Hi All,
I wanted to hear other people's experiences and feedback regarding choosing a spiritual path. I have been a seeker for about 15 years. I grew up a Catholic but had a curiosity to study other religions. I have spent time with the Hare Krishnas, Sikhs, Eckankar among others. I do have a desire to focus on one path since each requires commitment but I am not ready to choose a path. I am not sure which one is right for me. Have others been through this experience before? It is hard to know whether just to choose one or study different ones until I am sure I have found my path. Thank-you,
Looking back in my own search I find we have some things in common... I was raised in a family that was Baptist and later in my teens began searching. I was drawn to Yoga and meditation and studied the Bhagavad Gita... I was in an Ashram in my early twenties. Later I studied Theravada Buddhism.. I came to the conclusion as I recall that I could not reject Krishna, Christ or Buddha and that a Golden Thread ran through all the great scriptures...that I would not reject one in favor of another.
After reaching this conclusion I found the Baha'i Faith which was in perfect accord with my searching... Best wishes to you and may you find spiritual satisfaction and peace in this life and the life to come!
- Art