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Corporal punishment


Oldest Heretic
Funny you said it doesn't work that way then illustrated that it does indeed.
Are you seriously saying that the military doesn't teach you to fear punishment? Even more so when others are punished for your screw ups.

Never taught me to fear punishment in my three years in the artillery from 1952. Was never either shouted at or punished. Nor did I fear anyone. However orders were orders.
However some were always on some punishment drill or another. But most were quick learners in the British army.


Oldest Heretic
And so violence is justified because you can't figure out how to deal with a strong willed child?

My son in law was at a loss with his daughter. She is extremely bright and completely headstrong.
She would only respond to a very strong argument. And would expect you to give way if she proved right.
She is now in the final stages as a trainee lawyer.
She is specialising in child, family and actions against local government family related law, with one of the largest law firms in the UK.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
My son in law was at a loss with his daughter. She is extremely bright and completely headstrong.
She would only respond to a very strong argument. And would expect you to give way if she proved right.
She is now in the final stages as a trainee lawyer.
She is specialising in child, family and actions against local government family related law, with one of the largest law firms in the UK.
One wonders if her strong will had been beaten into submission by physical punishments, if that would have altered her future? Being afraid of being hit when challenging others, would have a way of dampening one's spirit, one would think. You can always tell dogs who are beaten, as they come with the tails tucked under them.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Finally, and I mentioned this in another thread recently, Christian parents need to stop supporting corporal punishment on children by citing 'spare the rod, spoil the child.' That scripture was most definitely not talking about hitting your child. The rod they were talking about was a shepherd's crook used to guide sheep back onto paths, usually by slinging pebbles to where the shepherd doesn't want the sheep to go, or gently turning the head of a sheep in a guiding motion, not by beating said sheep as punishment for going astray. All hitting a sheep will do is make them run *from you* rather than whatever potential danger you were trying to teach them about.
Brilliant. Thank you for sharing this. Yes, a shepherd would never beat their sheep with a rod, unless they wanted them to scatter.

Methinks some Christians don't understand the Shepherd metaphor very well, and imagine Jesus as a cattle rustler with a bullwhip. The Lord is my Cowboy. Ride 'em hard, Jesus! Yee Haw! ;)


Premium Member
Some of us religious are too. Thanks :)
I did some googling, but couldn't find any charts or graphs on any relationship between religions and corporal punishment. Certainly I found many liberal Christian groups who had publicly condemned it. A lot of condemnation in general, which is heartening.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Depends on the kids aptitude and level of disobedience.
No, it really doesn't. Especially that level of disobedience thing. Trust me, you'll get much further by being gentle and easy with those rebellious and disobedient types because harsh and stern will not produce anything desirable (such more as disobedience). They'll move mountains for a leader, but as soon as they detect boss at most you'll get a begrudging compliance that ends once your back is turned because it's better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. You'll be butting heads, and it never ends unless the child is broken or hiding things.
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Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
As an 11 year old I was caned hy the head master for talking to a local girl over the school fence.
The next week I did it again with the same result. The following weeks I was clearly not seen, or he had given up.

He wrote a letter to my mother about it that I had to give her at the end of term. She laughed her head off , and hoped that it was worth it.

I was beaten at senior school as well. But never cared as I had an excellent pain threshold. But I never caned anyone when I was a prefect. I had seen that many boys were liked me and just did not care, while others were terrified of just the thought. For both sorts, it was entirely the wrong punishment.
Yeah, spankings just don't deter kids in my family. We're too stubborn for it, and the spanker must be prepared to face a flair up of defiant behavior over the spank if the spankee is young enough to have not considered punishment in such a way. Once that starts happening it's just a waste of time to continue because it's just a little pain to endure for something much greater.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
They removed drill Sargent "shark attack" methods years ago. They can't touch you anymore. If they do, they're subject to removal and lawsuit. And what do you know, teamwork scores and criteria much improved by not having NCO's screaming and beating people. What a concept.
I find it interesting how Full Metal Jacket brings problems of that to the front stage, and even when dude shoots up the base people still defend those methods. Yes, it's a movie, but that's a very real possible consequence of abuse, amd that's exactly what the old methods are.


Veteran Member
What violence is good? Even killing someone in self-defense, is not "good". It's still bad, even if it was unfortunately necessary.

What about war?
Self defence when another country attacks us
Or should we roll over?

We are talking about corporal punishment. Not warfare or self defense.

I replied to this part of your post:
What violence is good? Even killing someone in self-defense, is not "good". It's still bad, even if it was unfortunately necessary.
But true, the title is about "corporal punishment", so I leave it to that
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Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
A lot, very deeply, physically, emotionally and spiritually, for most my life.
But you still mentioned taking apart a toy to use it as a paddle to hit a child with.
It is understandable why you have your position. I would not recommend any type of paddle et al in your case!!!!

I'm sorry you didn't have a loving family.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
It is understandable why you have your position. I would not recommend any type of paddle et al in your case!!!!

I'm sorry you didn't have a loving family.
It's been more than family (school, church, work and romance as well). Doesn't change that you should not use any sort of paddle or object on any child. In any other situation the child will learn that is arming yourself with a weapon to inflict violence.