Well-Known Member
This thread is simple. This is about the promise of Christ Return.
From a Baha'i point of view this event has happened and was Fulfilled in the Messages of the Bab ("Gate") and Baha'u'llah ("Glory of God", or "Glory of the Lord").
As many await this event, both Christians and Muslims, how did we miss the greatest moment in History to date, would be the over-riding question to consider with this OP.
View attachment 20526
But lets go for a further three options;
What should have we looked for?
What are you still waiting for?
Why are you sitting with popcorn?
I suspect that there will be people looking and waiting thousands of years from now. The problem with signs and prophecies in the bible is that they are either so vague that they could mean virtually anything or they are no different from accurate predictions. That's why for every generation for the past 2000 years there have been people who have read the bible prophecies, looked around the world that they lived in, and concluded that all of the prophecies had or were coming to pass and that Christ would return within their lifetime. There's no reason to believe that people are interpreting those vague prophecies any more accurately today than people have for many centuries.