In the West we have a process where children can be adopted. This means they are brought up as if the child was one of their own. This has humanitarian and social benefit for orphans, or those bewreathed of their parents. We do not marry these children, because that by definition implies sex.
If we were to do this, we would be labelled correctly as disgusting pedophiles. The evidence presented here suggests Mohomad was definately a pedophile, whether Hadith or Quran, it IS written. Then to have it excused, she died because she was late getting medical attention, what a red herring, surely the real question is how the hell did she get pregnant in the first place? Which sick pathetic sub human male impregnated her? If he was on remand in our jail he would be dead within several days, the inmates would kill him in disgust.
In the west such things would be considered the lowest of base human nature and engender nothing but disgust.
I am sure there are many good Muslims out there, but why are there so many uncivilised ones as well? This face of islam which we see even in our own suburbs in the Muslim Ghettos, is why we in the west fear Islam. I would prefer it stay were it is and not come to my country, we have IMHO a far better social system, even with its flaws, than any Islamic theocracy I have seen.
Yes these peasants need education. The reading of books other than the Quran in school may improve the situation, at least you could eductate 50% of the population.