I dunno, I watch quite a few foreign movies. American titilation seems kind of boring in comparison.Not showing something does not make it shameful or taboo, unless it actually is.
My problem with nudity in films today, is that 99+ percent of the nudity is added for the male viewing pleasure, - which does continue the idea of the female body as being a sexual object.
Films of the past had all the same subjects that those of today have, - rape - infidelity - hookers, sadistic murder, etc., yet they managed to make them without the nudity.
I'm obviously all for a future where nudity is fine, however, I think a societal change is necessary in the US first, - before it will actually be "natural" nudity in our films.
This skinny-dipper hopes they get there sooner rather than later.
But If you're after some beefcakes, might I suggest some Bollywood? The actors might as well be runway models the amount of times they randomly appear shirtless covered in glistening gel. No real reason, just coz. Personally I'm partial to Hithrik (sp?) It's like if that Jacob guy from Twlight was a gifted dancer and a better actor.