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Continence, charity, & compassion


Praising God.
I'm new to this forum, and hope to find answers I've searched for my whole life.

My brief overview

  • Born Catholic, adopted to and baptised Protestant (Methodist)
  • After initial Sunday school and services, my a-religious parents didn't think my spiritual practice was necessary, until at 8 yrs when I told my dad I didn't believe in God, because .... I received a bible that year for Christmas, which I found unintelligible.
  • At 13, I decided I wanted to become a Jew, after reading Michner's "The Source."
  • At 15, I tried attending Protestant services of all the denominations, but was put off by the preachings of "the damned."
  • In my 20s, I started reading Eastern Religions
  • Now, in my 50s, I find myself quoting the Bible, and attempting to live the life of a good Hindu/Taoist, so I can die the good death of a Buddhist.
My bedtime reading, of the Upanishads has most recently taught me the path to Enlightenment is by being continent, charitable, and compassionate. At my vacuous core, I seem to be judgmental, domineering, and vicious.

Obviously, I need guidance and direction, so -- here I am.

Please, teach me. :eek:


Hostis humani generis
Sounds like you've been very spiritually busy!
From one seeker to another, welcome. :)

Hope to see more of your posts. :)


Veteran Member
hi :) welcome

...and you did teach me something already...continence! i did not know that word and i am happy to know cos i respect the meaning :D

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Well-Known Member
My bedtime reading, of the Upanishads has most recently taught me the path to Enlightenment is by being continent, charitable, and compassionate. At my vacuous core, I seem to be judgmental, domineering, and vicious.

Obviously, I need guidance and direction, so -- here I am.

Please, teach me. :eek:

Welcome! You seem like a rare kind of person, in a really good way.:) I wish to learn more about/from you.


Self-appointed Lunatic
You are in your fifties?? I'm not sure I can teach you much. :D I'm just a wee youngin'.
Hehe, don't feel bad about your age. I'm only 16 and I'm smarter than most of our Congressmen ;). (Did you know that Congressmen usually don't even read the bills they pass? =O)

Anyways welcome here, good luck finding =). Religion is almost the most important search in one's life, it is important never to give up.


Well-Known Member

Like TheAmazingLoser, I too am 16. However, I don't feel that age is necessarily a limiting factor when it comes to determining the knowledge you can share with others. I'm sure that I can learn much from you and you can learn from me.

Um... Forgive me if i'm incorrect but i've always heard the term 'continence' when talking about excretion and it's ability to be contained within one's body... I'd imagine you weren't talking about that though, right? ;)

Good luck on your path to ourd :)



Praising God.
Thanks for your welcome, Giant. I am sure I will learn much from you. Your years here in this life are insignificant in relation to how much you've paid attention. 8)

As for your definition: "... 'continence' when talking about excretion and it's ability to be contained within one's body," that is ONE use, but it actually means "self-control."

Be well, treat others well,


It was on fire when I laid down on it.
Welcome, Sniggel!

I loved your opening post. The one statement that jumped out at me is what you said about the core of your being. Your ability to be that honest about yourself tells me a lot about the depth of your thinking and your spiritual search, and I really admire that.

As a Christian, I find much truth and beauty in Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and I believe Christians can incorporate many of those tenets into their lives without compromising basic Christian beliefs.

What saddens me the most here is that it seems that most people would rather focus on what SEPARATES us rather than what we share in common. I guess fear plays a large part in that mindset.

I prefer to show respect for all truth from all sources. I have a feeling you share that sentiment.

I doubt that I can teach you anything, but we can look for truth together.



Praising God.
As a Christian, I find much truth and beauty in Hindu and Buddhist beliefs and I believe Christians can incorporate many of those tenets into their lives without compromising basic Christian beliefs.

What saddens me the most here is that it seems that most people would rather focus on what SEPARATES us rather than what we share in common. I guess fear plays a large part in that mindset.

I prefer to show respect for all truth from all sources.

Me, too, on all points -- except the comment about you not being able to teach me. I think you will, and I am glad. It's nice to know you are there.
