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Cohen's third client is revealed:


Well-Known Member
Cohen was thought not to be a "real lawyer" by the judge interviewing him and forced him to release his client list.

Almost going unnoticed is that it was not the judge that ordered the name made public. The judge ordered the name given to her in an 'envelope'. It was a lawyer representing the press that convinced the judge of the public's right to know.

Rough Beast Sloucher

Well-Known Member
It's My Birthday!
That would depend on what the collusion might entail, such as there possibly being monetary transactions involved. We've already seen whereas Stormy was paid off by Cohen, so is there any kind of quid-pro-quo also with Putin? I think it's likely Mueller already may know the answer to this, but we don't know what Mueller may know.

If Mueller knew the answer, it would be out already. A quid pro quo with Putin involving some lawyer? You got to be kidding! Mueller cannot find what he wants to find - Trump and Putin in bed together - so he gave info to the FBI about Cohen.so Trump could be attacked from another angle.

If you step back from the emotion-based slanted stories being pushed by both sides you will appreciate that there is no journalism being practiced anymore by anyone.. Everything is about political orientation.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
OK, so we have Cohen saying that Hannity has been a client of his, then we have Hannity saying that he isn't a client of Cohen, so someone is lying. But also notice how hard the lawyers for Cohen worked to not reveal Hannity as being Cohen's client, which begs the question as to why? It's been known for a long time that Hannity strongly has supported Trump, so what else is involved whereas they want to distance themselves from Cohen?
Going by Trump's anger, he seems to be much more worried about the Stormy issue than even the collusion and obstruction issues with Mueller. Seems to have really struck a nerve with Trump, and Stormy's lawyer this morning said that there's more to come out even yet.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Almost going unnoticed is that it was not the judge that ordered the name made public. The judge ordered the name given to her in an 'envelope'. It was a lawyer representing the press that convinced the judge of the public's right to know.
She said it could be done either way, but Cohen's lawyer saying it out loud caught many by surprise because if it was a name put in an envelop then the judge could have chosen not to reveal it if she felt it was impertinent to the case.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
If Mueller knew the answer, it would be out already.
Actually there have been relatively few leaks and most of them didn't come from the Mueller camp but came from those who have been interrogated and/or people that know them.

You got to be kidding! Mueller cannot find what he wants to find - Trump and Putin in bed together - so he gave info to the FBI about Cohen.so Trump could be attacked from another angle.
The venue was sent to lower NY because it involved the Stormy affair, which is not what Mueller's investigation is about. Also, by doing as such, it puts this item at least out of reach for Trump to fire someone.

At this point, we simply do not know what Mueller may have or may not have found dealing with Trump's and Putin's bromance. Speaking of which, did you notice that Trump decided not to go with more Russian sanctions even though the day before Haley said there would be more?

If you step back from the emotion-based slanted stories being pushed by both sides you will appreciate that there is no journalism being practiced anymore by anyone.. Everything is about political orientation.
Overstated, imo, but not by much. What I've been doing more lately because of this is to rely somewhat more on foreign sources, such as BBC and Reuters.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
I’m sure you really, really want all that to be true in your deepest fantasies, but that doesn’t make it so. Trump’s defenses (whatever that means since there is nothing here needing defense against) aren’t “crumbling”. There was not campaign contribution. Repeating that there was over and over doesn’t make it true. There is nothing “obvious” about these things. They aren’t even true much less obvious.

I guess we will find out. Luckily, prosecutors follow the law and not the opinions of people on the internet.

There are acts of desperation here all right. But they aren’t coming from Trump. They are coming from his opponents trying desperately to come up with something (anything!) to stick against him.

In this case, it will be Cohen who is facing charges.

I also find it interesting that Trump ran as a "law and order" candidate, talking about how he will enforce ALL the laws. Seems that position is really starting to change.


Not Religious
No. I would like to know what was on the unprotected server. The 33,000 emails that just disappeared after she was told to turn it over. Americans are allowed for their representatives in Congress to see them. They have the highest security clearance for that reason.
That's not true. The emails were going to be deleted long before the subpoena came along. The FBI found that deleting the emails wasn't a crime.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
No. I would like to know what was on the unprotected server. The 33,000 emails that just disappeared after she was told to turn it over. Americans are allowed for their representatives in Congress to see them. They have the highest security clearance for that reason.

Looks like the lynch mob is back on the march.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
If Mueller knew the answer, it would be out already. A quid pro quo with Putin involving some lawyer? You got to be kidding! Mueller cannot find what he wants to find - Trump and Putin in bed together - so he gave info to the FBI about Cohen.so Trump could be attacked from another angle.

Was Mueller supposed to just ignore a violation of campaign finance law? Really?

If you step back from the emotion-based slanted stories being pushed by both sides you will appreciate that there is no journalism being practiced anymore by anyone.. Everything is about political orientation.

That's projection.


Well-Known Member
I am clearly overwhelmed by the liberal side here, especially the Trump haters.

I am not bothered by it, as I cannot debate so many "opinions" at one time.

So I will only say that this road HAS been long and continues to be long. The country is clearly divided.

We all can speculate what will happen, and what will come out of all of this. That's where I stand. I continually say "wait and see". Hindsight is better than foresight.

No matter what someone says, there is an opposing position, like the OPs "can the President fire Rosenstein?".

Liberals say NO because they see it that way. Conservatives say YES because they see it that way. Both sides provide links to back up their beliefs.

My mind and beliefs come from seeing both sides and making a choice.

There is clearly bias on both sides. Both sides "want" to believe that their views are the correct one.

Until an action is performed, that removes all doubt, doubt exists. And this is where the debate heads.

I see this fight as "nasty". Brother against brother. So at this point, it will continue indefinitely. I choose to do better things with my time than justifying my thoughts and beliefs to a dozen or so people who don't question my beliefs, but just use "nasty" rhetoric to justify their own.

Like religion, it's a choice. Right or wrong. The individual believes as they believe, until it is "revealed" that their beliefs have been right or wrong.

So, I choose to wait until the "revealing" rather than wasting time in "opinions and speculations".

I've said what I intended to say, and am now vacating this thread due to lack of interest.

Just my thoughts.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I am clearly overwhelmed by the liberal side here, especially the Trump haters.

I am not bothered by it, as I cannot debate so many "opinions" at one time.

So I will only say that this road HAS been long and continues to be long. The country is clearly divided.

We all can speculate what will happen, and what will come out of all of this. That's where I stand. I continually say "wait and see". Hindsight is better than foresight.

No matter what someone says, there is an opposing position, like the OPs "can the President fire Rosenstein?".

Liberals say NO because they see it that way. Conservatives say YES because they see it that way. Both sides provide links to back up their beliefs.

My mind and beliefs come from seeing both sides and making a choice.

There is clearly bias on both sides. Both sides "want" to believe that their views are the correct one.

Until an action is performed, that removes all doubt, doubt exists. And this is where the debate heads.

I see this fight as "nasty". Brother against brother. So at this point, it will continue indefinitely. I choose to do better things with my time than justifying my thoughts and beliefs to a dozen or so people who don't question my beliefs, but just use "nasty" rhetoric to justify their own.

Like religion, it's a choice. Right or wrong. The individual believes as they believe, until it is "revealed" that their beliefs have been right or wrong.

So, I choose to wait until the "revealing" rather than wasting time in "opinions and speculations".

I've said what I intended to say, and am now vacating this thread due to lack of interest.

Just my thoughts.

One correction. Just because one opposes Trump that does not make that person a "Trump hater". Just because a person opposes Trump that does not make that person a liberal. Many law abiding conservatives have a huge problem with Trump. He is incompetent in many ways, he is narcissistic, he is a hypocrite of the first order, the list goes on.

And you are right that nothing has been proven yet. I am willing to let this investigation take its course. If he has been found to have colluded with his attorney, if it is found that he did obstruct justice, then it is time to impeach him and ot before.


Well-Known Member
I agree with everything you said.

Just as when I disagreed with Obama didn't make me a racist. Or not wanting Hillary as President makes me a sexist.

But there are those that see that way.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I agree with everything you said.

Just as when I disagreed with Obama didn't make me a racist. Or not wanting Hillary as President makes me a sexist.

But there are those that see that way.
I didn't want Hillary as a President either. Though if push came to shove I would have voted for her over Trump, and I have a lifetime of voting Republican. In my state it was not even close so I could vote third party without feeling guilty. I did not like the third party candidate either, it was merely a protest vote and there were a record number of them in my state last election.

Thermos aquaticus

Well-Known Member
Liberals say NO because they see it that way. Conservatives say YES because they see it that way. Both sides provide links to back up their beliefs.

You are projecting.

I vote Democrat and I am a liberal. If Obama was in office and there was an investigation into any of his actions I would also look poorly on Obama firing the official in charge of the investigation. This isn't a party thing.

There is clearly bias on both sides. Both sides "want" to believe that their views are the correct one.

Would that mean an unbiased person is one who voices opinions they don't believe are correct? That doesn't make much sense.

My view is that there should be a thorough, independent, and fair investigation into how Russia meddled into our elections, and from everything I have seen this is exactly what is going on. If it turns out that Mueller finds no wrongdoing on the part of the Trump campaign, then I will fully accept that and move on. I currently have no opinion on whether the Trump campaign colluded with any Russians, and I actually hope they didn't because that would be awful for the country. Again, I am a liberal and I vote Democrat, and this is how I view it.

Do I disagree with many of Trump's policies, demeanor, and actions? Absolutely. Do I think he should be removed from office because of that? Absolutely not.

Before you bring out the broad brush to paint all liberals, perhaps you should take a second to understand what their actual views are.


Well-Known Member
I didn't want Hillary as a President either. Though if push came to shove I would have voted for her over Trump, and I have a lifetime of voting Republican. In my state it was not even close so I could vote third party without feeling guilty. I did not like the third party candidate either, it was merely a protest vote and there were a record number of them in my state last election.
I think Trump got elected (beating 14 others who started as Republican candidates) because he wasn't a (typical) politician. I think many people are getting sick of the political status quo. They saw Trump as real change.

That said, what he changes us into is anyones guess. Though tapping oil production (ANWR) was a no brainer for me to make us non dependent on other nations that clearly controlled us through oil pricing. I remember the long lines in "73.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I think Trump got elected (beating 14 others who started as Republican candidates) because he wasn't a (typical) politician. I think many people are getting sick of the political status quo. They saw Trump as real change.

That said, what he changes us into is anyones guess. Though tapping oil production (ANWR) was a no brainer for me to make us non dependent on other nations that clearly controlled us through oil pricing. I remember the long lines in "73.
You are probably right. Many are now ruing that vote.

And though using our own oil sources might not be a bad idea, not taking steps to get off of oil clearly is an error. Global warming is a real problem that Trump ignores and pretends will go away. Peak oil is a problem that exists and will not go away. It is much wiser to get off of oil as quick as possible to minimize ecological damage and also to avoid the eventual crash from the end of a limited resource.


Well-Known Member
You are projecting.

I vote Democrat and I am a liberal. If Obama was in office and there was an investigation into any of his actions I would also look poorly on Obama firing the official in charge of the investigation. This isn't a party thing.

Would that mean an unbiased person is one who voices opinions they don't believe are correct? That doesn't make much sense.

My view is that there should be a thorough, independent, and fair investigation into how Russia meddled into our elections, and from everything I have seen this is exactly what is going on. If it turns out that Mueller finds no wrongdoing on the part of the Trump campaign, then I will fully accept that and move on. I currently have no opinion on whether the Trump campaign colluded with any Russians, and I actually hope they didn't because that would be awful for the country. Again, I am a liberal and I vote Democrat, and this is how I view it.

Do I disagree with many of Trump's policies, demeanor, and actions? Absolutely. Do I think he should be removed from office because of that? Absolutely not.

Before you bring out the broad brush to paint all liberals, perhaps you should take a second to understand what their actual views are.
Then maybe you will attract a like minded liberal Democrat with this belief and post.

I am independent. I vote for the best ideas. Not a party. I consider myself a leader rather than a follower.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
One correction. Just because one opposes Trump that does not make that person a "Trump hater".
Ditto on that.

I really don't hate anyone but I do sometimes hate what some people may say or do. When someone calls those of us who may have problems with Trump on a few or many of his actions a "Trump hater", it's the same kind of stereotypical slam some use towards those who want stricter gun control as being "anti-2nd Amendment".

Time will tell whether anyone was guilty of collusion or obstruction in all likelihood, but even if Trump is innocent, that still does not excuse so many of his other illegal, and sometimes utterly depraved, actions, many of which go back decades.

So, with me, it's more the "hate the sin, not the sinner" approach.