Obstructor of justice
I saw a documentary today on the Evolution-Intelligent Design debate, and it brought up a few very interesting issues.
One of the major arguments of the ID/Creationism side is that Evolution has gaps of missing evidence, which is then filled in by their own theory. While evolution supporters maintain that there are no gaps, and the proponents and supporters of ID simply haven't seen all the evidence.
The film suggested that a major cause of this is that scientists are simply not as good at communication as the ID supporters. ID supporters have a message that is slick, and easy to understand, making it more appealing to people, while scientists have trouble reducing all of the technical jargon and complex ideas into bits that can be swallowed by the public, which has a very short attention span. Thus, when it comes to evolution, there is a communication breakdown which leads people to believe that not all the facts are there.
One of the major arguments of the ID/Creationism side is that Evolution has gaps of missing evidence, which is then filled in by their own theory. While evolution supporters maintain that there are no gaps, and the proponents and supporters of ID simply haven't seen all the evidence.
The film suggested that a major cause of this is that scientists are simply not as good at communication as the ID supporters. ID supporters have a message that is slick, and easy to understand, making it more appealing to people, while scientists have trouble reducing all of the technical jargon and complex ideas into bits that can be swallowed by the public, which has a very short attention span. Thus, when it comes to evolution, there is a communication breakdown which leads people to believe that not all the facts are there.