There is some pleasure but little reality in comparing one country to another, with the eyes and ears of a native of either.
Canada Is a complex country of at least three peoples.. The French the English and the native populations. None of them have any good reason to love the other.
However they are learning to get along.
In the process they have ended up rather more with the attitudes of the European than the American.
The same applies to the ownership of arms. They Like Europe (including the UK) Know That guns are not the answer to anything. If you need one for hunting fine, but they have no place amongst towns people. This is difficult to achieve, but worth the effort.
Exactly. There are so many complex differences between any country and any other that comparisons based on statistics alone can be very misleading. (As misleading as you want them to be.)
Having travelled to 17 countries myself, I would never presume to sum up any country's collective attitude about any subject using only a handful of statistics.
But that doesn't mean you don't very a sense of things from being there and talking to people. Ozzies like rugby and recreational drugs. Cornish folks aren't particularly fond of immigrants (especially Polish ones). The Irish aren't very fond of the English. Americans are generally confused about what universal health care is. The French don't like anybody but the French. Moroccans don't approve of alcohol, etc.
Oh yeah, and Canadians are pretty relaxed. :beach: