Ah... okay. So any atheist who gets sent to Hell quickly loses his atheism. Gotcha. I (and maybe others here) took your previous statement to mean that atheists got a "free pass" when it came to Hell.(regarding no atheists in hell)
Think about it. If you're in hell you are forced to believe in God and Satan, instead of believing by free will.
Of course, I think we'll both be equally surprised when C'thul'hu emerges and eradicates humanity.
Oh! While I've got you: have you given any thought to the question I asked you before?
When you "look at the candidate's agenda from a Christian standpoint", what do you actually do?
Is it like you have a checklist based on the Sermon on the Mount and count off the items that are included in the candidate's platform, or is there more to it than that?
This is something that I'm actually very interested in. I'd like to see how faith and belief gets translated into voting decisions in the Christian perspective.