A place to list the data and evidence for man made climate change. No debating. Not a discussion thread either just a place to list information and resources.
Scientific paper estimating sensitivity of the climate to greenhouse gas emissions as "higher" than anticipated based on paleoclimatology models. Estimate 4.78C to 7.36C average global temprature increase by 2100.
Rising tempratures would threaten a return to "Dust Bowl" like conditions in the USA due to prolonged drought and unsustainable farming practices degrading the top soil.
Prolonged droughts are already affecting California as water sources from meltwater in the rocky mountains dry up. Drought conditions threaten agriculture and are conducive to wild fires.
Over the course of the next two centuries, melting ice from the West Antartic Ice Sheet could raise sea levels by up to ten feet. The US would loose 28,800 square miles of land, currently home to 12.3 million people who would be displaced as environmental refugees and threatening major cities such as New York, Miami and New Orleans. The effect of rising sea levels will takes centuries and required sustained adaption along the coastline.