Does the Bible really make this claim? I was reading the book of Hebrews the other day, and I came upon this passage. I've read it before, but I've never really given it a second thought until now:
Hebrews 11:3 - By faith we understand that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible.
So I got to thinking, does this passage say that God indeed made the universe out something (even though that something may be invisible), or does it say that God made the universe out of nothing? What other passages can we use to determine the answer? Is there any way to be certain? Does it matter? Does the question make sense? I would appreciate your thoughts.
Strength & Honor,
Remember, the Bible was written by men as they were born along by God's Holy Spirit, 2Tim 3:16,17, 2Pet 1:20,21. Another thing to remember is; true science and the Bible agree completely. God happens to be the one who knows everything, so He makes no mistakes, Job 36:4, 37:16.
The Bible says that God made everything out of things invisible. Science understands that everything visible is made of energy, compressed energy. That is why an atomic bomb is so powerful. When the energy is released quickly it produces a massive explosion, especially so in some materials.
It is interesting the way that Isaiah wrote about energy at Isa 40:13,14, 25,26. The Bible says, in several places that God is Omnipotent, Allpowerful, Almighty, Ex 6:3, Rev 15:3. There is a term in large dictionaries; Ex Nihilo Nihil fit, which is Latin for; nothing is created out of nothing. This agrees with science, The Almighty God, whose Proper, Personal name is Jehovah, because of being Almighty created all of visible matter by compressing invisible energy into visible matter. Since He is All-powerful He has created all the heavens and the earth,and is still All-powerful.
The fact is; Only Jehovah God is Omnificent. When the Bible speaks about Jesus making things, these are things made out of matter that God created. Jesus was the Master Worker in all creation, Prov 8:22-31. All things were created for him and through him, but not by him, John 1:3, Col 1:16.