According to the Bible there will be a judgement after death....
Judas walked with Jesus but at the time of his betrayal do you think he would have received his inheirtance? And Peter even though he was the one to whom Jesus said, "Upon this Rock I will build my church", do you think at the time of his denial that he would have recieved his inheirtance? Or would it have been after he was restored and renewed and realized what he had done.....Then there was King David who was called a Man after God's own heart....but he too, sinned and after he lived through much anguish and heartache was finally restored by God....In the span of time whether long or short that someone turns from God I believe they are in danger of losing that inheirtance......
According to most so called christians, Judas is the epitome of evil, and they would see him burn forever in the fires of hell. And yet, if they were carried in the spirit to the place of the last supper and could see that the resolve of Judas to do that which he had planned to do was weakening, and that it would take only one word from them to divert him from his apparent insane course of action, would they do it?
Or knowing that Peter was accused by Jesus as a satan for even suggesting that he he didn't have to die, and that it was the purpose and plan of God that Jesus should be handed over to the Jews who killed him by letting the sinful Romans crucify him, would they not intervene?
But for they, who refused to intervene, knowing full well that they could have stopped him, then they would be as guilty as he and would be Judged as they have judged him.
Would you, given the opportunity to stop Judas from handing Jesus over to the Jews, do so? See Acts 2: 22, "In accordance with his own plan God had already decided that Jesus would be handed over to you; and you killed him by letting sinfull men crucify him."
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