Active Member
I do not think that it is right to compare people's religion to a mental disorder. How would you like it if I did that with your beliefs?
I invite people to challenge my beliefs. If you're confident that your beliefs are sound and solid, then you should be able to refute criticism and scrutiny. If you're secure in your beliefs, then your emotions and ego wouldn't be so easily bruised.
Reminds me of when one of my kids comes to me and says "G told me I was stupid" While not nice, I remind them to think of how it made them feel to have someone call them stupid, so as they do not make anyone else feel that way and then I ask them "do YOU think you're stupid?" Generally "no" is answered back. "Well then, why do you care what they think, you know who you are and what you are capable of. Let them think what they will, deep down you know it's not true."