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Confused about anti semitism


Well-Known Member
I am being thick I know, but could someone explain to me why the Academic boycott on Isreali universities can be seen to be anti - semitic?


Well-Known Member
:shrug: Are you all ignoring me AGAIN?
:)( This is becoming quite common on here)

P.s, I think I have put this thread in the wrong section?


I'm skeptical of an article written by an advocate for CAMERA. (This is the group that was banned from Wikipedia for conspiring to circumvent the rules and establish a pro-Israeli /anti-Muslim bias).

Nevertheless, there's a wiki on it. I'll go with that.

Having had a look, it seems the strategy of economic or social isolation in the case of Israel is perceived as anti-Semitic by some because all criticism of Israel is perceived as anti-Semitic by some. The fact that similar boycotts have been employed against non-Semitic states as a protest strategy does not seem to register.

For what it's worth, I think it's a profoundly stupid protest strategy that would do more harm than good in terms of influence, but I don't think it's anti-Semitic.


Well-Known Member
I'm skeptical of an article written by an advocate for CAMERA. (This is the group that was banned from Wikipedia for conspiring to circumvent the rules and establish a pro-Israeli /anti-Muslim bias).

Nevertheless, there's a wiki on it. I'll go with that.

Having had a look, it seems the strategy of economic or social isolation in the case of Israel is perceived as anti-Semitic by some because all criticism of Israel is perceived as anti-Semitic by some. The fact that similar boycotts have been employed against non-Semitic states as a protest strategy does not seem to register.

For what it's worth, I think it's a profoundly stupid protest strategy that would do more harm than good in terms of influence, but I don't think it's anti-Semitic.
The article wasnt actually what I have been working from, however it seemed to give an over view that was easy to read for most. But I do take your point, thanks.

I agree with you about all criticism as been seen as anti semetic by some. However it does seem to be the general consensus , thats what I do not understand.

How would it do more harm than good (I am not disagreeing, I just dont get it)?


I agree with you about all criticism as been seen as anti semetic by some. However it does seem to be the general consensus , thats what I do not understand.

How would it do more harm than good (I am not disagreeing, I just dont get it)?

I think people's opinions are so thoroughly influenced by propaganda in Western media, which is uniformly pro-Israel and anti-Muslim - particularly since the beginning of the Republican crusade against Islamic states. During war time, the general concensus is that the "enemy" is bad, and that our "friends" (anyone else who doesn't get along with the enemy) is good. This has been the prevailing Western attitude toward Israel since America began funding its military, but has intensified since the US decided to attack and oppress Muslims directly, rather than via Israel. The persistent (and IMO annoying) accusation of "anti-semitism" is propagandistic: it discourages thoughtful analysis by suggesting the person doing the thinking is nuts. It's like the term "conspiracy theory" as applied to lingering questions about 9-11, or like the term "homophobia" when applied to misgivings about equal rights for homosexuals.

The reason boycotting Israeli academics (of all things) is a crummy strategy for demonstrating lack of support for Israeli foreign policy is that the free exchange of ideas with the opinion-makers of Israel is one of the best ways we can hope to influence their thinking (or they ours, as the case may be).

It might be a more reasonable strategy to boycott particular intellectuals, such as those who have demonstrable ties to Zionist expansion, pro-Israeli propaganda or Israeli foreign policy, or those whose views are explicitly anti-Muslim and advocate violence. Boycotting a former director of Amnesty International just because he happens to be an Israeli national is ridiculous. There are lots of Israeli academics advocating the cessation of hostilities in Palestine - some of them, like B'Tselem, are very pro-active and effective in this endeavour, sending video cameras to the occupied territories so the Palestinians will be able to document abuses committed by the IDF and Zionist settlers. Refusing to exchange ideas with people like this does more damage to us than to them.

As I see it, the love of knowledge has no borders.


Ell Oh Ell
I don't understand either how it can viewed as Anti semetic.

If a organisation or someone boycotts a countries goods because of their foreign policy, i don't see why religion has to come into it.


Religious Headbanger
I am being thick I know, but could someone explain to me why the Academic boycott on Isreali universities can be seen to be anti - semitic?

Well, who says it's antisemitic? I haven't seen or heard any example of it being called that.


Well-Known Member
because isreals are prob religious
though i think its pro anti semetic (it keeps the pople dumb enough to belief without reason


Religious Headbanger
Alceste is not talking rubbish, I am happy to find you the links to prove this point if needed?

Oh I'm not doubting it's out there. It would have been better to have provided a link in the OP though. For every Israeli propaganda site there is a Pali one.


The biggest aspect of the Israeli Arab conflict is a competition of victimhood. I don't want propaganda. I want truth.


Well-Known Member
Oh I'm not doubting it's out there. It would have been better to have provided a link in the OP though. For every Israeli propaganda site there is a Pali one.


The biggest aspect of the Israeli Arab conflict is a competition of victimhood. I don't want propaganda. I want truth.
Sorry that the OP was not to your liking. The information I was initially given was from my lecturer on paper formatt and I was too lazy to scan and down load it (plus there was rather a lot). I presumed that people that people would either have a knowledge of it themselves before responding to the OP on the boycott or else looked into it before commenting.
I am very tired so maybe logging off soon, but I will find you some links soon and post them. I hope that is to your satisfaction.

Edit: that is not meant to sound as mean as it has come out.
Materialism, nihilism, and hedonistic egoism values selfishness in a seemingly friendly way more than any other ism.

Unfortunately, many would rather care about deception than about objective ground of truth and moral truth. Ahhh... It's a real big pain. And is the worst.
You clearly need to spend more time reading Israeli propaganda. :p

You know a lot it seems. I know truth is different and better than what seems. I love a woman who is especially very knowledgeable and unique too.

Care to hook up sometime? Heheh... No, but seriously I really respect that after sincere intentions the most.


Well-Known Member

Guys, please remember that this is a DIR forum and as per forum rules is solely for the use of those who fall in the category of said religion. Please refrain from posting in a DIR which does not belong to you.


New Member
I don't understand either how it can viewed as Anti semetic.

If a organisation or someone boycotts a countries goods because of their foreign policy, i don't see why religion has to come into it.

I agree with you. The boycott came out if foreign policy, but let's face it, it's a dumb boycott. Boycott something that doesn't bring good to the world! Education and academic things haven't done anything to anyone, and knowlege is a pretty universal language.

However, I think I see where the general public might see it as anti-Semetic. I mean, Israel really came to be after World War II and the Holocaust when it became clear to the Jews they needed their own state, and they began to work harder towards it. Something people don't usually know is that Zionism began in the eighteen hundreds. A Jewish journalist, Theodore Herzl was alarmed by the Dreyfuss Affair and began to call for a Jewish holy land. Most of the land that is Israel today was purchased legally from Palestinian people back in the ninteenth century and early twentieth century. At any rate, so everyone thinks that the UN 'stole' the land from Palestine and gave it to the Jews. Israel is a Jewish state, which is what I'm getting at, but there's a diffrence between boycotting it because it's Jewish and boycotting it for foreign policy reasons. This is a foreign policy reason, but it's just not a very good boycott. If you ask me, it doesn't really make any sense.