"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works." -II Timothy 3:16-17
I believe all scripture is inspired (God puts the words in the man's mouth), and there are probably times where it is directly dictated: the Prophets. For example, "Thus saith the Lord".
Now, if it isn't inspired by God, what are we basing our faith on? Something that is no different then Plato's Republic, and Marx's Communist Manifesto. Why? Because it's written by man, and man makes mistakes, and certainly can't be trusted to formulate doctrine that will save my soul.
So, by the very basis of our faith, it must be God-inspired, and true. So, that means that is must be historically accurate because God was there throughout history, and would certainly know the conditions. Except in cases of divine intervention (that is where God decides the transcend the laws of science which He created), the Bible can't say things in violation of scientific law.
It doesn't violate either.
Suggesting that it's not historically, or scientifically accuarate means that we can't trust a single part.
We can't pick and choose, people. Either it's God's Word, and therefore factually accuare; or it's not factually accurate and not God's Word. We can't see Romans 10, and believe that; but reject Genesis 1.
It just doesn't work that way.