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Childish Question


Veteran Member
Buttons* said:
I dont understand why God would create a consept of time in the first place :confused:

and this is where you will probably tell me, "Well, its not for us to know," or "It's all part of God's plan," ... something to that effect... right?

I believe man made the concept of time, not God.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
This is a perfectly obvious question from the point of view of a person in 3rd-state consciousness perceiving a 3 or 3.5 dimensional reality.

A serious explanation involves advanced mathematics and multidimensional physics, Buttons*. It cannot be explained simply. In essence, "making" presupposes the existence of time, as we perceive it; a past and present; a period of non-existence followed by a period of existence.
This view of reality is inconsistent with modern physics. Time does not really exist. It is a neurological artifact existing in our own heads.

Everything that exists, ever did exist or ever will exist is, and always has been, present in an eternal Now. God is-was-always will be.


Glass half Panda'd
Seyorni said:
This is a perfectly obvious question from the point of view of a person in 3rd-state consciousness perceiving a 3 or 3.5 dimensional reality.

A serious explanation involves advanced mathematics and multidimensional physics, Buttons*. It cannot be explained simply. In essence, "making" presupposes the existence of time, as we perceive it; a past and present; a period of non-existence followed by a period of existence.
This view of reality is inconsistent with modern physics. Time does not really exist. It is a neurological artifact existing in our own heads.

Everything that exists, ever did exist or ever will exist is, and always has been, present in an eternal Now. God is-was-always will be.
..... cool! :D


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Einstein once wrote to the widow of a physicist he'd known that "time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."


Glass half Panda'd
Sunstone said:
Einstein once wrote to the widow of a physicist he'd known that "time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."
i've seen that quote somewhere.

Maybe there should be a new thread to explain to Buttons* Einstein's theories? :D


Flaming Queer
Sunstone said:
Einstein once wrote to the widow of a physicist he'd known that "time is an illusion, albeit a persistent one."

or more precisley:

"time is an illusion, at lunch time, doubley so!"


God has no beginning and has no end. The state of being in beginning and at end is a mechanism created by God for His creations.
this is our islamic understanding to this issue..
Before the universe nothing existed (including time) except God...God is Who created time and space and everything....so time is just a human scale that can not be applied to God..

Einstein claims that time is linked with gravity (i don't fully understand the link....) with noe gravity (no mass, no nothing) there is no time.
in general relativity Einstein claimed that space and time are interconnected togather...and difference in time is a result of space-time distortion...
without detailing, we can say that without masses no time exist...so this big bang includes time as including the space, and when the universe started in the theory, time began too
relating this to religion, God started the universe by big bang, both space and time were created, thus no time or space existed before....only God was there(and dont ask me where is "there" cuz this is beyond our imagination):)


Well-Known Member
Buttons* said:
If God made us, and everything else.... who or what made God?

Some would say "no one, nothing, God just was" or "God made himself" (i've actually heard that argument believe it or not! :p )

It's really a stupid question, I know, but I'd still like some opinions on it. (cause i'm a nutcase like that) Thanks!

He has always been.


Active Member
My brain hurts when I try to think of this 'origins of the universe' related stuff. I get all panicky and start to doubt my own existence so I'll just stay out of this one!


Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
I can feel my brain shrinking as I type so I'll have to be brief... :D

I can't answer your question. I think to do so would require me to know and understand far more then I could possibly about the concepts of God, Time and the universe. (I can't even fathom my cat out, so there's no hope for me ;)) And even then, how could I express that knowledge in words?

I do think the question 'What created God'? is a little misleading, as to answer it one would have to fix God into one definable explanation and would have to impose artificial and subjective limitations. It's a bit like asking whether a proton is a wave or a particle, or whether a bird is better then a cloud. When we can't understand the question, any answers we give will be incomplete at best. (And misleading at worst)

'Tis an interesting question though. :)


Well-Known Member
Buttons* said:
If God made us, and everything else.... who or what made God?

Some would say "no one, nothing, God just was" or "God made himself" (i've actually heard that argument believe it or not! :p )

It's really a stupid question, I know, but I'd still like some opinions on it. (cause i'm a nutcase like that) Thanks!

Only things that exist require creation. Since God transcends existence (because He created existence), He is not bound by it's restrictions (specifically, the restriction that for something to exist, it requires a creator), and thus He does not require a Creator.

Of course, we say He exists for simplicity. However, since God created everything, He created even the concept of existence, and also it's opposite: nothingness. He also created the difference between the two absolutes. Therefore, He is neither.

This is how I've always explained it. But it's somewhat confusing. The idea that God created even existence is somewhat absurd. :( It also implies that God is bound by logic, which He created... but then how could He be bound by logic? Blah. I try hard not to think about God too much, because the idea hurts my head!!! :banghead3


Only things that exist require creation. Since God transcends existence (because He created existence), He is not bound by it's restrictions (specifically, the restriction that for something to exist, it requires a creator), and thus He does not require a Creator.

Creation is a God characteristic, He is beyond our imagination, thus we can not imagine Him or what existed before the universe...

He existed before space and time, existed in nowhere, and no time, existed for no known period...existed and decided to create us with all our human concepts of space and time, created us with a limitation in our mind that prevents us to think beyond our human nature...

let me ask u a question, can u imagine an 11D space for example?...no u cant
but if God created the space in 11D instead of 3D, u would imagine it easily...

What i want to tell u here is that a limitation exists to ur mind, and dont try bother urself answering those questions...cuz no one can answer u...

God gave u enough evidences to believe He exists, and He created u with a lack of knowledge, so that to seek for it all ur life without reaching ultimate knowledge....
He is the one who created everything and He is the one who knows everything about His creations....

We are given a few amount of knowledge that we will keep running and searching for all our lives....but still will be one ultimate fact.....God....The creator