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Conservative Only: Does Acceptance of Homosexual Behavior Lead To...? (Revisited)

Thing is, acceptance of homosexuality does lead to acceptance of bestiality and polygamy. Why liberals refuse to accept this I'll probably never know.


I don't know the political leanings any of you posting here (although I could take a wild guess) but I'd like to point out that this area is for "Conservatives Only". Be mindful of that.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
I fail to see the difference between mutiple wives and husbands, incest or any other sexual preference being able to be excluded once the door is wide open.


I fail to see the difference between mutiple wives and husbands, incest or any other sexual preference being able to be excluded once the door is wide open.
Many of the times you have to make clear that you aren't making a moral comparison one to the other. Sometimes it's taken that way. The "lead to" is simply talking about a political and judicial reality as it relates to how our government works.

Reverend Rick

Frubal Whore
Premium Member
There is a problem that has to be addressed. People should not be penalised for their sexual preference. The right to hospital visitation, medical decisions, inheritance, health insurance etc. needs to be rectified.

The problem most of us have on the right is we do not want to condone or mainstream same gender relationships. I want everyone to have the same rights with out attacking the sanctity of marriage.

I want everyone to be able to do their own thing, I just dont want to condone or say it is OK. To say same sex relationships are normal is where I draw the line. While I believe a marriage is between one man and one woman, I do not want to discriminate against Gays either.

I know, separate but equal is not equal, but neither is don't ask don't tell and I believe we as a nation can do better than we are right now in regards to how we treat the Gay community.

100 years from now, it will sound racist or intolerant and it probably does now to the Gay community, but the nation has always taken baby steps before and another generation needs to expire before true equality can be established. This is a sad but true fact.

I would hope that with every step we take towards equality, the the Gay community will understand that we don't hate them, but our religion does not allow us to condone their relationships either.

I think the more I converse with the Gay community, the more I sympathise with their pain. I want to at the very least to endorse the same economic and medical rights to them.


There is a problem that has to be addressed. People should not be penalised for their sexual preference. The right to hospital visitation, medical decisions, inheritance, health insurance etc. needs to be rectified.

The problem most of us have on the right is we do not want to condone or mainstream same gender relationships. I want everyone to have the same rights with out attacking the sanctity of marriage.

I want everyone to be able to do their own thing, I just dont want to condone or say it is OK. To say same sex relationships are normal is where I draw the line. While I believe a marriage is between one man and one woman, I do not want to discriminate against Gays either.

I know, separate but equal is not equal, but neither is don't ask don't tell and I believe we as a nation can do better than we are right now in regards to how we treat the Gay community.

100 years from now, it will sound racist or intolerant and it probably does now to the Gay community, but the nation has always taken baby steps before and another generation needs to expire before true equality can be established. This is a sad but true fact.

I would hope that with every step we take towards equality, the the Gay community will understand that we don't hate them, but our religion does not allow us to condone their relationships either.

I think the more I converse with the Gay community, the more I sympathise with their pain. I want to at the very least to endorse the same economic and medical rights to them.
It's a very tough issue for most conservative Christians. I'm in the same boat as you are. I'm all for them getting the benefits they seek, that's never really been a problem for me. I’ve never even felt an ounce of hate towards homosexuals or anything of the sort. In fact, I was raised around several very effeminate homosexuals who weren’t shy about it either. Although I will say that I have felt intense hate toward me because of my choice to not support homosexual marriage. Topics like that tend to get heated pretty fast.

My main objection has to do with sexual ethics. Although homosexuals kissing, hugging, getting married, etc. doesn't affect me personally (in terms of undermining my beliefs), yet if this becomes more common, as the culture's sexual ethics change, it does have the effect of reinforcing the overall goal of what might be called "unisexuality." Since the goal is immoral, I must also object to public manifestations of it which undermine what I feel is the true and moral nature of sexual expression (of course, we would oppose overt expression of heterosexuality in public, too, which is a matter of propriety and modesty). This will have an impact on the family structure and sexual ethics all together. For this reason, I object to it.


Pre-initiate Wiccan
I don't think that it would necessarily lead to ALL kinds of sexualities being accepted. I am of the mindset that some/most homosexuals feel they are homosexual, not by choice, but by biology... so I believe allowing them to be together with all the rights of heterosexuals is a form of non-discrimination for them.

However, I don't... really know if there are people out there who feel they are "born" with an insane desire to be married to more than one person... it wouldn't be in their biology, but a preference of theirs. My view is, if you love more than one person... that sucks for you, but too bad. For now it's really not something that people should be arguing left and right about, some trying to get it legalized and some going "OMG NO WAY!" I think there's enough controversy out there as it is at the moment @.@

As for bestiality, it could be argued that people are "born" with these inclinations... but then it becomes a matter of animal cruelty! What would the animals have to say about this?! Nothing good, that's for sure o_O;; I will call myself Steve for the rest of my life if PETA even allows the merest THOUGHT of legalizing human-animal marriage reach the drawing board.

(For the record, my name's not Steve XP)


Freshman Member
I think that we should allow gay marriage and accept gay lifestyles, but we shouldn't encourage it, as encouraging it is detrimental to society.

I don't believe that it leads to bestiality and other things. There is no proof that it does.


Admiral Obvious
Since the exact same argument was presented as one of the reason to ban inter-racial marriage and inter-racial marriage is allowed, would someone please be so kind as to list all the places in the USA that have since allowed polygamy and/or bestiality?
Firstly, Danisty is right, let people do whatever they want behind closed doors, its their life. But allow me take this further. I oppose gay marraige, allow me to explain. Do don't have to even be a christian to see as "unhealthful". Why is that STD's are rocketing among gays? (its true, look it up). My mom knew several gays in her youth, most of which died before turning 30, true story. Bottomline, why should government allow or endore something when it is physically bad for them? they shouldn't. And what "straight rights?' huh, what about my right oppose it? I don't see that floating around the media.

Let us look from an 'natural' perpective.

Man+Man= nonething, maybe AIDS

when the natural laws of nature are not occuring that says something is wrong.

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * STAFF ADVISORY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *​

Please remember that this is the "Conservative Only" area. If you do not consider yourself politically conservative, please do not post here.


Admiral Obvious
Firstly, Danisty is right, let people do whatever they want behind closed doors, its their life. But allow me take this further. I oppose gay marraige, allow me to explain. Do don't have to even be a christian to see as "unhealthful". Why is that STD's are rocketing among gays? (its true, look it up). My mom knew several gays in her youth, most of which died before turning 30, true story. Bottomline, why should government allow or endore something when it is physically bad for them? they shouldn't. And what "straight rights?' huh, what about my right oppose it? I don't see that floating around the media.

Let us look from an 'natural' perpective.

Man+Man= nonething, maybe AIDS

when the natural laws of nature are not occuring that says something is wrong.
Since the exact same argument was presented as one of the reasons to ban inter-racial marriage and inter-racial marriage is allowed, would you please be so kind as to list all the places in the USA that have since allowed polygamy and/or bestiality?
Since the exact same argument was presented as one of the reasons to ban inter-racial marriage and inter-racial marriage is allowed, would you please be so kind as to list all the places in the USA that have since allowed polygamy and/or bestiality?

I'm not understanding what you mean exactly,

if a black guy and caucasian woman have sex there will still be a human being born out of that,

but sex with another man or animal there is no life as a result. This argument is rather complicated and technical as we could argue the laws of nature for an eternity and still get nowhere. To me it just doesn't make sense to endorse something that is PHYSICALLY bad for your health,

why dont we support teens shooting drugs up their arms next? I mean, human rights? right? I has to end somewhere,


Admiral Obvious
I'm not understanding what you mean exactly,

if a black guy and caucasian woman have sex there will still be a human being born out of that,

but sex with another man or animal there is no life as a result. This argument is rather complicated and technical as we could argue the laws of nature for an eternity and still get nowhere. To me it just doesn't make sense to endorse something that is PHYSICALLY bad for your health,

why dont we support teens shooting drugs up their arms next? I mean, human rights? right? I has to end somewhere,
You argument "if we allow same sex marriage whats next, bestiality, marrying animals, marrying children, etc.?" is no different than the argument "if we allow inter-racial marriage whats next, bestiality, marrying animals, marrying children, etc.?"

Since inter-racial marriage has been allowed for quite some time now, I figure you should be able to show where in the USA bestiality, marrying animals, marrying children, etc. have been legalized. I mean, that is your premise is it not?

Now i happen to know that these things you prophesize will come about with allowing same sex sex marriage has not come about since the allowing of inter-racial marriage, despite the prophesies that they would.

So what makes it different now?

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Ok, what the hell (sorry, but really) does inter-racial marriage have to do with ANYTHING?

not mad man, your just not making an sense is all,

Since this is a conservative only directory, we are unable to debate the issue. If you would like, follow the link to the other thread on this subject.


Admiral Obvious
Ok, what the hell (sorry, but really) does inter-racial marriage have to do with ANYTHING?

not mad man, your just not making an sense is all,
You are using one of the same arguments against same sex marriage as was used against inter-racial marriage.

It did not happen when inter-racial marriage was allowed.

Why do you think it will when same sex marriage is allowed?


Your Tax Dollars At Work
You are using one of the same arguments against same sex marriage as was used against inter-racial marriage.

It did not happen when inter-racial marriage was allowed.

Why do you think it will when same sex marriage is allowed?
To me there is no such a thing as "same sex marriage". Marriage is between a man and a woman, period. You can call unions of the same sex "civil unions" or "same sex unions". It is not marriage. You can call a dog a cat and it is still a dog. The same with marriage. You can call it same sex marriage, but it is not marriage, it is something else.

I oppose all unions that attempt to undermine the reason for marriage. That is to form a legal union for the basis of forming a family and to unify heterosexual couples in matrimony.

I am not anti gay. I believe that same sex attraction exists. However just because a person defines themselves as gay or lesbian does is not enough for their ends to justify their means.

When you throw around terms like homophobic or anti gay or right wing Christian nut job or I expected that from a Mormon, it shows to me where true tolerance really lies. It lies with those who want to protect traditional morality from the encroachment of alternative definitions that do not fit society or our social structure. True conservatism is not to agree on all points of view, but to agree on fundamental viewpoints that overall define individuals that unite them in a common belief and cause. Gay so called marriage is the one of those areas. Most conservatives, if they are conservative, oppose redefining marriage.