I think on a forum like this one, these threads are generally met with a resounding
But regardless of where it comes from, what it is NOW is what matters.
e.g. for me, Christmas is not particularly a Christian day, it's not really a day to celebrate someones birth. For me, specifically, it's a day to be with family and perhaps some friends, and celebrate what we mean to one another, and appreciating who each of us are. Because sometimes, we do forget. That's what christmas is for me. Neither pagan, nor christian, nor jewish, nor hindu.. nor nothing. It's me and it's mine. Sure, I can cope with christmas carols (though, not for too long
) when it gets a whole community together in one place, bringing us all together for a cuppa and a bikkie, maybe a bit of christmas cake too... there's not many things that move people to gather together like christmas does.