Sheppard for the Die Hard
Let's not keep such an open mind that your brain falls out either. There may be things we cannot explain, that doesn't mean that you get to just make something up to fill in the gap in your knowledge. Invented explanations are not explanations but rationalizations. If we don't know what happened, we don't know. We don't get to pretend that we know to get around the discomfort of not knowing.
Quit pretending that "god" doesn't exist then, because you don't know, you'll 'never' know, and its not up for debate. Sorry it gives you discomfort not knowing, to where you have to settle for believing he/it doesn't exist. Also for the record, it may be just you that gets discomfort from not knowing, because I don't know, and Im not uncomfortable at all and it doesn't bother me. I never made god up, instead I just define it differently. Uh duh.
@Bunyip -> sonofasons post -> my owed response to your question a page back. Again dude sorry for the delay lol.
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