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Confused - God or science?


Well-Known Member
Hi All!!!

In a nutshell you could say I am very confused about religion - more specifically my religion. I am a 21year old student studying medical microbiology and virology. I am currently agnostic. Although christened methodist, my family are not active christians and do not attend church. We have just always had a belief in God - that was until I attended university, my faith started to waiver slightly. I naturally have the beliefs that some of the bible says regarding marriage, relationships etc. When ever I am in a church, I always feel at ease and relaxed which makes me feel that there is a God. However me being quite analytical, I always question things and tend to find myself on the fence within any discussion, being able to argue for both sides! Religion being my main at the moment. I am always finding things that support both evolution and God.

I look forward to talking to you all, maybe you could unconfuse me!


Well-Known Member
sorry for the double posts, my computer was being slow, so I stopped and refreshed and lost all the text so thought it had been deleted! :)

Mr. Hair

Renegade Cavalcade
Em hotep laws, 'tis good to meet you!

I wish you happiness and harmony within your search for clarity, wherever that clarity takes you. :)

(By the by, where in the UK do you hail from?)


Well-Known Member
Nordicßearskin;798245 said:
Em hotep laws, 'tis good to meet you!

I wish you happiness and harmony within your search for clarity, wherever that clarity takes you. :)

(By the by, where in the UK do you hail from?)

Hi, thankyou and nice to meet you, I am from worcestershire - how about yourself?:)


Sweet n Spicy
Welcome to RF. Nice to meet you. :) To me, science is a combination of laws that God has put into place for the functioning of the material world.


Lord of the Badgers
Welcome to RF :)

Simple answer to "God or science" would be, you don't have to take the bible literally.


Its only a Label
Friend Laws,
being agnostic is the best place to be in so as to start enquiring scientifically. Itstead of blindly believing what others say first understand its meaning and match it with your own experience before accpting anything.
Love & rgds


God and science go hand in hand. They really aren't opposites of each-other. Just try reading the text in the bible more carefully. Don't take these texts literally. Remember that these texts where written at a time where science wasn't the science that we have today. So a lot of things could only be explained by that 'God' did do it.


Light Bearer
welcome and good luck on your quest, -the search for truth- you will see there are many different faiths and more theroys from people then you can imagine!


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi Laws!

Welcome to Religious forums;

I hope you enjoy your stay here, and that you find what you are looking for. I notice that someone has already said that Science and Religion can work hand in hand.......it sounds to me as if your gut feeling (in church) is something you could try and explore.......Good luck!


Welcome! I hope we can help as you make your journey of discovery of whatever is at the end of the road! There are lots of people traveling with you here!

Science H Logic

New Member
Welcome to the forum i just arrived myself. Its hard to answer your question with out know what you define "religion" as. So for the moment I'll have to assume that you mean the Christian religions sense that is what you have loosely labeled yourself as.
And in that case I would have to say that I believe that they are incompatible with science. The two main reasons are that first, there is no evidence what so ever for there being a God. People say that is where you need faith for that part, but as far as science in concerned if you can't prove it through logic or testing it is not real. If you believe you have some i would like to here what it is.
The second reason is that the bible itself is incompatible with science. All the supernatural events that we see in the bible, raising of the dead, water into wine, the dead sea splitting in two, we know to be impossible and that we do not see the equivalent of such happing in the world today.
That is just the bare surface of it, but these are the main reasons I believe science and God are incompatible.

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan

My spirituality also wavered in college. Though it put me through a rough time, it turned out to be a positive experience, as it provided me with the philosophical tools to build up my own personal faith.

For me, the connection between Spirituality (God) and Science is imagination. We are logical beings (science), but we are also imaginative (spiritual), so both can be used to explore and understand our existence. Religious texts don't need to be incompatible with science, they just have to be read symbolically, not logically.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Science plus God = 13 Dimensions
1 EGO = Sheol = single Spirit = Quantums (unsure on correct human terminology, single strands of energy that can interlink to become images or objects, each is a soul.)
2 Images = No images are sufficient for God
3 Sounds = No word is sufficient for name of God
4 Time and space = Meditate on God
5 Gravity = Control dramas
6 Matter = Don't kill as all is holy
7 Anti-matter = we are all consciously interconnected, why you cheat to look in lust
8 Infinity = Trust God is in complete control of time and so don't steal
9 Chaos = Lies
10 Matrix/Reality = No desires
11 Unconditional love
12 Wisdom
13 God

= taken from the 10 commandments and then Yeshua’s 2 finishing the law + I-Ching and books globally as one + NDE…..so it isn’t your religious book that is confusing, it is the daft shepherds who think they can teach it.
Diadem = dimension = also crown given at the end of the Bible, yet stems all the way through the Bible, Jewish do have 10 dimensions unsure if they have related them all in context or not. :D

Anyways that is very partially explained in terms of dynamics of interaction of those different dimensions, yet as a dimension must contain the ones before it, so it then gives you a more scientific perspective of what God truly is, as to be encompassing all of those.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum i just arrived myself. Its hard to answer your question with out know what you define "religion" as. So for the moment I'll have to assume that you mean the Christian religions sense that is what you have loosely labeled yourself as.
And in that case I would have to say that I believe that they are incompatible with science. The two main reasons are that first, there is no evidence what so ever for there being a God. People say that is where you need faith for that part, but as far as science in concerned if you can't prove it through logic or testing it is not real. If you believe you have some i would like to here what it is.
The second reason is that the bible itself is incompatible with science. All the supernatural events that we see in the bible, raising of the dead, water into wine, the dead sea splitting in two, we know to be impossible and that we do not see the equivalent of such happing in the world today.
That is just the bare surface of it, but these are the main reasons I believe science and God are incompatible.

Thanks for saying hi. I have many a time stated the points that you have stated. Which is why I find it so difficult to find out what I do/dont believe in. Some arguments to what you say....

1) Science cant disprove the existence of God either. Hence i am agnostic! Also is it that science cant do it, or we dont have the knowledge to do it. For example there are a group of tribal women (I think Africa) who are RESISTANT to HIV! so why isnt there a cure? its fact that people CAN withstand HIV. Science/God knows - we dont! The only other simple example I can give you is I am studying science, however I do not have the knowledge to diagnose conditions, perform operations etc etc. That doesnt mean science cant do it and its impossible, it means I cant. Does that make sense? which leads me on the my next point....

2) Science may be able to account for the miracles in the Bible (parting of waters etc), we just dont have the knowledge to work it out. If you think 100s of years ago, people thought the earth was flat, someone told them it was round! - they said there is no scientific proof so its not real - BUT - it is real, they just didnt have the mind capacity to realise it. Bring someone form the past - what do you think they would think of cars, planes, TVS, vaccinations. People who are in comas waking up (I have heard horrific stories of people waking up inside the coffins because they were in fact in comas, but they didnt know that then and thought they were dead!)

So I think the question it leads me on to is...

Is it science that can prove something happened/exists etc or is it just that our minds dont have the capacity to use the science? :)


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
HIV = no immune system…..try feeding it what it needs :)
HIV .= Horse chestnuts = Small red apple = tree of life = Sapoins = bone marrow = immune system