was discovered in 1863 and the US started moving in to dig it up and push the Lakota and their brothers out of the area.

Sioux tell you nothing.
This from the guy who doesn't know Kicking Bear.



Well-Known Member
Kicking himself in the a.s.s bear,a kamikaze.I've ignored chumps like that all my life or ripped a few stripes off of them........He reminds me of Army Chaplan's,the lowest of the low.

With spiritual leaders like that,who needs enemies?I know him like an old sock!

Was he a tattie mucher,or is Lacota Sioux Bears more aggressive?

WW1 was the last stupid War the lunatic's got to run the asylum for my mob.I told the Nordic Bear Guy's the same......oh,I showed them a trick I have.

Keep that up my sleeve for the Sweat Lodge.Make sure everything goes sweet as possible.

In great love,

Running Bear.



Well-Known Member
He just needs re-alligned,back to Wovoka...spiritual dance.


Nothing I won't say to his face.He knows anyway.


New Member
Hello All,

I don't expect others to follow my ways, but I do feel free to post some of them here. None of us is higher or lower than any other creation in the universes. I do my best to live the connectedness of all of us, meaning all creation. For me, this also includes inanimate creations as well as animate ones. So many humans forget we are also animals. Some people say I am a tree hugger. That is fine as I share energies with trees. They give me wisdom and healing, and I do what I can to heal trees that are sad/and or injured. Although I fail a lot, I do my best to walk in balance.

Walk In Balance,

Walk In Balance,