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Concept of Hindu Dharma (not religoin)


The Creator
Ok than.. we should follow any dharma because of Guru, or we should follow any guru because of Dharma ? to whom we should give more importance on this subject ?
IMO, the first one, but it does not mean dharma is useless, sometimes it can help you to develop interest in spirituality or helps us to understand the importance of a Guru. Or at least, it can help you stay away from other religions like islam and christianity, which teach worshiping guru is WORST sin.
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IMO, the first one, but it does not mean dharma is useless, sometimes it can help you to develop interest in spirituality or helps us to understand the importance of a Guru. Or at least, it can help you stay away from other religions like islam and christianity, which considers worshiping guru is WORST sin.
Nameless ji, but how can one follow dharma before guru ? its Guru who introduce us Dharma, if we can understand dharma without guru than what's the importance of guru ?

If we are following dharma which is created by the guru of the guru, or the acient guru's than of course we are giving more importance to dharma before guru. and such a relation will definately end one day when the disciple will find his Guru going against the teachings of that dharma, and in such a condition guru can never test his/her disciple.

For example: one king was the disciple of kabir ji, and he always use to leave his chair for kabir ji whenever he go meet him. But once kabir ji thought to test the faith of that king, he filled the yellow water in the bottle and went to meet the king and started behaving like a drunkerd man. But this time the king was confused and didn't leaved his chair by thinking kabir ji as fake guru insted of real guru, but after some time when truth was in front of him he realized his mistake. (There are number of such examples)

Thus.. by this i just want to say that guru should be equal to god for one true disciple, and this can only come true when any disciple is following dharma because of his guru, insted of following guru because of dharma, one disciple should never loose faith on guru either he's teaching according to dharma, or against dharma, only than one can be said as true disciple.

Well.. i think this is not the enough of description to understand this point, but still i hope you can understand my point, nameless ji.:)
Now with hinduism(I can be totally wrong) seems to have certain things that aren't like religious "law" but merely the right thing to do.

My brother,
It's good that you got to know one more point but It's hard to fully define hinduism in one line. It is worshiping of god, explains importance of Karma (actions), teaches art of living, doing the right things which support society and universe etc.

To understand dharma better I recommend you to start studying one of the famous book : "Shree Madd Bhagwad Geeta" by deep feeling and faith in god by your heart, if you haven't studied it yet. In Bhagwad Gita, God Shri Krishna explained and I know that you worship maa Kaali, I worship many deities. The different deities are in different forms but they are actually one, by knowing this you should start studying "Shree Madd Bhagwad Geeta".

Please let me know, if you have any more questions regarding this.

Truly there is in this world nothing so purifying as knowledge.- (Bhagvad Gita [4.38])
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Well-Known Member
My brother,
It's good that you got to know one more point but It's hard to fully define hinduism in one line. It is worshiping of god, explains importance of Karma (actions), teaches art of living, doing the right things which support society and universe etc.

To understand dharma better I recommend you to start studying one of the famous book : "Shree Madd Bhagwad Geeta" by deep feeling and faith in god by your heart, if you haven't studied it yet. In Bhagwad Gita, God Shri Krishna explained and I know that you worship maa Kaali, I worship many deities. The different deities are in different forms but they are actually one, by knowing this you should start studying "Shree Madd Bhagwad Geeta".

Please let me know, if you have any more questions regarding this.

Truly there is in this world nothing so purifying as knowledge.- (Bhagvad Gita [4.38])

Oh I know Hinduism can not be explained in just one simple line. I was just responding to a post. Well right now I am reading the Devi Bhagavatam. My reading list just gets larger and larger as more people recemmend books. I have enough to read for the next five years.


Premium Member
Oh I know Hinduism can not be explained in just one simple line. I was just responding to a post. Well right now I am reading the Devi Bhagavatam. My reading list just gets larger and larger as more people recemmend books. I have enough to read for the next five years.

... which can be a problem, if differing views are offered in each ... I highly recommend one at a time, maybe 3 times over .. philosophical concepts need to sink in, like water into soil. It's not like fiction.


Well-Known Member
... which can be a problem, if differing views are offered in each ... I highly recommend one at a time, maybe 3 times over .. philosophical concepts need to sink in, like water into soil. It's not like fiction.

Yeah I know I will have to pace myself. Don't worry to much though when I read religious books I take my time take notes ask questions think hard on what I read. Back when I was good a Christian boy it took me a year to read the bible front to back because I took notes and asked questions and such. Oddly enough it was this deep research other bible that made me really question the authenticity of the religion as a whole lol.

Basicly I don't read them as I would other nooks just trying to finish an get to know the story I read them to know myself. Next I think I shall read the gita


Well-Known Member
My brother,
The Gita (full name : Shree Madd Bhagwad Geeta) contains 18 small chapters but still provides a lot of knowledge of Dharma !!!

Truly there is in this world nothing so purifying as knowledge.- (Bhagwad Gita [4.38])

I know I didn't list the full name, sorry was in a hurry. Part o the reason I want to read it. I want to understand the concept of dharma much better


“Hindu religion does not consist in struggles and attempts to believe a certain doctrine or dogma, but in realizing not in believing, but in being and becoming.”
— Swami Vivekananda


Jivanmukti is still followed by thousands of Indian Hindus still,
My dear friend. Jivanmukti is not for all people around us, its for them who is only devoted to HINDU DHARMA,
to follow "dharma" you just have to follow "Karma"[law of cause and effect]
Hindu Dharma is about realizing noot about believing ..


Well-Known Member
Jivanmukti is still followed by thousands of Indian Hindus still,
My dear friend. Jivanmukti is not for all people around us, its for them who is only devoted to HINDU DHARMA,
to follow "dharma" you just have to follow "Karma"[law of cause and effect]
Hindu Dharma is about realizing noot about believing ..

Well I think most of us DO have beliefs. Some believe in God others font some are vegetarian others are not some are orthadox others are not. Yet I feel these beliefs are like a seed planted in your heart. Through mediation,thought, living, and of course dharma this seed grows into a beautiful tree. No one tree looks the same, but they are all magnificent. Unlike other religions which tell you to go to an orchard pick a tree that looks EXACTLY like the one their holy books and holy people say it should look like. While they take a tree from the orchard of their dogma, we feed, tend, grow, and protect our tree. Because thus tree of beliefs is ours to care for an should be cherished.


Well said lemaster13
"Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy — by one, or more, or all of these — and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, and dogmas, and rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details"
_ Swami Vivekananda


Well-Known Member
Well said lemaster13
"Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within, by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship, or psychic control, or philosophy — by one, or more, or all of these — and be free. This is the whole of religion. Doctrines, and dogmas, and rituals, or books, or temples, or forms, are but secondary details"
_ Swami Vivekananda

Who is this swami Vivekananda? I like what they have to say. Does he(or she) have like a website or books to read?


Sanatana Dharma
Who is this swami Vivekananda? I like what they have to say. Does he(or she) have like a website or books to read?
Swami Vivekananda is one of greatest hindu saint of modern times, It was he who introduced Vedanta philosophy to west. You can read about him in this post

Here you can download all his books.
Complete works of Swami Vivekananda : HolyBooks.com – download free ebooks


Premium Member
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Well-Known Member
Vivekenanda isn't without controversy either. Being the first swami to hit it big in the west, so to speak, His impact was huge. But many think his watered down version of SD has led to a dilution of the faith. Regardless of what one thinks, his effects are still around. Here's a summary .. Philosophy: Vivekananda

oops ... wrong link for whole article ... Special Feature: After 150 Years, the Voice of Vivekananda Still Resounds - Magazine Web Edition > January/February/March 2013 - Publications - Hinduism Today Magazine

Vinyaka I have learned in my line of work (2 jobs grocery store and at my school district) that there is ALWAYS controversy. I doubt humans could exist without being offended by something lol I kid of course(do I?)

Thanks is for the link!
My brother, thanks a lot for sharing the link. The video contains life story of great saint Swami Vivekananda in short. Very nicely presented.

Truly there is in this world nothing so purifying as knowledge.- (Bhagwad Gita [4.38])