For quite a while, me and some of my fellow friends, or as we like to call ourselves, aspiring Theologians, have had the idea that Islam, Christianity, and parts of Gnostic religion are compatible. We also have speculated that if done correctly, and probably with the teachings and philosophies of the far East included (Such as the whole, or parts of texts and ideas I.E. the Tao Teh Ching) a true church, or more true church could be created. Though the Qur'an often states that Christ was not the son of God, and has other things to say about Christianity, some of which isn't pleasant, we believe that certain ideals held by Islam, are lacked in the Christianity, and vice versa. We also believe that some forms of Gnostic Theology, (notably, the relationship, and knowledge of God without heavily relying on the church) would also be a huge part in this hypothetical religion. Now whether or not it is possible to create it is not a topic of concern, but whether other people would be interested in it is something we are very interested in. Your thoughts on whether they A. are possibly compatible B. Whether it is an insane idea, as the multitude of beliefs have spent to long in conflict to truly work together. C. Whether or not if refined more, knowledgeable religious people could conceivably follow such beliefs. Your thoughts?