Well-Known Member
First off let me state this is not to become a slanging match, and I come from a sympathetic place concerning the religion that has been passed to us as that of Jesus/Jehehshuah, as it was the faith within which I was raised. However it is common to hear Muslims accuse The Christians of polytheism as a result of the trinity and/or the Nicean Creed but not so common to hear idolatry debated. As a result of reading another thread I thought I might open the topic. What I would like to discuss is whether or not at least some (maybe all) of the established churches are guilty of idolatry. Even with the reformation and protestations of people like Luther over indulgences, to the more Catholic faiths, the wider Orthodox Church, even Presbyterian and even 'born agains' there is still a certain reverence paid to objects be they relics, statues, windows, crosses, or even just 'fish'. After comment on this I would even like to venture that is worship of the 'word' be that Jahweh(IHVH) or subsequently Jeheshuah (IHShVH) a subtle form of idolatry???? I am not talking about seeking wisdom of the walking word or the holy texts, but as worshiping these as God (Eloah) rather than worshipping the unseen himself. Thoughts????