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Christians what makes you not accept Islam?


Veteran Member
No, I don't think God only speaks to Jews.

But if there were another Prophet, They would be Jewish. No if's ands or buts.
And if you think God loves and cherishes them any less than He did thousands of years ago, Then you're sorely mistaken. They are and always will be His people.
Is the only evidence you have for this unchanging superiority of the Jews part of Jewish scripture. Because, that is, arguably, nothing more than circular reasoning.


But why would a Jewish prophet testify that Jesus was the Christ? Wouldn't a Jewish prophet be preaching about a Messiah yet to come?

You can be Jewish and believe in Jesus, Or in Zeus or even no God at all.

But it's kind of moot, Since the idea of a major prophet after Jesus is nonsensical, imo.


"Superiority" in the eyes of God ... a.k.a. being God's chosen people. Doesn't get more superior than that.

First off, Comparing the Jews and the Gentiles history, I'd say if anything they got the short end of the stick. Secondly, in what way does being chosen make them superior?
Are they any more saved then me? Any more loved than me? Any more God's child than me? Nope.


Not your average Mormon
You can be Jewish and believe in Jesus, Or in Zeus or even no God at all.
If you're Jewish and believe in Jesus, you're a Christian.

But it's kind of moot, Since the idea of a major prophet after Jesus is nonsensical, imo.
That would make sense if you think that the only purpose of a prophet was to prophesy of the coming of a Messiah.


If you're Jewish and believe in Jesus, you're a Christian.

No, you're not. You're still Jewish. Or, if you prefer, Messianic Jew.
I suppose, If I'm being fair, It's a little more complicated and entirely up to the person how they want to identify, But I think generally they keep to their heritage.

That would make sense if you think that the only purpose of a prophet was to prophesy of the coming of a Messiah.

I said major prophet, Like Abraham or Mohammad or Bahá'u'lláh. You know, the supposed game changers.


Well-Known Member
I believe that salvation comes completely out of actions, not beliefs. That is why I tend to BELIEVE that Jesus was depicted correctly, but I understand that I could be wrong, so I will continue to search.
I'm with you on that, though actions are usually the results of beliefs.

I would personally like to move past the point of belief on these matters and come to a personal knowledge of the truth. And by that I don't mean some archaeological finding or video evidence of Jesus Christ. Rather I mean I want God to become a person I know personally like a son knows his father. I want to know he lives and not simply believe it. I want to be able to know that when I have questions in life I can go to him in confidence of receiving an answer because he has done so before. I want to be able to say I know the Bible is the word of God because I have experienced the things it testifies about.
Basically I am getting a bit tired of knowing about God without actually knowing Him.


Active Member
Indeed I do want to discuss the Importance of Paul in Christianity, and why his writings were so important or carries more 'weight' than ONLY the gospels.


Would it be wrong to say that rather than Jesus, Paul was the Son of God. ;)
Paul never claimed to be the Son of God, but rather devoted his life to Christ and nothing mattered more to him than spreading the good news concerning the truth and love of Jesus Christ...But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Yet indeed I also count all things loss for the excellence of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them as rubbish, that I may gain Christ and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith (Philippians 3:7-9)