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Christians, please answer this thread...


Miranda Kerr Worship
Speaking of the OP, As a Christian I invite each individual ual to study and explore every religion see which one is right for them.

Good on you! There is nothing wrong with any religion provided it does not interfere with anothers rights! You are pushing people for people to find what is right for them giving them freedom of choice. Good on you!


Miranda Kerr Worship
My opinion is that anyone who attacks someone else's religious beliefs is simply insecure with regards to his own. If you have to undercut someone else's position in order to make your position look good, you don't have much of a position to start with. People seem to have an innate need to feel superior, and with regards to religion, this means being more loved by God. It's disgusting, and I have no use for Christians who behave this way.


I agree that this is the case for some. I was once like this but I was EXTREMELY brainwashed by a cult group of Christians. I understand younger people who are brainwashed, but I can't imagine that everyone (that believes the way I mentioned in my first post) stays this way forever. I have to wonder if at the point they learn they are wrong, or at least have doubts, that they personally turn a blind eye. Does pride get in the way? Must they feel right? It was not easy for me. I, myself, am rather hard-headed. At the same time, what is worse? Being wrong and swallowing ones pride, or remaining wrong and never admitting that you are wrong?


Miranda Kerr Worship
The following are my answers as to why Christians in general believe such and such and are not necessarily what I myself believe.

I suppose because if you believe you have the true religion, there is no need to open your mind to others. I find this with most (all?) religions.

Most probably associate the occult with satan. And since satan is Christian enemy #1, the occult, by extension, is also "wanted dead."

Yes, having the ability to choose does not imply that all choices are acceptable/correct/non-fatal.

I believe the goal of the average Christian is this scenario is not to take away your ability to choose, but instead to convert the wayward soul to Christianity, as is also commanded according to their beliefs. Often times, they lack finesse and lose focus and end up alienating the wayward soul to the extent that the soul is ready to align with satan :)

You're welcome.

I know you already said "You're welcome", but I would like to say thanks for the post again!


Miranda Kerr Worship
It probably comes from teaching and self protection from a loss of identity.

No. God does not give choices; He gives commands.

You do not have the right; you have free will. However ignoring commands can lead to consequences. You can do it but you will pay for it.

My opinion is that a person brought up in an abusive Christian sect should learn what it is like to be in a Christian loving environment. However don't expect perfection.

Maybe so
He may give commands , but he still gave freedom of choice "free will." They are pretty much the same thing. Both freedom of choice and free will can have consequenses for the choices one makes. Why would God give us free will and then tell us what we must do? Why not just program us to do it and program us to enjoy doing it? Would that not fix the issue?
See previous comment...
Abusive vs loving Christian home...I am sure I wish my Christian home was a loving one. It certainly was very abusive but I do NOT assume all Christian homes are abusive. I would believe it to be quite the opposite. PLEASE do not assume I think they are all abusive...I would be board-brushing which I am very much agains. Just like NOT all Christians feel that occultists should die, but my question was geared about those who are...


non-existential luminary
He who has the power makes the laws and defines what is good. If you consider good to be evil it means that you are satanic and love evil. And of course those are your words, not the words of Jesus.
All of that is true, if you agree with those definitions.

I have seen no proof that His statement was a forgery. Jesus as God in the flesh can cast the stone or forgive. It is His prerogative.
All of that is true, if one agrees with the premises.

You are laboring under a misconstruction. God makes His decsion on what is good, ALWAYS .
I understand you believe that.

The lies of the devil will never defeat God. It is the lake of fire for your god.
there are no gods but The ONLY God. Yaweh is a demon. One that was easily able to trick and confuse you apperantly.


Miranda Kerr Worship
Once Evil, always Evil.
and yes. Yeshua DID say that He was a CONTINUATION of the demonic yaweh laws.
"let he without sin cast the first stone" is a forgery. and either way Yeshua should have cast those stones, yet failed to.
Yaweh's flipflopping shows its failure as a perfect being. The demon Yaweh and the ignorant Yeshua shall be laid low by Our True God

This is just not cool...why attack? Is that not what this thread is about. Non-Christians are just as wrong for treating Christians poorly as they are for treating us poorly.


Wonderful Wizard
Premium Member
Usually, it allows you to understand your position better, and to let others understand also.
That would be the case if the other 'position' wasn't just a flame to bait others into anger. The post *17 in question does not deserve a reply.

3. Trolling and Bullying:
1)posts that are deliberately inflammatory in order to provoke a vehement response from other users.


non-existential luminary
This is just not cool...why attack? Is that not what this thread is about. Non-Christians are just as wrong for treating Christians poorly as they are for treating us poorly.
I guess one man's attack is another man's teach.


non-existential luminary
That would be the case if the other 'position' wasn't just a flame to bait others into anger. The post *17 in question does not deserve a reply.
ACTUALLY what you're suggesting HUGELY infuriates me, probably delibarately provoking me to post something truely "trolling".

let me break it down for you so that our passions don't give an excuse to indifference:

premise 1:
once evil, always evil. (The problem of evil shows omnipotence is evil, even if it supposedly settles it later)
premise 2:
Yeshua DID say that He was a CONTINUATION of the yaweh laws.
(Verse 17) 'Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfil.
(Verse 18) For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled.
(Verse 19) Whoever therefore breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches men so, shall be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does and teaches them, he shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
(Matthew 5:17-19 - NKJV).
premise 3:
Yaweh is a demon: Yahweh is a DEMON, page 1
premise 4:
"let he without sin cast the first stone" is a forgery.
Jesus and the woman taken in adultery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
premise 5:
and either way Yeshua should have cast those stones, yet failed to.
(since he is blasphemly said to be without sin. most christians will say that as God, he is allowed to break law. that's just evil)
premise 6:
Yaweh's flipflopping shows its failure as a perfect being.
(In the Christian sense)
premise 7: The conclusion
The demon Yaweh and the ignorant Yeshua shall be laid low by Our True God
(By the unmentioned premise that God is good.)
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