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Confused by beliefs.......


New Member

My name is Jarrod, i am new to your forum, my intentions is not to offend any one religion or person. Just express a recent religious experience / views on questions i have. I will refer to GOD as "our Lord" in reality there is no title/label to define my Belief.

Mothersday- our family got invited to a church function, my brother and his wife dedicated thier son to God, thourgh teaching of religious values and beliefs.

This is good in my view- Not for the religoiuos teaching but for the positive moral value which in most cases produced through religon.

what has thrown me off is- Driving to this church, by guided by parking lot attendants, seeing gas guzzling veichals, seeing Males and Females Wearing and driving cars above the means of thier Fellow followers. Big screen T.V.s through out the building, an over all wealthy church. while seeing others whithin the same church struggling to surrive- Is this Our lord's intentions? The way we express our Love and compassion.

I walked in to this church, feeling the hidding hurts among many. the blind devotaion to the Lord( devotion should live with in your heart's), The confused and Yes the seamly Happy, yet blind to the hurts that surround them. I have to stop here in light of passing personal judgement.

I do however have a few other question while i'm here-

The Lord- A man? Kindness and loving ,nurturing compassion, these are emotions that more than commonly found within women.

The color of jesus- Really,i Imagine him much darker then we portray him.

Choosing a religion- Who are we to commit ourselves to any one religion. By choosing a religion over another aren't we making a personal statement about what is the true religion of our lord- My personal belief is, there is only one true religion. This religion doesn't posses a title, it includes every living thing, it's combine unity among all living organisms in which our father has gifted us.

In short words, please by all means continue attending your churchs, it's in our combine faith, and in which how we choose to impose our beliefs among our brothers and sisters, is where our lords finds his or her(or sexless) strength and will for his people.

Among my journeys through life attending many differnet religous services ,i have only met a few people, that i believe truely posess true breathless love and devotion to our lord- this saddens me tremdously.

AS you read the following Know this, i am not a person of religion i attend no churches i am no more good than i am evil. i simply love my children and live i am your non church going nieghor.

Something i've have never shared and have no explanantion for-

in short- My friend an i were out being boys climbing hiking fishing etc. I was a little heavy in wieght, i got stuck climbing down a watefall with no where to go- my friend in better physical shape then me was able to climb back up, after several tries, my friend could not help me up. I Asked him to go get my step-father- the man that not only molested my sister but my brother, i had no one else to call for- this was a current event. Due to lack of words i ended up jumping from the ledge with intent on ending my life. to this day i see the mist of the water fall surrounding my body and the boulders i was to fall apon i closed my ey's with impending death only to hear the voice of my friend reaching out to me, here grab my hand i was lifted from that ledge and off to play how boys do.

The second ecperience- don't laugh:) in my big screen t.v. i saw my version of jesus. i was laying on they couch tv off just reflecting on what brought me to this small town, why was i there. i recently moved there to start a new life for my children( i just became a single father of two) I glanced once at the screen seen the face, puzzled me had to look again. the sight of it didn't offer in words or explanation. i am not a religious man i very rarely think about religon, lord jesus etc..and can't explain why he was projected onto the screen...

An angel maybe? as a young man (18-19) i was caught up in a life is was not a custom to-( Crack heads) This was through bad personal choices- i did not use any form of drugs maybe a few sips of cheap wine to be cool, i don't care for alcohol never had. anyhow my friend being a part of that life- our hotel room got robbed. cash every thing- my friend trying to recoup some money got further invovled with crack. as i struggleing with embarassment not wanting to call my parents to come save me. O'dell came across this woman, she referred to herself as (popsical). i didn't reeally put all the pieces together until i was older. She came to save me- walking down the street with her Some one Yells out Popsical "i thought you were dead" she had some witty come back. in the hotel room i rolled over one night to open my eye's to her making love to o'dell' my eye's woke to see the the beauty's of an angel(actual thought). i was with her for a week all though i only seen the love making once, i woke to her in my bed, she said it where she felt safe. My last moment with her- she told me it's was time for me to call my mother- without argument i did. she looked to me and she said "I love you" places her hands on my shoulders and turn me around and softly says' when you turn around, you will not see me or i'll be gone something to that fashion, and i don't want you to go looking for me. sadly i agreed. i turned around she was gone?? i mean gone i didn't see her there was no place to hide we were in a open hotel parking lot. Puzzled yet young i remained, soon after my aunt came and picked me up, i stayed with her for a couple days before she put me on a plane back to my mother. I now know why i was there, but thats to remain inside me.

This is hard for me to write i have never shared these experiences, and i am tearful. i know my grammer and spelling is a little off i am sry:(

I'm sorry this turned into religous ramblings, i'm going to stop here.

Take care and happy day's.


Premium Member
Welcome, and enjoy your stay.

Some people feel that faith and religion are the same thing, I tend to disagree. Faith is belief in God while religion is rituals. Everyone worships God, regardless of religion, in his or her own way.


A fool
Heya Jarrod! Its really nice to meet you!

Thanks so much for sharing your story with us! I was confused about my beliefs when I first came to Religious Forums as well. 4 years later and I'm just as confused but I've made loads of great friends and a lot of respect for the beliefs of others along the way. I really hope you stick around!

See you on the forums


Daughter of Chaos
Hiya Jarrod!

I'm New also! It'll be as fun and enlightening as we make it!
Very nice people here, as I have seen.



Well-Known Member
i like the fact that you start of with qeustioning and sharing experiences right away.


Let's go racing boys !
Jarrod, I posted you a greeting earlier. Something keeps bringing me back to your post. You have a lot of issues going on in your life both in the present and from the past. Some of your experiences may never be explained, things happen sometimes for whatever reason. Someday the answers may be revealed, but for now, don't put a lot of effort in trying to reason them out.

It appears that you seem to be "upset' by the things you experienced when you attended the church service. Is there some particular reason that because the church and some of the people appeared wealthy left you feeling bitter? Maybe some of those people were wealthy and because of that, and the money they gave the church made it beautiful and comfortable for both the wealthy and the less fortunate to enjoy. It's always difficult when you don't really know the people or know all the facts, when you were only there for an hour or so....Maybe some of the less fortunate could have the same chance as the wealthy if they were willing to work, seek the education and assert themselves toward some goal....

Please don't get me wrong, I certainly am not wealthy, and chances are I won't ever be. And I certainly am not taking a side with either the wealthy or the middle class or the poor etc. I just think you can have anything you want, it just depends on how much time and effort you put into it...You can walk around with your head bowed over, like a whipped dog or you can say I am somebody, hold your head up and tell your self that you are as good as anyone. We live in a country where anything is possible....

I'm sure all the members of this forum would love to see you stick around and be part of the forum family.....I really like it here even though there are a lot of us that think differently....Each person has their own thoughts, personality, ideas. It's about choice, each one of us makes a choice as to how we want our lives, you can do that too....

I don't mean to offend you in any way, I just think you need to rid yourself of some bitterness and conflict and be happy with yourself.

Blessings and Peace
Charity ;)

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
It's always difficult when you don't really know the people or know all the facts

.Maybe some of the less fortunate could have the same chance as the wealthy if they were willing to work, seek the education and assert themselves toward some goal....
Perhaps you should follow your own advice instead of making ridiculous assertions?

Have you considered that maybe Jarrod is "bitter" because of the blatant display of hypocrisy and willful ignorance of these particular believers. If someone claims to be a Christian, one would expect them to follow the teachings of Christ, right?


Let's go racing boys !
Thank you Big Meanie........Thanks for noticing my post Remember I told you I am a woman that likes attention, and any attention even if it's bad is better than no attention at all..........: hamster :

Thanks again :woohoo:


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Welcome to RF. Wow, i guess there are alot of things which we can discuss about together in the forums. Looking forward to see you around soon. :)