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Choice of religion?


New Member
Approaching marriage at the age of 30, my fiancee and I often discuss our religious future. She was born into a Catholic family and attend a private Catholic school. I was born into a broken Catholic family and rarely attended Catholic church. I actually spent a few years attending a Baptist church in my late teens.

Now that you know a bit about me, I am interested in becoming more spiritual one day soon. The issue is, I have a problem with religion.

For many, choice of religion is inherited from generations past. As children, we do not have our say in choice of religion. Many of us are conditioned to believe that our parents religion is the one and only from a very young age.

My personal beliefs are that there is likely a god but there is no telling which religion is closest to the truth, if any. I believe that most religions were created back when laws did not exist in order to maintain a community that can coexist. After all, the fear of the unknown (afterlife) is an excellent means of controlling people.

I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

This question has bothered me for years. I would like to get a response from members from a variety of different religions, not just Christianity. And please, don't use the word "faith" when you respond.

Thanks everyone


I think you're right, in that most people follow the religion they do simply because they were born into it, and have no real exposure to other points of view regarding religion. I grew up in the Bible Belt, where everyone is practically a conservative Christian, and that's the way I grew up. Thankfully for me, from an early age, I had an intense desire to learn about all the world religions, and, while spending most of my life as a Christian, I ended up converting to Buddhism. As far as the afterlife is concerned, I think how one acts has more to do with a better afterlife than what one believes. I personally believe that all religions are just different paths leading to the same goal. All religions are equal and equally valid expressions of spirituality.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to join a church for social reasons why not a sane group like Episcopalian or Unitarian?

Spirituality is not found in church.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

It's my understanding that the answer to this varies depending on which Christian denomination you ask. Not being a Christian, I pretty much dismiss the entire idea of hell entirely so there isn't even a question to ask. There is no one "correct" religious path and consequently no "damnation" of everyone else who doesn't follow it to some eternal torment and madness.

Secret Chief

Those with the answer to your question regarding post mortem experience are generally considered to be unable to communicate with the living.

Jesus was born a Jew I understand. Is he in hell?


Well-Known Member
I am interested in becoming more spiritual one day soon.
I'd be interested in knowing why and how. Thinking about it, I wonder exactly what you mean by being "more spiritual".

The issue is, I have a problem with religion.
I think everyone does one way or another.

I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?
Any reason beyond intellectual curiosity? Nobody actually knows the answer (however much some my think they do) so all you'll get is a whole mess of different opinions.


New Member
I'd be interested in knowing why and how. Thinking about it, I wonder exactly what you mean by being "more spiritual".

I think everyone does one way or another.

Any reason beyond intellectual curiosity? Nobody actually knows the answer (however much some my think they do) so all you'll get is a whole mess of different opinions.

By more spiritual I mean having a better understanding our origins and what life is about.

If no one know the answer then is simply a guessing game? Should I just write down each religion on a small piece of paper, throw it in a big hat and pick one? If no one can answer then why choose a particular religion?


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
No religion is spiritual, which is why you pick a path rather than a religion. Religions are not concerned with spirituality as much as order and control, in both negative and positive ways. To be spiritual really requires work, it is not as simple as religions would have you think. Being spiritual and understanding spirituality require dedication and focus. It a journey to great to accomplish in only one life.


Agnostic Pantheist
Why not read a little bit about what major religions say, without having a need for absolute answers on details. for example who goes to hell. why would you want someone to answer for you these questions?
personally this wouldn't even be on my list of questions about life. if your background is Christianity, remember that only one man in the entire New Testament who was promised a place in heaven, was the convicted criminal who was crucified next to Christ. what really matters is what Jesus said about life on this earth, and in society, speeches such as the Sermon on the Mount, and his interaction with people. in fact these elements are above differences of religion and go directly into human relations.


I would like to know what happens to all the "good people" who are non christian, or Buddhist, Islam, etc and are blindly lead into their particular religion from a young age? Perhaps they never even heard of religions such as Christianity. Do they burn in Hell because they are ignorant to the fact that Jesus exist? Do Jews automatically go to hell?

Religion shouldn't be "blindly lead" that is it should be about searching and investigation and finding truth... but I don't think "hell" is for those who are sincere and seeking .. it's more for those who keep others from searching!


I attend a Catholic Church and feel immensely spiritual. Apparently I'm a zombie under mind control over men with fancy hats too. Just because some people misunderstand and can't be spiritual under the old school method; doesn't mean you can't. Millions of people do and have.


Well-Known Member
According to Islam, God is the most Just and will do no injustice to anyone.

One of the attributes of God is Al-Adl (The Just). "The One who judges between His Servants in this life and the Hereafter with His Justice and Fairness. He will not oppress anyone to the extent of an atoms weight and none will be made to carry the encumbrance of another. No servant will be recompensed in a way that is greater than the magnitude of his sin, he will be given only what he deserves. Not a single persons right will be denied, He is Just in His regulation and decree." [Taken from godnames.org/godnames.php?f=godnames_36_50#50]

And according to the Qur'an :
"...and Allah(God) means no injustice to any of His creatures." (Qur'an 3 : 108)

Therefore, in my opinion, it is quite safe to assume that if the True message of God (The creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in and out of it) has really not reached a person, he/she will not be held accountable for it. However, if the message has reached (we can debate as to what constitutes 'reaching the message') a person, he/she will be held accountable for rejecting/denying it regardless of their other deeds.

Finally, from the Abrahamic religions point of view, muslims believe that the True Message of God has been revealed to all the prophets starting from Prophet Adam(PBUH) and then continuing with many other including Moses(PBUH) and Jesus(PBUH) and finally ending with Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). That message is..."There is no god but Allah(GOD)", meaning that there is only ONE GOD with no partners. As the Qur'an states :
"Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah(God)), and he was not of the idolaters." (Qur'an 3 : 67)

Note :
PBUH stands for Peace Be Upon Him

"'Allah' is simply the Arabic word for God. Allah for Muslims is the greatest and most inclusive of the Names of God, it is an Arabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God."[From jannah.org 'TOP TEN MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISLAM']. It is not any other special deity or anything like that. Even Arab Christians use 'Allah' for 'GOD'.
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Well-Known Member
By more spiritual I mean having a better understanding our origins and what life is about.
I'm all for that. I think it's a deeper, wider question than the word spiritual could reasonably mean though.

If no one know the answer then is simply a guessing game? Should I just write down each religion on a small piece of paper, throw it in a big hat and pick one? If no one can answer then why choose a particular religion?
I agree. That's why I don't have a religion. In my experience they're most certainly not a necessity and can be as much a hindrance as anything else. This is especially true if you wish to expand and explore your view of existance rather than be given a neatly packaged (as long as you don't ask too many difficult questions) conclusion.


New Member
According to Islam, God is the most Just and will do no injustice to anyone.

One of the attributes of God is Al-Adl (The Just). "The One who judges between His Servants in this life and the Hereafter with His Justice and Fairness. He will not oppress anyone to the extent of an atoms weight and none will be made to carry the encumbrance of another. No servant will be recompensed in a way that is greater than the magnitude of his sin, he will be given only what he deserves. Not a single persons right will be denied, He is Just in His regulation and decree." [Taken from godnames.org/godnames.php?f=godnames_36_50#50]

And according to the Qur'an :
"...and Allah(God) means no injustice to any of His creatures." (Qur'an 3 : 108)

Therefore, in my opinion, it is quite safe to assume that if the True message of God (The creator of the heavens and the earth and everything in and out of it) has really not reached a person, he/she will not be held accountable for it. However, if the message has reached (we can debate as to what constitutes 'reaching the message') a person, he/she will be held accountable for rejecting/denying it regardless of their other deeds.

Finally, from the Abrahamic religions point of view, muslims believe that the True Message of God has been revealed to all the prophets starting from Prophet Adam(PBUH) and then continuing with many other including Moses(PBUH) and Jesus(PBUH) and finally ending with Prophet Muhammad(PBUH). That message is..."There is no god but Allah(GOD)", meaning that there is only ONE GOD with no partners. As the Qur'an states :
"Abraham was not a Jew, nor yet a Christian; but he was an upright man who had surrendered (to Allah(God)), and he was not of the idolaters." (Qur'an 3 : 67)

Note :
PBUH stands for Peace Be Upon Him

"'Allah' is simply the Arabic word for God. Allah for Muslims is the greatest and most inclusive of the Names of God, it is an Arabic word of rich meaning, denoting the one and only God."[From jannah.org 'TOP TEN MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT ISLAM']. It is not any other special deity or anything like that. Even Arab Christians use 'Allah' for 'GOD'.

Could you elaborate on what you mean by "the true message of god" Who's god are you referring to?


Well-Known Member
Could you elaborate on what you mean by "the true message of god" Who's god are you referring to?

Ok, let me try. My assumption is that most people who believe in some sort of God and/or a religion, they may differ in the way they think of God, for example, the attributes, the form, the numbers etc. However, most of them would agree that whatever God they believe in is 'the Creator' of the Heavens and the Earth and everything else including themselves. So in essence we might believe in different Gods but the Creator of all of us is still the same One Creator. So now that Creator has a message to humanity. Since He created us, He would probably want to communicate to us specifying that He wants us to worship Him and why. And that communication from the Creator is the 'True message of God'.

Now we can all claim that my religion says this is the message from God/Creator. But we can't all be right, especially if they are conflicting messages. For instance, the same Creator cannot tell some people to do :
a) worship the Creator alone without any partners and without any idolatry and that He has no Son (Islam)
and to some people to
b) worship the Creator along with His son Jesus (Christianity)
and yet to some people to
c) worship different Idols (Hinduism)
d) and many more that I didn't mention here...

So there has to be only One consistent message from the Creator to the mankind from beginning till the end of times. So now let's say that you belong to groups (b),(c), or (d) above and someone from group (a) gave you the message stated above with reasoning - now the message of group (a) has reached you and if group(a) indeed happens to be the One True Message from the Creator, and you reject/deny it - you will be held accountable for that. On the other hand, if group(a) is the One True Message but somehow you never ever came across that message in you life, I don't think you will be held accountable for that. The same theory applies for any of the groups. That's why it is important to find out which one is the 'True Message of God'.

Hope this clarifies. Peace.
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New Member
Ok, let me try. My assumption is that most people who believe in some sort of God and/or a religion, they may differ in the way they think of God, for example, the attributes, the form, the numbers etc. However, most of them would agree that whatever God they believe in is 'the Creator' of the Heavens and the Earth and everything else including themselves. So in essence we might believe in different Gods but the Creator of all of us is still the same One Creator. So now that Creator has a message to humanity. Since He created us, He would probably want to communicate to us specifying that He wants us to worship Him and why. And that communication from the Creator is the 'True message of God'.

Now we can all claim that my religion says this is the message from God/Creator. But we can't all be right, especially if they are conflicting messages. For instance, the same Creator cannot tell some people to do :
a) worship the Creator alone without any partners and without any idolatry and that He has no Son (Islam)
and to some people to
b) worship the Creator along with His son Jesus (Christianity)
and yet to some people to
c) worship different Idols (Hinduism)
d) and many more that I didn't mention here...

So there has to be only One consistent message from the Creator to the mankind from beginning till the end of times. So now let's say that you belong to groups (b),(c), or (d) above and someone from group (a) gave you the message stated above with reasoning - now the message of group (a) has reached you and if group(a) indeed happens to be the One True Message from the Creator, and you reject/deny it - you will be held accountable for that. On the other hand, if group(a) is the One True Message but somehow you never ever came across that message in you life, I don't think you will be held accountable for that. The same theory applies for any of the groups. That's why it is important to find out which one is the 'True Message of God'.

Hope this clarifies. Peace.

Thank you for responding. Now, suppose you whole heartily believe that A or B or C is the true message of god and you are wrong... Is is better to research, choose a multiple choice answer that you think is correct and cross your fingers and hope for the best or choose none of the above and live life?

How is god being fair if he holds you accountable when there are so many options out there and he is not sending a clear message to all?


Active Member
I would like to get a response from members from a variety of different religions, not just Christianity. And please, don't use the word "faith" when you respond.

Thanks everyone

If you follow Buddhism, It will guide you to a Buddha.(Person)
If you follow Baha'i, It will guide you to Bahaullah (Person)
If you follow Hindusim, It will guide you to thousands of Gods!
If you follow Christianity,It will guide you to Jesus.
If you follow Jewish,It will guide you to God but not almighty.

But,If you follow Islam, It will guide you directly to the Creator of everything.The God who created The smallest atom to the biggest star.

This is what I see.


Active Member
you could give up on a specific relgion and just work on being the best person you could be. thats the spiritual path im taking. it requires no belief in a god, offers no answers on existence or meaning of life. if there is a god, specially an all knowing one, he'll know the truth with each individual regardless of what they believed in, and regardless of any dogma and superstition. i dont believe in him, but if he does exist it wont matter if i believed in him or not. thats the only true and just god i can put my faith in, one that doesnt require absurd beliefs. otherwise i just work on being a good kind person. i follow alot of ways of many religions, being kind to others, not judging or trying not too, helping those in need, etc... but i dont agree with all the morals they preach, any intolerance, or that anyone could truly know god or what its all about. it doesnt work for everyone, but it works for me.


New Member
There are a couple dozen major religions and what seems like several hundred different variations within each. Since only one can possibly be correct, statistically speaking, what are my chances of choosing the correct path?


Agnostic Pantheist
There are a couple dozen major religions and what seems like several hundred different variations within each. Since only one can possibly be correct, statistically speaking, what are my chances of choosing the correct path?
Can possibly be correct about what? some of the most significant historical religious growth emerged out of religious debate.