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Come on, Creationists!


Veteran Member
Despite the constant false refrain from creationists, there is nothing in the Big Bang Theory that either says or implies that the universe came from nothing.

If you, a Young Earth Creationist, were able to demonstrate that the Big Bang Theory was incorrect, and that both Common Descent and the Theory of Evolution by natural selection were impossible, that would do absolutely nothing to demonstrate that there is a god.

There are not enough water molecules on Earth for there to have been a worldwide flood.

If the Earth were 6000 years old, it would be either a blob of molten rock or a cloud of dispersing plasma.

Beware the blue wire.

The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant.

Irreducible complexity is an argument from ignorance.

In science, a law is not a higher level than a theory.

The second law of thermodynamics does not preclude life.

Evolution has been observed.

You are a great ape.

To Serve Man is a cookbook.

Calling you a numbskull is not an ad hominem fallacy. Saying that you are wrong because you are a numbskull is.

Your value as a human being is not a function of your composition.

The animal world is not all tooth and claw.

If you think that ancient peoples did not know that an embryo at the mudghah stage looks like a wad of gum, then you did not grow up on a farm.

Onan's sin is not about masturbation.

Specifically YEC's are addressed. Thus, 13 or 14 billion years vs 6,000 years is good enough to take the Big Bang Theory and the YEC theory refuting them.


Veteran Member
If you think that ancient peoples did not know that an embryo at the mudghah stage looks like a wad of gum, then you did not grow up on a farm.

How do you understand Nuthfah? Is it Semen or a small portion of many or is it speaking of an Amshaj?

Please explain.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Despite the constant false refrain from creationists, there is nothing in the Big Bang Theory that either says or implies that the universe came from nothing.

If you, a Young Earth Creationist, were able to demonstrate that the Big Bang Theory was incorrect, and that both Common Descent and the Theory of Evolution by natural selection were impossible, that would do absolutely nothing to demonstrate that there is a god.

There are not enough water molecules on Earth for there to have been a worldwide flood.

If the Earth were 6000 years old, it would be either a blob of molten rock or a cloud of dispersing plasma.

Beware the blue wire.

The speed of light in a vacuum is a constant.

Irreducible complexity is an argument from ignorance.

In science, a law is not a higher level than a theory.

The second law of thermodynamics does not preclude life.

Evolution has been observed.

You are a great ape.

To Serve Man is a cookbook.

Calling you a numbskull is not an ad hominem fallacy. Saying that you are wrong because you are a numbskull is.

Your value as a human being is not a function of your composition.

The animal world is not all tooth and claw.

If you think that ancient peoples did not know that an embryo at the mudghah stage looks like a wad of gum, then you did not grow up on a farm.

Onan's sin is not about masturbation.

A new theory about the Big Bang says that it didn't come from a singularity.

If matter is sucked into a singularity, it will first reach a Schwartzchild Radiius, which is the point at which no light could escape. But, it will accelerate as it is gravitationally attracted, and time will slow and eventually stop. If time stops, nothing can move, and therefore, nothing can be attracted to the singularity. Doesn't that imply that incoming matter would form a shell around the singularity, and never be drawn into it?

Both scientists and theists believe that the world was suddenly created. Essentially, except for the participation of God, there is no difference in their stories.

Both scientists and theists believe that man was made from mud (chemicals). Theists believe that God made man instantly (though there is no reason to believe that it was instantaneous or quick, except that the entire universe was made in 6 days. Also, theists believe that the universe is 6,000 years old, as opposed to scientists who believe that the entire universe is 13.8 billion years old (calculated from Friedman's Equation which is derived from General Relativity.

However, scientists also have proven that time dilates at high speeds (according to Special Relativity), and dilates in strong gravitational fields (according to General Relativity).

Oddly, Einstein won a Nobel Prize in 1905 for the Photoelectric Effect, proving that light is composed of photons (small particles), but never won a Nobel for Special Relativity nor General Relativity. I suppose that one could argue that those theories were not generally accepted by all universities until about 1970 (taught in just a few famous universities for many years before that), so they needed to prove his theories and argue about their data for decades before accepting that they were true, but by that time Einstein was dead (died 1958). It might also be that there was a great deal of antisemitism before, during, and after WW II, especially in Europe, but also around the world, and that might have prevented Einstein from being fully credited with the full body of his work.

Since time is relative (that is, since time can dilate), it is meaninglesss to talk about when the universe was created, because it depends on where God was when the universe was created (how close to the strong gravitational field), and it depends on how fast God was traveling. In fact, that is only telling time from God's perspective, not from the perspective of others.

Furthermore, the concept of a day is the time that it takes the earth to rotate once on its axis, but, since the earth had not yet been made at the creation of the universe, we can't really use the day for a unit of time. We should also note that the speed of rotation of the earth has slowed over the years, due to the friction of the molton core. Also, the rotation of the earth around the sun has changed due to the harmonic linkage of the planets, harmonic linkage to the sun, and harmonic linkage to various moons. These harmonic linkages are fairly new to the books of science, since they were recently discovered.

The earth has lost a lot of water molecules over the eons. So has Venus and Mars. Venus used to be somewhat earthlike, but greenhouse gases heated the planet, and that boiled the water into space.

There is evidence of melting glaciers, and great floods that occurred as a result of ice dams breaking as the glaciers melted. However, that is not the same as the great flood of Noah.

There is also evidence of fossil sea snails at great altitudes in California (possibly at the 12,000 foot mark of the Inyo mountains). This could be explained by the lifting of the mountains due to the Pacific techtonic plate subducting under the North American techtonic plate, thereby pushing up multiple mountain ranges (including the Inyo range).

I wonder if the entire world was flooded, as Noah's flood says in the bible, or if only a part of the world experienced a flood, and a much smaller amount of water?

I was talking to soldiers of the 6-day war in which Israel was attacked by numerous Arab nations that surrounded it, and was told that during the war in the Gaza, there was a great flood (but that was merely about 5 feet of standing water). Still it is interesting.

Could it be that evolution and creation are both right?

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Specifically YEC's are addressed. Thus, 13 or 14 billion years vs 6,000 years is good enough to take the Big Bang Theory and the YEC theory refuting them.

Time is relative. In strong gravitational fields, time dilates, and at high speeds time dilates. Thus our time might not be the same as God's time.

Of course, special relativity only works with inertial reference frames, but that doesn't mean that someone couldn't calculate where God was standing relative to the big bang and how fast he was going (of course gravity and speed alter each other's impact on time, so one would have to calculate a set of speeds for each gravitational force to arrive at the same time).

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
You are an impeccable ape. All of the lesser apes want to be you. ;)

"Beware the Blue Wire" is a quote from "Hudson Hawk" A movie that I only recommend to people who already love it.

It is worthy of note that bonobo chimps in east Africa walk upright, live in caves, make spears, carry those spears, sharpen those spears with their teeth, and hunt bush babies (small primates) with them. Many wonder if it is a step in the evolution of chimps. The bonobo, by the way, are more closely related to humans than any other.

Clara Tea

Well-Known Member
Larger concern than the facts.

Youd think the Master of the Universe could
do both.

Couldn't God fill us in now that our knowledge of physics is greater?

I suppose that God's interference would take away free choice. After all, if the hand of God were to reach down from the heavens, or the voice of God were to explain physics, there would be very few who disbelieve. If so, they would be reluctant to do anything wrong, for fear that it would displease God. Perhaps God needs bad souls to go to hell, to separate them from the good souls who return to heaven?


Veteran Member
Time is relative. In strong gravitational fields, time dilates, and at high speeds time dilates. Thus our time might not be the same as God's time.

Of course, special relativity only works with inertial reference frames, but that doesn't mean that someone couldn't calculate where God was standing relative to the big bang and how fast he was going (of course gravity and speed alter each other's impact on time, so one would have to calculate a set of speeds for each gravitational force to arrive at the same time).

Absolutely irrelevant.


Well-Known Member
Specifically YEC's are addressed. Thus, 13 or 14 billion years vs 6,000 years is good enough to take the Big Bang Theory and the YEC theory refuting them.
I do not understand what the bolded part of the sentence means.


Veteran Member
I do not understand what the bolded part of the sentence means.

If you take the full sentence you will understand. Let me try and repeat what I said.

You are specifically addressing the YEC group. They believe the whole universe is 6000 years old. Approximately. Thus, you speaking of a Big Bang Theory which has 13 or 14 billion years of age is enough to refute anyone who mixes both of these theories.

If you dont understand this simple thing, I dont know what else could be said.



Veteran Member
If you take the full sentence you will understand. Let me try and repeat what I said.

You are specifically addressing the YEC group. They believe the whole universe is 6000 years old. Approximately. Thus, you speaking of a Big Bang Theory which has 13 or 14 billion years of age is enough to refute anyone who mixes both of these theories.

If you dont understand this simple thing, I dont know what else could be said.


You could say you failed charm school?


Well-Known Member
If you take the full sentence you will understand.
lol. obviously not.

You are specifically addressing the YEC group. They believe the whole universe is 6000 years old. Approximately. Thus, you speaking of a Big Bang Theory which has 13 or 14 billion years of age is enough to refute anyone who mixes both of these theories.
I was specifically addressing the false claims that YEC make about the BBT.
And YEC is not a theory. Merely an assertion.

If you dont understand this simple thing, I dont know what else could be said.
Sometimes what normal human beings say needs clarifying. That is just part of standard conversation. No need to be grumpy about it.


Veteran Member
Some people seem to take any indication that they are not perfect communicators as a grave insult. Some people are weird.

English isnt my first language.
I make mistakes.

The insult is when someone says they cannot
understand me and i know its coz of how
I look.