all life is worth tryin to save,karma,energy,is the base of religion,dont hate but defend!culture,class and econimics are what its about,all religion other than cult crap are the same,jesus,alah,buhda,krishna,bridgid,thor,mars,thoth,quazicotl,the creator r all the same crap,yahew wanted jews to reclaim palistine santioned by the resolver of guilt for war,the ark of the covenent,egypian cherubs lion hermaprodites gaurding the holy of holys even though thats described as demonic in the new testament,the ear of god is gnostic or older egyptian,hermes trigmagistas,the emrald tablets is the same as the arc!qumran,and the essenes,the cult jesus came from is the start lol,wearers of white,the pure!templers took up there tabard with a charm,templer cross is red on of the pure=gaurdians of the pilgrams,first to dig on the rock of the dome,king solomans temple,they went from 6 knights to the most organized unafiliated military;armed,armored,and theocratic force in europe,sanctioned by the pope when monastic branches of the church seem only special to them!king james of spain was tutored by templers,the most gnostic version of the acepted scriptures!paul went to greece and his gospels where eventually become the basis of the new testament,but saul the lyer,was jelios of mary whom jesus kissed on the lips,not precice but the nag hamadi texts say this,wich predate new tes gospheles by 2 hundred yrs,juda didnt betray he was a middle man,the line of david,riding an ***,wearing white,like the dali lama wearing his robes driving his car the german made to lhasa,christos is greek,christianity is a religion based on political power to control a volitile area of an empire,gnosis is the seeking of thruth,knowledge and understanding,theology,aberax and his strugle,dark and light,good and evil,and the quest of enlightenment!gnosis,is as old as we know,egypian hebrew,indian religion all similar,buhda,jesus and alah all where enlightned they obtained gnosis which is understanding.polotics is what creates sects and devides a ppl into two!je-had...prob spelled wrong im a thinker not a speller,means protect inocence for the greater good,the koran preaches peace not war but just like the crusades,god and the pope whos elected by god and his voice on earth lol"nazi panzer member"can condem or santion war and genocide,true followers of all mesiahs follow the path of peace,polotics has become a stage for religious natinalistic ppls to arm and fight because thats all they no!paistinians and jews r both abrhams sons,one ligit the other not,power is fire,can harness and use or it can destroy!hebrews cuxed jesus,and elected hitler indirectly lol the blood of david is why bilions ahve died,from the pharos to the holocaust!the king of isreal is from the blood of david and we have a faith built on fragmented,planned scriptures changed to suit!constantine invented christianity to apease and mend a brocken empire!dec 24 is 3 days after the solstice where the sun hits an equinox,three magi folowing a star at solstice.mithriatic sun worship lol became the martyrs birth,rebirth of the sun becomes the christos birth!old test,kabal,coptic,and gnostic,koran and the talmud r all the same story culturaly divided by ignorance and lust lol!