I'm going to dissect this because it's really dangerous nonesense.
i am especially interested in the "radicalization" conversions, those people who seem well adjusted to life in the "free" world who suddenly turn against it. you might be surprised how easily "belief" in the unbelievable can be conferred. the new brainwashing is very scientific and ideal for convincing anyone of the truth of anything.
I think the "old" brainwashing worked just as well. Find someone who feels unfulfilled and give them something to believe in. Ask them to do something they have never done before and the "sense of achievement" re-inforces it. It doesn't have to be someone who is functional or dysfunctional, but the "natural" chemical process of the brain take over. no artifical drugs required.
the picture above is an enhanced picture of a drug reservoir that has been surgically embedded into the skin. a small amount of highly concentrated drug with tiny microspheres is injected into the reservoir. it's activated with a high frequency sonic beam (even from a smartphone or small radio) that cause the spheres to vibrate and excrete the drug from the reservoir. it has been used in gay reparative therapy where they fill the reservoir with viagra and other drugs to try and force gay men to become bisexual or even to stop them from being gay.
you have got to be joking, right? I'd like a source for that. I cannot see how any "drug" can trigger a
specific set of beliefs or behavious. there might be ways to do it, but anything that simple, a linear causality of "insert drugs > make a person an extremist" is psuedo-science.
Such drug reservoirs can be used for terrorism to create, for example, manchurian candidate soldiers. for example, they could embed such reservoirs into the oral gums under teeth to generate excruciating teeth pain and various hypnotic drugs in other parts of the body. with the drugs working together and a source of hypnotic induction, the soldier is put to sleep, then given subtle sleep deprivation through dental pain, unless he agrees to change his thinking. in sleep, he is retrained to be a terrorist. when he wakes, he is told to remember none of it.
In the more primitive 20th century, the concept of "brainwashing" developed as a Cold War myth.
During the Korean War, American Prisoners of War were captured and tortured. They were then made to made public statements condemning the "evil imperialist west" (not unlike the way people were forced to denounce freinds and family in Stalin's purges). Of course, when the PoW's returned to the US, they rejected their new found "beliefs". Tortue doesn't work because the belief is not an "authentic" reflection of the self. sincere, authentic ideological conviction is hard to fake, let alone mass produce.
for the purpose of radicalization conversion, to for example a violent form of christianity or islam, a person's belief structure can change in a matter of days. in a month, that person could be ready to perpetrate violence in the name of the religion.
Most often "radicalization" occurs not because of a "person's belief structuture changing in a matter of days" but because of how little it changed. rather fanaticism represents the explosion of repressed psychological problems; fear, hatred, envy, inferiority feelings etc. People with a greater knowledge of religious and political beliefs, tends to be the less radical. they recognise that there is no "one correct interpretation" that can merit or justify violence. it is the "recently converted" who are most likely to become violent extremists. as a rule of thumb, fanaticism is almost never representative of "authentic" beliefs, but the cognitive dissonance of someone who is deeply insecure in their beliefs and therefore feels the need to demonstrate their "ideological purity" by going further and faster than their more ideologically mature and more disciplined counter-parts.