I drank coffee throughout both of my pregnancies, when my morning sickness didn't get in the way and my babies are fine. So pooh on Fox News.
Moderation is key.
Coffee is a beautiful thing. I could go for a steaming mug full right about now.
It just kills me how crazy people are about pregnancy. Oh, my god, she's pregnant and she had a glass of wine! A glass of wine isn't going to hurt your baby, and neither is a cup of coffee. If you're sucking it down by the gallon, sure. Anything is a poison if you take in sufficient quantities.
I completely agree. My first pregnancy was one where I avoided coffee, caffeine, and most chocolate like the plague. I was utterly miserable, to be honest.
My second pregnancy found me at the ob-gyn's office asking the doc, "So, how much coffee can I get away with?" He said that as long as it didn't exceed 5 cups a day, I was fine and my baby should be fine. I never drank more than 2 cups of coffee a day anyway, so I once walked right in to a mother's meeting when I was pregnant with Dana (a group that was very much against coffee during pregnancy and nursing) with a hot cup of Starbucks just to see what would happen.
And, I think the most important thing was that during the second pregnancy, I was relaxed and happy. Now, smoking or shooting heroin during pregnancy? That's something I would have something to say about.
I've heard advice ranging from no caffeine, to no sugar, to no
sex during pregnancy.
Sorry for going off on the tangent, there. My answer is that coffee is good. But I only drink 2-3 cups a week. I've fallen in love with tea so much more. Earl Grey with a bit of honey, or some creamy vanilla chai tea is soooooo good.