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Click here for happiness!


Resident megalomaniac
Donald Trump dancing? - YouTube - not recent?

Very well mind resilient

Mindfulness curiosity

Great Railway Journeys

Happiness be more open minded

Living up to our full potential

Quotes about ego suffering!

Eckhart Tolle products of the ego

Happiness approval addiction

Wake up world transcend ego

Try - highexistence.com spiritual bypassing

Treasure sentient beings

Try - awaken.com Mary Omalley

Happiness fix other people

Enlightened ways think about mental health!

Soul retrieval can heal addiction trauma

Tiny Buddha feeling worthy

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
If we are completely present to whatever is arising, we can stretch beyond our self-imposed limits; we can endure what may seem unendurable.

Shinge Roko Sherry Chayat Roshi, “Full-Moon Mind”


Resident megalomaniac
Gabor many corporations meet criteria sociopaths

Gabor socially entrenched bigotry

Sartre quotes - man who is afraid

Gabor kinder saner parallel universe

Gabor suppressed anger medical symptoms

Gabor stresses of being female in patriarchal society

Gabor Mate assaulted sense of self

Gabor chronic negation authentic experience can be fatal

Gabor health impairing roles women

{Gabor} body's rebellion {stress}

Gabor men's suffering patriarchal cycle

Gabor toxified masculinity is fatal

Terry Real learn to disconnect from your feelings

Gabor trying to live up to standard inhuman


Resident megalomaniac
For universe page! -

Creation life molecules? - a lot of science sites along with a couple on Divine creation life ...

Also try? - Divine origin life earth

Plus their menus - is that Francis Collins book site?

Also subscribed to their newsletter - for people asking questions about science & faith ...

Frequently asked questions about creation of life {on Earth}

Do faith in God and science contradict -

Questions about faith in God?

Yes - quite a hunch as I look over some of the results ... yet 2 explore ...

Divine creation life - YouTube! - watch!

YouTube again - How Did Life Begin - several!

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
More reading & pondering -

Gabor all politicians damaged people

Gabor toxicity of political life

Gabor experience more empathy disagree

Gabor wounded electing the wounded

Gabor implimenting policies that entrench traumatizing social conditions!

Gabor disable the compassion circuitry

Gabor signs of something amiss in body politic

Gabor traumatic scars underneath extreme emotional reactions!

Gabor confluence of politics and trauma

Gabor no child is born with dead eyes!

Gabor Mate politics {trauma?}

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Gabor Mate politics {trauma}

Gabor qualities define psychopaths routinely found top politicians

Gabor leaders from many countries emotionally starved childhoods

Gabor political culture plays on our deepest longings

Gabor social function pop culture divert people's attention

Gabor Mate pathways to wholeness

Gabor self retrieval

Gabor recovering lost parts of self

Gabor Mate healing principles

Gabor healing exceptionally difficult

{Gabor Mate} kind of truth that heals

Gabor moment by moment commitment

Gabor Mate wounded mind tyrannical deposed

Enjoy your browsing!


Resident megalomaniac
Gabor Mate healing principles -



Resident megalomaniac
Now into the healing section - still long way 2 go ...

Gabor within everyone potential for development and growth

Gabor I am a damaged being

Gabor mind can rigidly maintain its convictions

Gabor forgave Hitler himself {Edith Eger} - quite a tale!

Buddhism healing trauma?

Metta prayer?

Try - declutterthemind love yourself - a fab site!

Gabor too easy make prison out our pain

Gabor plot somebody else's course of healing

Gabor Mate Auschwitz!

{Gabor Mate} healing stories

{Gabor Mate} forgiveness Hitler

Gabor Mate four A's healing principles

Gabor authenticity eludes any precise definition

Gabor lack of authenticity makes itself known depression

Gabor Mate agency powerfully healing!

Gabor agency {feeling}

Gabor anger maintain integrity

Gabor relate in a wholesome way feelings ebb

Gabor abstain from rejecting or condoning

All the best!