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Christianity and slavery.....


Residential Occultist
Christianity is a religion that promises it's followers a life of freedom and with out bondage of any types so long as the prescribed course outlined in the Holy Bible seems to imply.
Why then in all this freedom giving and promises of being no any longer in any type of bondage, does the holy bible not forbid the having or owning of slaves?
Wouldn't it seems a little logical to prohibit the physical bondage of individuals in all of that freedom promising doctrine?


Christianity is a religion that promises it's followers a life of freedom and with out bondage of any types so long as the prescribed course outlined in the Holy Bible seems to imply.
Why then in all this freedom giving and promises of being no any longer in any type of bondage, does the holy bible not forbid the having or owning of slaves?
Wouldn't it seems a little logical to prohibit the physical bondage of individuals in all of that freedom promising doctrine?

He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death. Exodus 21:16

And if one of your brethren who dwells by you becomes poor, and sells himself to you, you shall not compel him to serve as a slave. As a hired servant and a sojourner he shall be with you, and shall serve you until the Year of Jubilee. Lev. 25:39-40


Da man, when I walk thru!
He who kidnaps a man and sells him, or if he is found in his hand, shall surely be put to death. Exodus 21:16

And if one of your brethren who dwells by you becomes poor, and sells himself to you, you shall not compel him to serve as a slave. As a hired servant and a sojourner he shall be with you, and shall serve you until the Year of Jubilee. Lev. 25:39-40

Pwned!!!!! :slap:


Christianity is a religion that promises it's followers a life of freedom and with out bondage of any types so long as the prescribed course outlined in the Holy Bible seems to imply.
Why then in all this freedom giving and promises of being no any longer in any type of bondage, does the holy bible not forbid the having or owning of slaves?
Wouldn't it seems a little logical to prohibit the physical bondage of individuals in all of that freedom promising doctrine?

I suppose the Biblical authors didn't see that much of a need to address the issue. Certainly though, there are interpretations that can help imply the Bible never wanted slaves. Martin Luther King Jr is a great example of how the Bible can inspire men to put an end to racial injustice.

Slavery is mentioned in the Book of Mormon in Mosiah 2:13 and compares it to wickedness. It's a great example of how most Christians today probably interpret the Bible.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nothing more than a count the hits ignore the misses ploy.

Exodus 21:7-11
Leviticus 25:44-46
Exodus 21:20-21
Ephesians 6:5
1 Timothy 6:1-2
Luke 12:47-48

None of those scriptures condone slavery as real slavery has come to be known. A slave as mentioned in the Bible might mean anyone in the service of another but has no way of leaving. You assume God defines slavery the same way the worst human does.

The laws and rules made were to protect the person, not enslave the person. You can see what you will in it and I can too.


Oldest Heretic
The Jews embraced slavery and had firm rules about their treatment.
The Romans and Greeks accepted slavery as a norm but also had rules and the expectation that slaves could earn their freedom.

Christianity went some way to oppose the mistreatment of slaves and servants but accepted that both slaves and masters, had both rights and duties.

Slavery was the norm in the ancient world. They would not have recognised the sort of slavery that existed in the 18th century plantations.


Admiral Obvious
None of those scriptures condone slavery as real slavery has come to be known. A slave as mentioned in the Bible might mean anyone in the service of another but has no way of leaving. You assume God defines slavery the same way the worst human does.

The laws and rules made were to protect the person, not enslave the person. You can see what you will in it and I can too.

Please be so kind as to let me know when you are done telling me what I want to see.


Before we continue lets at least cut the crap, we all know what slavery is and we all know what the scriptures meant when the word was used.

Can't believe people will say slavery in the bible was not as we humans see it, come on it was written by humans.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Before we continue lets at least cut the crap, we all know what slavery is and we all know what the scriptures meant when the word was used.

Can't believe people will say slavery in the bible was not as we humans see it, come on it was written by humans.

What is indentured servitude? If managed properly a person who is indentured can get free. Slavery is not that.


Well-Known Member
What is indentured servitude? If managed properly a person who is indentured can get free. Slavery is not that.

I think those who are Jewish have a way better knowledge of how Slavery was to be treated.

A cursory glance of the bible would seem however that there was a difference between a hebrew slave and a gentile slave in their treatment.

Meaning Hebrew slaves were not to be considered property, gentile slaves were not afforded that same protection, that being said I'm sure they were still treated better than other groups treatment of slaves (human sacrifices and what not).


Although it is a common charge by skeptics and those who desire to attack the Bible or God the scriptures do not condone slavery. On the contrary the scriptures inspire believrs to strive for freedom as some one previously mentioned Martin Luther King Jr. and then there was William Wilberforce (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Wilberforce) who fought for years to abolish slavery in England. Even today Christians inspired by the scriptures lead the way in the fight against human trafficking and slavery Christians lead the way in the fight against human trafficking and slavery « God and Politics in the UK

"The idea that God or Christianity encourages or approves of slavery is shown to be false. In fact, anybody who was caught selling another person into slavery was to be executed. However, since voluntary slavery was widely practiced during biblical times, the Bible proscribes laws to protect the lives and health of slaves."

Does God Approve of Slavery According to the Bible?

Slavery in the Bible: Does God Approve of It?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
The reality is that both Judaism and Christianity allowed for slavery, and if there's really any doubt about the Christian involvement, then let me suggest they check this out: Bible, Revised Standard Version

Thank you. It's a good link. Slave and servant are the same or different? I am certain modern Bible translators do not know ancient Greek. I don't either. Do you? Some translations say servant. Some say slave.

There is no getting out of reality except to die. Are we not all slaves because there is no leaving? We are all bound by the natural laws of The Earth. For better or for worse we are all captives.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
"He is your property." - Exodus 21:21

Can a child be considered a person's property? There are many people who consider a spouse their own property. When a child grows up he will be free from his parents. A spouse can be free by a divorce. The kind of slavery that is bad and that the Bible has never condoned, is slavery with no way out except death.


Admiral Obvious
Can a child be considered a person's property? There are many people who consider a spouse their own property. When a child grows up he will be free from his parents. A spouse can be free by a divorce. The kind of slavery that is bad and that the Bible has never condoned, is slavery with no way out except death.

Round and round and round you go...