You aren't entering in. You were already here. You ignored my response to you and responded to someone else response. Why would I let that happen?
For two good reasons. First, you are powerless to "not let" me. Second, there is really not much to say that you can't easily deduce if you want to.
You seem to think you have cornered me or something. I guess you don't know me half as well as I assumed.
I know that. And I'll respond if I wish, or not. Harmony! What did you think was happening?
You having a weird fit.
Yeah, I'd say there is a pretty clear distinction between political and religious. Hence the separation of church and state. You do understand they need to be separate things for that to work, right?
Actually I do not. While I support and understand the intent of the separation, there is neither a need nor a complete possibility of clearly delimiting the political from the religious for the separation to work, nor for it to be a good idea.
Politics is basically everything that involves making decisions on behalf of large groups. Religion may be pretty much anything that involves establishing what the values and goals of people are.
The two areas intermingle quite spontaneously, even unavoidably. One can not very well not have his or her own values and goals not influence the political choices one makes, nor would I even want anyone to try.
All that truly means is that I don't think there is much of a point in the traditional ways of attempting to enforce the separation between church and state. Exactly because they end up having to decide what is religious and what is not, they are unavoidably doomed to fail and to cause unnecessary attriction.
Instead, the state must be purposefully oblivious to any claims of religious nature and let claims and privileges stand or fall on their own non-religious merits, or lack thereof. People shall be allowed exceptions for any reasonable justification, but there shall be no attempt to decide whether such justifications are valid or true on a religious sense. Having the state decide who are the true believers would defeat the very purpose of the separation at a fundamental level.
Yes, groups that pretend to be religions for political reasons are just pretending to be religions, they aren't actual religions. See how that works?
Yes, I do see. Not at all well or usefully, that is how it works.
Unless you happen to have access some sort of power to tell the pretenders from the true believers? That would be of the utmost interest to both lay states and religious people. Many of them can't very well decide what the truth is about themselves, you know.
If you are the exception... how is that exploitation? If you aren't the exception but you pretend to be... that's exploitation. Do you see the difference now?
Quite nicely. It is entirely arbitrary. Which is my point.
Back-handed compliments aren't going to improve the situation. I guarantee you that. Just one more example of you treating me like a fool.
I often call them as I see them. Makes life simpler, albeit perhaps not as quiet. But ultimately it is probably for the best. It is surprising how often people fail at noticing things that are somewhat obvious for others.
Saying it doesn't make it so.
Indeed. :drool:
Its not necessary. Its only necessary if you want to keep having this conversation. You can skip to something else entirely as you did, and I'll respond how I feel like responding. Which is to back you up to where we were at. It worked, too. What's the problem?
You making something of a fool of yourself, so far.
But I will play your cards as you want them for a while. I am interested in seeing what comes out of it. It ought to be instructive in an useful it perhaps unpleasant way.
I have learned not to go too much out of my way to protect people from themselves. It is not in my power to give everyone a pleasant path ahead of them.
I disagree that religion makes it any easier or more difficult. It is people who adopt that mentality and they do it with everything. Not everyone does it. But the people that do, do it with everything. This is not a 'danger' of religion. Try again.
Do you have any experience with religion at all? If you do, I can't believe you mean that.
Ignoring completely that all of those he is 'rising above' are likely very serious practitioners. So you are essentially saying the non-serious practitioner is just doomed to be a zealot at the hands of... serious practitioners. Are you kidding me or what?
I really don't know what to make of the above. It lacks a meaning I can figure.
That does not even relate to what I was talking about, which is the clique pride of certain groups of practicioners.
Kardecists, for instance,
usually think of themselves as the true enlightened inheritors of all "other" religious traditions and end up being somewhat condescendin for that.
Like you to admit it or not, those missteps are an inherent danger of religious (and pseudo-religious) practice.
That is what I said in other words and that you are supposedly replying above, but it does not look like you understood what I said there.
Its not even a religious exclusivity.
True enough. Religion is a major enabler, not the only and decisive cause.
So, the supposed dangers of 'non-serious' religion are A: It enables tribalism and B: You wont' know when you are being seriously serioused.
Wow, that sounds kinky. May I have some?
Were I a more compassionate man, I would stop here and allow you to come back to me at a later time after cooling off.
It is too bad that I am not.
And somehow these outweigh the dangers of serious religion which of course caries the same exact problems as non-serious religion with a few thrown in like radical zealotry, oligarchies and genocide. But yeah, people should take their religion seriously. Or... at least as serious as Pastafarians take their 'religion'.
Are you even talking to me still?
I told you directly that Pastafarianism is on the low end of the scale of seriousness, so I'm not sure what you are even meaning here. Again.
That would be convenient for you. But its not true.
Surprisingly enough (it is not exactly higher math), it does seem to be true.
Is that convenient to me? Hardly. I wish you understood such a simple matter and we could go on to more productive subjects already. But everyone has a bad day and need to vent off, it seems. And I am very thick-skinned, so be my guest.
I can give you more and better detailed examples. Do you want them?
I want any example. You haven't given one. You are supposed to be showing me how Pastafarians 'believe better than' religious people. Instead you just described Pastafarianism. So, yeah... I'll need a bit more than that.
You know what? You will have to do without, at least for now. It serves me better right now to remind you that I am not your servant. I suspect it will serve you better as well, although it is certainly hard to tell.
No, what you are saying is that it is better to take your religion seriously than not seriously. That's supporting fanaticism,
Maybe it is when you say it. That is not what I do mean, though.
since that is as serious as it gets.
If you say so. I would not make that jump.
Obviously, if taking it seriously is better than taking it less seriously (as you stated clearly) then taking it even more seriously than that is also better.
A fool might well reach that conclusion.
So, perhaps you want to revise your criteria for 'better than'. Or perhaps you can abandon that ridiculous notion altogether.
After you. Although I guess it is too late, since I do not hold that caricature anyway.
You are letting them influence YOU right now. You are using them as a defense for your distinctions.
Nope. As evidence for my claims, instead. I do not need "defense". Only patience...
Do you even remember what you said? Do you even remember why you said it? You used the catholic church's erroneous labeling as a justification to label a liar a believer!
You are misrepresenting me somewhat, you know.
Many believers
are liars to themselves to some degree or another, and that brings them terrible conflict. That is a direct result of the peer pressure that confuses their feelings and beliefs.
I really thought you had a better understanding of the reality of religious practice, Sir Doom.
From a political standpoint.
That too, even mainly.
There is no religious standpoint.
That is not your call to make. Even if it were, it would be completely baseless and arbitrary.
The fact that its the parody of a religion means it isn't a religion.
It wouldn't be a parody otherwise. But it is. So... there ya go.
Yeah. There we go.
To a considerable degree. It seems to vary according to the practicioner and the very moment he is in, though.
Pastafarianism is really no different, other than being slight less serious. Not that it could not be, mind you.
When you're right, you're right. As useful as being adamant that a thing is what it is not.
Come back to me when you feel better. I'm through with you for now. I don't mind being unfairly insulted too much, but you are not even making rough sense anymore, and your talk is not
that fascinating a puzzle.
All the best.