I must disagree on this idea for the following reason.
A. Facts
1. At the present time crime in the U.S. is on the rise.
Ironically, cops are among those committing many crimes.
Having said that, we should be cautious about meeting a
rising crime problem by giving more cops more capability
to violate with impunity the laws they're charged to enforce.
2. It appears that in many areas of the country the perpatrator is the now cosidered the victim due to social injustice
That some people hold a loony view isn't the problem.
3. LEO are being prosecuted for their actions in dealing with a crime in process
This happens when cops egregiously violate the law.
If one examines specific cases where cops are convicted,
one will see that no reasonable cop would've behaved so.
4. Media in many cases only show the last few seconds of an interaction between a LEO and a civilain
Shortcomings in the media aren't the problem.
To you, I recommend the youtube channel....
Audit The Audit
You'll get a reasonable full legal analysis of
cop & civilian interactions. And sometimes
the cop gets the A grade, while the civilian
gets the F.
Some if not many LEO in certain parts of this country look at what could happen to them if they are preceived to be in the wrong when dealing with an incident.
Therefore why should they risk their entire livelihood if there is a posibiltiy that they will "loose-it-all" if they act.
Why do you think it is increasingly hard to retain and recuit LEO's.
should be constantly aware of sanctions for
improper behavior. It's the only mechanism to keep
them from running amok.
With a license to kill, the profession should have
much higher pay, & much more stringent requirements.
Cops should be fewer & better. And many of their
current functions are inappropriate, & should be handled
by others, eg, social workers.
Yes there are incidents when a LEO is in the wrong and should be proscuted, however, IMO, this happens in very rare cases.
One of the main reasons that an interaction between a LEO and a civilian goes wrong, again IMO, is that the civilian did not follow the request of the LEO
or acted in a manner that could be concived as a threat to the LEO.
Civilians aren't trained to interact with cops, so they
deserve some slack by cops, who are supposed to
protect & serve....not rage, bully, & abuse.
Even when civilians behave in a manner inconsistent
with their own interests, this should not mean losing
civil rights. Cops should be able to remain calm &
civil even in the face of insult. Clearly not all cops
are suited for the job.
Righ now civility within the country is going downhill at an alarming rate and given this I can see if it does not improve there will be more adverse interaction between
those that are charged with enforcing the laws and those that the law is supposed to protect.
True dat.
But I am seeing some positive changes in departments
as a result of ubiquitous phone recordings, youtube, &
civil suits against cops & governments. It's a slow
process to reform such a behemoth, eh.