Brother, the word "Shia" was used by prophet(pbuh) himself several times. There are authentic Hadiths that prophet(pbuh) says:" O' Ali, you and your Shia ...."
Shia was there from the beginning!!
You also need to check these verses:
Abraham was among his(i.e., Noah) Shia.
28:15]He(i.e. Moses) found there two men fighting,
this one from among his Shia, and that one from his enemies.
However, you are right on the case of "Sunni". It was made after the death of prophet(pbuh).
You quoted 37:83. It says
Shia you said. It doesnt say Shia. Shia is not mentioned as a sole word to be taken as a theology. Its Shi'athihi.
Analyse. It says
ShiAthihi, which means own kind, followers etc.
Using this to show me that your theology exists is vain bro. I dont intend to put you down. But look at this verse.
6:65 Say: “He is able to send retribution from above you or from below your feet, or He will make you belong to opposing factions/sects, then He will let you taste the might of each other.” See how We dispatch the signs, perhaps they may understand.
It says "Yalbisakum
Shiaaan", confuse you into sects/factions. I can use the same word to show you that you are confused into sects and factions.
6:159 Those who have divided their system and become sects, you are not with them in anything. Their matter will be with God, then He will inform them of what they had done.
The saddest thing. Farrakoo dheenahum wakaanoo
Shiaan. Divide their religion and become sects, the Shia is used directly as sect.
Bro, I know that Shia means followers. But you cant take the Quran to justify your theology, because it is not Quranic. Then its very easy to justify through the Quran, using your own analogy of the word Shia in the Quran, that you are propagating sectarianism.
Lets not play this gutter game.
I also coexist with Christians, atheists, Jews and... so what?! Who want you to be an aggressor?!!!! I'm not sure you understood my words or not!!
No one wants me to be an aggressor, I was just explaining part of the Quranic theology.
I also coexist with Christians, atheists, Jews and... so what?! Who want you to be an aggressor?!!!! I'm not sure you understood my words or not!!
Brother, here are my arguments:
-Islam, as a religion, was a dynamic religion which was promoted during the history. You cannot ignore the comprehensive Islam, and adhere to any part of the religion you like. Leadership, IS one of the most important part of Islam.
- You MUST chose an Imam, it's what God has ordered us(Check out the mentioned verse). See also this:
Quran 17:71
On the Day when We call every people with their
Imam. Whoever is given his record in his right hand-these will read their record, and they will not be wronged one bit.
Is that "Imam" also the name of your wife(Sorry to be so witty
Youre not being witty bro, youre just being silly. And no, Imam is not my wifes name. Imam is more of a male name wouldnt you think? Tsk.
My wifes name is Shia.
Nevertheless, you quoted 17:71. With their Imam. Why havent you translated the word Imam. Isnt it hypocritical to translate the whole verse but leave this word alone?
Biimamihim could mean leader, beacon. Then people will read from their Kithabahum (Their records) when they are given his record.
What you are doing is, you are taking a current concept, and understanding the Quran from your own perception, filtered through your own theology. It should be the other way around. Quran is the Furqan, not your theology.
Read that verse again. If you are called with your BiImamihim (Register, guide, Beacon), you will your record, your book, then you will not be wronged. Read the following verse from the same Quran
46:12 And before it was the Book of Moses, a
Imam and a mercy. And this is an affirming Book, in an Arabic tongue, so that you may warn those who have transgressed, and to give good news to the righteous.
I left that Imam word in Arabic with a purpose. I dont know what translation you use that left the word IMam in the previous on as it was, but check if 46:12 is also left without translating the word Imam. If they have translated only this verse, they are hypocrites with an agenda.
What is the "Imam" explained in that verse? Its the book of Moses, before the Quran, and the Quran is the affirming book.
Quran is the Imam mate.
Well, as it seems, you havent checked out the mentioned verse. Your response is not relevant, bro!
Dont make assumptions bro. I have read that verse. I have read the Quran. I just didnt want to go deep into this. My response means something. The Quran has many many words like this. We cant take one word to create a faction. Then the Quran also uses the word Muslim. And tells us not to create factions. Why not just stay with that instead of following people. Imams and sectarian leaders.